RSSLiberals suck

Miami strip club fights tyranny and wins

| October 20, 2020 | 9 Comments
Miami strip club fights tyranny and wins

Who’d have thought coming in to this year that due to COVID we’d witness the rapid descent into authoritarianism that we’ve seen. In Michigan the governor keeps instituting unconstitutional orders and when the courts find against the petty tyrant, she does what other dictators do and just continues doing the illegal stuff. As an aside, […]

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Deployed soldiers face punishment for their ‘message to liberals’ video

| October 20, 2020 | 61 Comments
Deployed soldiers face punishment for their ‘message to liberals’ video

Jeff LPH 3 sends in this story from the Army Times. Two deployed Michigan Army National Guard soldiers who in September posted an obscenity-laced TikTok video of themselves, armed and in uniform, chiding “liberals and Democrats” for being “crybabies and snowflakes” now face disciplinary action following an investigation. The two soldiers are assigned to Company […]

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Democrat Seattle Mayor shocked she has to reap what she’s sowed

| October 17, 2020 | 48 Comments
Democrat Seattle Mayor shocked she has to reap what she’s sowed

Demonize your cops, cut the department’s budget, and refuse to enforce law and order and cops will get the hint. They’re not stupid. They know when they’re not wanted and no supported. Who couldn’t see this coming? Apparently Jenny Durkan. The Blaze reports; Democratic Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan — who once called the police-free autonomous […]

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Jane Fonda, keepin’ it classy

| October 8, 2020 | 103 Comments
Jane Fonda, keepin’ it classy

Screeching harpy ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda, the radical leftist, communist sympathizing, enemy propagandist, has come out to say that COVID is “God’s gift to the left” as it might help defeat Trump. Actress Jane Fonda called coronavirus “God’s gift to the left” because it allowed Americans to see President Trump isn’t helping the working class. The […]

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More on LTC Jody

| October 7, 2020 | 24 Comments
More on LTC Jody

The Curious Case of Cal Cunningham continues. First, he didn’t know what “BBQ” meant in his home state of North Carolina. Then his Senate campaign has admitted that the tawdry text messages of a sexual nature sent to a woman married to a US Army officer (and wounded warrior), he’s also been accused of having another woman […]

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California’s Gavin Newsom Bans Gas-powered Vehicles, Effective 2035

| September 23, 2020 | 38 Comments
California’s Gavin Newsom Bans Gas-powered Vehicles, Effective 2035

I know we’ve got some poor souls stuck in the Democrat paradise of California, so I think this is relevant. Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) has issued another royal decree, correction, executive order. This one requires that all new cars and passenger trucks to be zero emissions by 2035. Medium trucks and heavy duty trucks will […]

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Bobby Henline – Stop using me for Democrat propaganda

| September 10, 2020 | 89 Comments
Bobby Henline – Stop using me for Democrat propaganda

This is U.S. Army warrior Bobby Henline, whose Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb north of Baghdad in 2007, burning 38 percent of his body.  His head burned to the skull and his left hand had to be amputated. He wants Democrats to stop using his image for fake news. I doubt they care […]

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The Few, the Proud, the White: The Marine Corps Balks at Promoting Generals of Color – The New York Times

| September 9, 2020 | 14 Comments
The Few, the Proud, the White: The Marine Corps Balks at Promoting Generals of Color – The New York Times

  A respected, combat-tested Black colonel has been passed over three times for promotion to brigadier general. What does his fate say about the Corps? It says many things about the Corps.  Most of which the pansy assed civilians that sop up this kind of nonsense will never understand. Chesty Puller was awarded the Navy […]

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