Iraq Veterans Against the War
Your morning Matthis
Someone sent me this link yesterday, and if you are still undecided about how Matthis (IVAW Board member and Election Committee Chair) makes you feel, this video will definitely push you over the fence; The video is from last year when he was discharged from the military at an administrative board and given a general […]
Dissension in the IVAW ranks
It’s that time of year again – time to nominate IVAW’s board. Oh, and guess who’s in charge of the Election Committee? Yep – Matthis. I’m just guessing, but that’s probably the work of Adrienne Kinne, easily the furthest left and radical member of the leadership of IVAW. She wears her International Socialist Organization (ISO) […]
No Time For Matthis
A few people have come on this blog and told us what Matthis was like during his service in the Army and after. Now, for the first time, we read about his pre-Army days – and the back story is not really that surprising. Matthis has changed his bio to to include this little fairy […]
Ethan McCord: “360 degree fire” was SOP
One of the two soldiers who have been the “go to” guys for the Wikileaks so-called “Collateral Murder” video, Ethan McCord charges that “360 Rotational Fire” was the standard operating procedure for reaction to an IED attack in Iraq in 2007. In an interview published in OpEd News, Steiber said; …we had a pretty gung-ho […]
The IVAW Braintrust
So if you didn’t already know the person in the picture above, would you think he’s an iraq veteran? It’s Matthis, by the way, at the UXO concert. Photo is courtesy of Bill Perry. He doesn’t act like the crowning glory of his military career was occupying the corner booth at Baskin-Robbins on Bagram Airbase […]
Carl Webb gets butt-hurt
I wrote the other day that Carl Webb was looking forward to attending the IVAW convention in Austin since it’s in his home town. But, according to his Facebook entry, he’s been uninvited; I see it but I don’t believe it. I’m sure I’ll find some pictures of Webb at the convention eventually. He can’t […]
Matthis: Vacation or jail?
So Matthis is trying to make up his mind whether he should fulfill his obligations or totally blow off jail in favor of a Caribbean vacation in regards to his arrest in Highland Falls during the President’s speech there. Guess which way he’s leaning; I called the District Attorney’s Office this morning, but they said […]
IVAW Convention at Huston-Tillotson University
Next month is the annual IVAW Convention. This year it will be held at Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, TX. Here’s what they say about the purpose of their convention; All members of Iraq Veterans Against the War are highly encouraged to attend convention. In addition to building relationships with other members, we will be discussing […]
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