The IVAW Braintrust

| June 17, 2010

So if you didn’t already know the person in the picture above, would you think he’s an iraq veteran? It’s Matthis, by the way, at the UXO concert. Photo is courtesy of Bill Perry. He doesn’t act like the crowning glory of his military career was occupying the corner booth at Baskin-Robbins on Bagram Airbase for six days.

Well, anyway, the following exchange took place on Facebook between all of the great thinkers of IVAW past and present. carl Webb, Dahlia Wasfi, Carl Webb and Bobby Whittenberg. The discussion of course was over whether they should support killing US soldiers to satisfy their own bloodlust for the cause.

The discussion begins with Matthis criticizing some soldier on Facebook for wishing some diplomatic solution hadn’t been arrived at in some corner of the war so hat soldier could resolve the problem with force. Of course, matthis and Branum jump on it as an example of the evils of the American fighting man. Carl Webb on the other hand, whines that he was uninvited from the IVAW convention because of racism, to which Dahlia Wasfi, race pimp that she is, agrees. Hart Viges, to his credit, explains to Carl, once again, that it was his extremist views that got him kicked out of IVAW. And that’s where we pick up the conversation;

See Bobby Whittenberg expressing the same extremist and violent views that Carl Webb espoused last year? Yeah, that’s the guy that I dressed down (ex-) Army Sergeant for convincing him to stay in IVAW when he threatened to quit because they weren’t extreme enough for his taste.

The only reason I’ve gone easy on Whittenberg is because he did earn a Purple Heart and because there is obviously something wrong with him (and no one in IVAW or VFP is telling him he needs help) and he’s being used by the rat fucks in Austin to play to the radical crowd there. The best thing IVAW could do for Bobby is cut him loose and get him some help – but the best thing for IVAW is to keep putting him in the front lines to act like he’s insane for the cameras – which they will continue to do until someone gets hurt.

I have screen shots of the rest of the conversation, I just didn’t feel like uploading them all, but I will if a participant wants to dispute the conversation.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Why does Carl think that paratroopers shout “Geronimo” during a jump? More proof of how uneducated and blinded these people are. Reality is that paratroopers are supposed to be completely silent during a jump. In airborne school they threatened to recycle anyone who yelled at the jump.


Bobby “Mavi Marmara” Whittenberg? (aka The Hate Boat) Too bad Bobby doesn’t realize the occupants on that ship have more in common with the people who wounded him than himself. If he met them in a dark alley, the Mava Marmara activists would probably try to finish the job their jihadist brothers started. Useful idiot.

B Woodman

Is that “braintrust” or “brainfart”?
If it’s “braintrust”, then the trust fund is showing zero balance. Or is that zero UNbalanced?

Casey J Porter

Lets start from the top down of this posting… Yet another IVAW member wearing a shirt that says “Iraq Veteran” when is not one. Also, I know it’s easy to take cheap shots at him and call him a druggie and whatnot, but damn, he really looks strung out. He’s hitting something not good for him and often. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never feel sorry for a rapist. Hart Viges is a good dude and I know him personally. He is an actual Iraq Vet and while we do not see eye to eye on things he isn’t the type to discard a friendship because you don’t agree with him on a religious or ideological view. Then jumps in Carl Webb and he has to make it all about him. Plus, this attitude of “fighter” that he tries to sell to people is such a a crock of shit. I’ve said this before, I will say it again: He is the Starscream of the anti-war movement. He talks a big game, but if ever had to face a real fight he’d fold and run away. Furthermore he talks about things as if he has all the facts. Above CPT Me stated that what he said about yelling “Geronimo” was false. Well, I’m not even sure who CPT Me is, but as far as I know Carl never went to any Airborne training school. Hell, I really don’t know much about Airborne training except they jump out of planes and are in love with themselves on a Casey J Porter level. hahaha Why anyone, to include Bobby, would stand with this guy is beyond me. Maybe he just feels that Carl is being crucified for his views when really Carl is the master of his own destruction. Bobby. Well, Bobby has called me all kinds of things: Racist, Xenophobe, and a long list of other insults. It would easy to strike back at him and call him a liberal, coward, traitor, etc etc. But I was called those things when I was making my films from Iraq and I didn’t… Read more »

Operator Dan

Carl and Bobby also discuss whether or not Carl was the first “black” member of IVAW, which I found hilarious.

