RSSValor Vultures

Ron Etzig; Phony soldier

| April 28, 2018 | 65 Comments
Ron Etzig; Phony soldier

Someone sent us their work on this Ron Etzig fellow who claims to be a paratrooper and a combat veteran in the 82d Airborne Division; Deciphering a confusing FOIA submission, it looks like he enlisted in the National Guard on December 5, 2008, went to basic training on May 4, 2009 and then went home […]

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Robert Kenneth Hume; warrant issued

| April 28, 2018 | 37 Comments
Robert Kenneth Hume; warrant issued

The other day we talked about Robert Kenneth Hume from San Diego, California who applied for a job as chief of the Marietta, Georgia Fire Department. Of course, he saw a need to pump up his resume with some phony military service and a forged DD214 discharge record. Hume also applied for a similar job […]

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Robert Allen Owen; phony SEAL

| April 27, 2018 | 44 Comments
Robert Allen Owen; phony SEAL

Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this Robert Allen Owen fellow. He plays a Navy SEAL on social media; But the Navy tells a different story about his career; Based on Allen’s summary Sheet shows that he did just under 4 years of active duty in the Navy and not 12 […]

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Morley Piper; appeared with Obama now admits D-Day fabrications

| April 26, 2018 | 62 Comments
Morley Piper; appeared with Obama now admits D-Day fabrications

Massachusetts’ Eagle-Tribune tells the story of 93-year-old Morley Piper who appeared with President Obama at a Normandy 70-year memorial to the D-Day invasion. Piper now admits that he didn’t come ashore with the 29th Infantry Division on D-Day as he had told folks that he had. In an interview at his Essex home Wednesday night, […]

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More on Assemblyman Randy Voepel, the upside down COMBAT ACTION RIBBON-wearing Clown from California

| April 26, 2018 | 69 Comments
More on Assemblyman Randy Voepel, the upside down COMBAT ACTION RIBBON-wearing Clown from California

The Times of San Diego publishes a video in which Randy Voepel claims to have served in Vietnam combat with Korean Tiger Battalions. From East County Magazine; In the latest round of claims that Assemblyman Randy Voepel has inflated his military record, audiotapes and transcripts from two California legislative hearings last year reveal Voepel speaking […]

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George Davila; phony Green Beret

| April 25, 2018 | 88 Comments
George Davila; phony Green Beret

Our partners at Guardians of the Green Beret share their work on this couple George and Eva Davila. His wife gets included in this bust because she was complicit with George’s lies about his service; George Davila was NEVER a Green Beret of any kind He was: NEVER an 18C NEVER an 18F NEVER in […]

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Robert Kenneth Hume, forger

| April 24, 2018 | 40 Comments
Robert Kenneth Hume, forger

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution tells the story of Robert Kenneth Hume who applied for a job as chief with the Marietta, Georgia Fire Department with a forged DD214, Military Discharge; “The Accused did alter his Army DD214, discharge paper, to reflect awards and military training that he did not earn or complete,” the arrest warrant states. […]

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Terry O’Neill; phony SEAL

| April 24, 2018 | 187 Comments
Terry O’Neill; phony SEAL

Someone sent us their work on this Terrance O’Neill fellow. Folks tell us how he can’t go two minutes without bragging about his time in Vietnam when he was a Navy SEAL. For example, there’s this article from a few years ago when Francis “Frank” Lamantia Spivey, a friend of Terry’s was shot by Las […]

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