Matthis Chiroux engaged

| August 16, 2009

I know you’ve been missing our “all-Matthis, all-the-time” format of recent months. We’ve had our highly-compensated staff of reporters and photographers following him day-in and day-out, waiting for something to report. Until now, there’s been nothing.

Finally, from their bunker in Manhattan, our crew reports that Matthis is engaged. A photo of Matthis and the comely lass that we here at This Ain’t Hell agree he richly deserves is below the fold.


This Ain’t Hell wishes them all the happiness in the world.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Casey J Porter

Ok, so he’s getting married, but is that picture a joke or are you serious? That is his future wife?

Just A Grunt

Uh, which one is Matthew?

Brown Neck Gaitor

The one with the teeth.


Just when I’d treated myself to a well-deserved Mist and Soda, I logged on and saw this!!!!! Thanks, my keyboard thanks you and my eyes thank you. ROFLMAO….


Casey- I think he’s the “wife” in this scenario


I screen cap’ed a picture of Reilly with Shirley Franklin’s evil twin, who happens to be Bill Perry’s wife. Evidently, the anti-war movement is filled with polygamists.


Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, guys!

Casey J Porter

Got the scoop, got it now.

B Woodman

Too funny.
I wish them both “the best.”
Couldn’t happen to a nicer pair of a&&holes.

SHALOM! or is it MAZALTOV! Whatever.

The Sniper

You know, you really know how to ruin a guy’s breakfast.


My favorite Quote:SSG David Medzyk Says:
April 3rd, 2009 at 11:06 am

Reilly is a tool. And like any tool, it needs to be beaten severely with a hammer until it works right.


My favorite Quote: SSG David Medzyk Says:
April 3rd, 2009 at 11:06 am

Reilly is a tool. And like any tool, it needs to be beaten severely with a hammer until it works right.


So, who’s the pitcher and who’s the catcher?


JeezzusHTapdancin Christ, where was the spork alert?


Someone called?


Yeah, loan me your spork and some eye bleach.


Not if I use them first.


Such creativity! Such incisive wit! You guys are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Which genius among you came up with this. Wait ’til I share this with the other kids in my junior highschool class.


JosephH, no need to pitch a hissy because your toyboy is hooked up, maybe they will bring you in for a threesome.


Ah, the heads of the so called “anti-war” movement.
One guy couldn’t handle some guard duty, eating c-rats & riding around Wildchicken & Graf in an M-113 in peacetime Germany and the other had a 6 day layover in Bagram, complete with trips to Burger King… Caught 2nd hand PTSD from hearing a few war stories. Poor fools can’t seem to quit while they are behind!


I actually heard his gf is hot