RSSIraq Veterans Against the War

Travis Bishop; ignorant martyr

| August 19, 2009 | 15 Comments
Travis Bishop; ignorant martyr

The Left is trying to make a martyr of SGT Travis Bishop, the soldier who went AWOL on the day his unit deployed to Afghanistan, returned a week later to begin the processing of his application for conscientious objector. Bishop was sentenced to a year in jail last Friday. TSO’s favorite journalist Dahr Jamail who […]

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Matthis Chiroux engaged

| August 16, 2009 | 21 Comments
Matthis Chiroux engaged

I know you’ve been missing our “all-Matthis, all-the-time” format of recent months. We’ve had our highly-compensated staff of reporters and photographers following him day-in and day-out, waiting for something to report. Until now, there’s been nothing. Finally, from their bunker in Manhattan, our crew reports that Matthis is engaged. A photo of Matthis and the […]

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Bishop gets a year in jail

| August 14, 2009 | 45 Comments
Bishop gets a year in jail

SGT Travis Bishop, a Fort Hood, Texas soldier who thought that Victor Agosto had the right idea and decided to miss movement for his deployment to Afghanistan like Agosto was court martialed today. According to Courage to Resist, he was sentenced to a year in prison. That’s the only place I can find the outcome […]

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IVAW explains why they are all Carl Webb now

| August 14, 2009 | 25 Comments
IVAW explains why they are all Carl Webb now

One of our resident IVAW refugees had an email exchange the other day with Geoff “Stolen Valor” Millard, Adrianne Kinne and TJ Buonomo in regards to the vote on the resolution to punish members who advocated violence against our deployed troops which I mentioned the other day. From Millard; The reason why this did not […]

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If you want them so bad, keep ’em, Canada

| August 12, 2009 | 12 Comments
If you want them so bad, keep ’em, Canada

The Canadian judiciary has once again decided to hold on to deserter and manipulator Kimberly Rivera and her herd a bit longer. I first wrote about Rivera earlier in the year just before she was ordered out of the country, then given a stay which expired recentlyand now the Canadians have awarded her another reprieve. […]

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Carl Webb wins another one

| August 12, 2009 | 26 Comments
Carl Webb wins another one

One of the resolutions that were up for a vote this last weekend at the IVAW convention was a resolution to declare that IVAW was a peaceful organization that didn’t advocate killing and sabotage of US forces deployed overseas. It read like this; Resolution proposing that IVAW only use, supports or endorses, non-violent and peaceful […]

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IVAW Board election results

| August 11, 2009 | 8 Comments
IVAW Board election results

One of our IVAW refugees smuggled out the election results for the IVAW board. Only 79 people out of their supposed 1700 members voted; 1. Seth Manzel – 60 2. Cameron S. White – 57 3. Matthis Chiroux – 50 4. Trey Kindlinger – 48 5. Thomas J. Buonomo – 43 6. Bryan Reinholdt Jr. […]

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TSO vs. Army Sergeant; Saturday’s talk show

| August 10, 2009 | 4 Comments
TSO vs. Army Sergeant; Saturday’s talk show

The lovely Greta of Kiss My Gumbo has forwarded us the link to the TSO and AS match up last Saturday morning in the event you missed it. They both did a fine job (AS did the best she could with what she has to work with). Here’s the link for the downloadHere’s the link […]

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