RSSLiberals suck

Tacky, Tacky, Tacky

| July 9, 2020 | 11 Comments
Tacky, Tacky, Tacky

There are 275 reported dead elephants in Botswana: the dead elephants have been found in Okavango Province in Botswans. 356 deaths have been reported. The cause appears to be a neurological disorder or disease, as they are seen wandering in circles, and some carcasses have been found to have fallen on their faces. The elephants […]

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Muslims Policing Minneapolis Under Muslim Rules?

| June 29, 2020 | 69 Comments
Muslims Policing Minneapolis Under Muslim Rules?

Ilhan Omar used cancer as an analogy on how to deal with the police. Her argument was that a person with cancer increases survivability with the removal of that cancer. By extension, the police, as the “problem” she described them, should also be removed. In her speech, she aligned with complaints that leftist groups like […]

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Mayor Supports BLM-Gets Vandalized by BLM

| June 17, 2020 | 83 Comments
Mayor Supports BLM-Gets Vandalized by BLM

Olympia’s Mayor, Cheryl Selby, is a supporter of Black Lives Matter. Her window had a “BLM” sign. She had a pride flag hanging by her window. People clad in black came by and decided to add to her “woke” decorations. Naturally, she wasn’t happy about the “additions”. From The Olympian: The black-clad group marched to […]

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Thug Punches 92-Year-Old Woman’s Head

| June 16, 2020 | 208 Comments
Thug Punches 92-Year-Old Woman’s Head

A video shows a 92-Year-Old woman walking the sidewalk with a walker. A thug walks by, punches her in the head, then continues walking. She falls to the sidewalk. The thug continues walking as he looks back at her. From NYPD News @NYPD: ?WANTED for ASSAULT: Do you know him? On 6/12 at 3:23 PM, […]

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Something to Consider

| June 15, 2020 | 72 Comments
Something to Consider

Boomer sent this to us. It is quite well worth your time to read it.  My response to it is that if Lyndon Johnson, that oversized Texas blowhard, had not started the welfare program that makes a specific population sector dependent on Other a/k/a Government for support, we might not have this problem today. The […]

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Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam – Stripped of their Second Amendment Rights

| June 11, 2020 | 57 Comments
Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam – Stripped of their Second Amendment Rights

  In a predictable move, Gun Grabbing Fascists have executed a No-Knock Warrant and seized the firearms of two Senior Citizens. In a well-executed and simultaneous raid, Gun Grabbing Fascists raided the residence of Yosemite Sam, Age:75 as well as the residence of Elmer Fudd, Age: 83.   Mr Fudd said he has complained about those […]

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Much ado about Nothing

| June 10, 2020 | 58 Comments
Much ado about Nothing

There has been much ado about nothing as of late.  It turns out that the Strawman Marine is legit, but his argument is not.  It seems the matter of racial tension has been resurrected again.  It is always hard to watch a Veteran make an ass of themselves.  It is particularly painful to me when […]

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Left-Leaning Appeals Court Okays Emoluments Suit Against Trump

| May 14, 2020 | 54 Comments
Left-Leaning Appeals Court Okays Emoluments Suit Against Trump

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against President Trump in an ideologically split decision. Maryland and D.C. can proceed with their emoluments lawsuit against him. The lawsuit claims that the President violated the Constitution. They’re accusing President Trump of accepting foreign government money via his Washington hotel. President Trump and his team are preparing […]

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