On Thin Ice… Very Thin Ice
Below is a link to a Steve Turley video on why globalism is on the edge of failing, which is partly related to the continuing and increasingly destructive protests by les gilets jaunes (the Yellow (jaunes) Vests (gilets) and the protests in Hong Kong, but not referencing what was and still is the global financial […]
Keeping the Tradition Alive
Going back to World War I and beyond that, our aboriginal Native Americans are still warriors defending their homeland, in the US military. They view it as a duty to protect their home country. Native Americans from various tribes serving in the military continue to serve as a higher percentage than other ethnic groups and […]
Boomer’s Sunday
It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best ten twenty forty fifty or so. Honorable Mention goes to my pal AW1 Scott These are from the right, but I am more than willing to post up differing points of […]
Sadly, VOV has run out of Amendments to discuss…
Except for one. Veritas Omnia Vincit The Second Amendment or, Why Were These Amendments Written In The First Place? “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Well here it is a short essay on the […]
Boomer’s Sunday
Its time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best ten or so. Honorable Mention goes to my pal AW1 Scott, who also provides some entertainment. These are from the right, but I am more than willing to post up differing […]
Weekend Open Thread
I just want all of you to know that in October this year, an asteroid about 330+/- feet in diameter is (MAYBE) going to possibly, but also possibly not, hit Earth. It is NASA 2007 FT3, with an 8-year orbital period. You may recall that in the winter of 2012-2013, a (not 300-foot) – correction, […]
The Seventh Amendment…
Veritas Omnia Vincit sends us his thoughts on one of the lessor recognized Amendments, the Seventh. Taken at face value, it codifies the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases. But more importantly, it inhibits the courts from overturning a jury’s findings of fact. Here’s VOV: …or Should We Keep This Outdated Idea? […]
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