Dahlia Wasfi

Why the selective editing? Here’s the discussion as of 13 minutes ago: Matthis Chiroux Soldiers in Iraq post the damnest things things on Facebook. The latest from the front: “It looks like they’ll be resolving the incident diplomatically… lame, I wanted to fight. Haha.” Monday at 9:41am · Comment · LikeUnlike Martha Sullivan All testosteroned up and nowhere to go … Monday at 9:57am · LikeUnlike Tone Penley surely you challenged him? Monday at 10:08am · LikeUnlike Hart Viges Well if the HaHa was in the quotations, I feel he was being sarcastic. And thats a good thing. Monday at 11:23am · LikeUnlike Tone Penley either way, i do not find it to be funny. Monday at 11:40am · LikeUnlike Matthis Chiroux Homeslice, a guy I know from High School, is definitely not kidding. We’d be kidding ourselves to think Soldiers don’t want to fight while downrange. Bloodlust is a powerful antidote for fear. Monday at 1:08pm · LikeUnlike James M. Branum Important to remember that not all soldiers feel this way. Many sadly do, but I think many more don’t. Monday at 1:45pm · LikeUnlike Tone Penley when i was in somalia…i remember seeing all the guys eager to go out and maybe have a shot at killing someone…and we were not even in combat!!! Monday at 1:56pm · LikeUnlike Matthis Chiroux The same attitude was evident with the Soldier begging to shoot in the Wikileaks video, however likely not with the brave troop who had the courage to leak the footage and is now in military custody. Certainly it is not this way with all Soldiers, however this ultra-macho lustful killer persona is the dominant hegemonic ideal of masculinity in the military, or at least the one I experienced. It certainly lends itself to wars of imperial aggression. Monday at 2:58pm · LikeUnlike Tone Penley perhaps they will one day learn they are destroying freedom and not defending it as they think they are. maybe then, they will leave their posts and take on more productive ways of earning a living. Monday at 3:28pm · LikeUnlike Dahlia Wasfi… Read more »


The editing, if you can call it that, may have been because it shortened an otherwise long and boring discourse down to the entries pertinant to the point trying to be made. The inclusion of the rest of the drivel neither added nor detracted from the core theme, only made it a chore to read through.

Casey J Porter

Ouch! You got me there you cute little Trotsky! If that was not a schoolyard come-back I just don’t know what is.

Casey J Porter

Cue dramatic sports announcer voice:

Bob: Welcome to today’s 2010 Copy and Paste Olympics sponsored by your friends at the ISO! If you’re just
tuning in Dalia Wasfi just blew past her competition,
Carl Webb, in the “copy and paste with no real point”

Bill: She sure did, bob! I mean, wow! Carl Webb has
amazed us with his skill in the past with copying and
pasting whole articles that to him, have a point to
the discussion at hand. But to others, not so much.
But what Dahlia has done here today really passes up
anything Webb has done before.

Bob: No doubt, Bill. While they might be lovers off the
field, on the field they are bitter combatants not unlike
Roman Gladiators of the past. Webb’s technique requires
no reformatting of the original text save deleting some
extra spaces. But what Dahlia has done is taken a very
long Facebook argument and reformatted the entire thing
to make sure you know who said what. She has even shared
with us some of her dramatic flair by speaking in the
first person about events she has never been in.

Bill: Yes! By talking about the pains of her family as if
she was actually there really adds to the dramatic perception. It’s almost as if she wants people to think she actual cares about her family, while does nothing real or tangible to help them.

Bob: Notice how she and others throw the race card out when someone disagrees with them! I mean, we are even racist for commenting on this sporting event!

Bill: Bob.

Bob: Yes?

Bill: I’m African-American.

Bob: Of course you are, but clearly, the point has been made.

Bill: Bob, you are African-American too.

Bob: Oh, yeah…

Southern Class

Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha! Drama Queens all.


Is it just me, or was Matthis trying to buddy up to Carl by claiming he didn’t have any part in throwing him out of IVAW? Hmmm… must think Carl could be useful. Otherwise, why the feigned concern??


Are they still calling themselves Iraq Veterans Against the War?

I wonder what percentage of those left in IVAW are actually Iraq vets?


I chuckle at all the false courage. How brave is it to act like an idiot in CONUS. No cop is gonna shoot you, no political officer is gonna designate you an enemy of the state and shoot you, you’ll spend no time in a prison as a political prisoner, you family is in no danger of being shot or taken away for your political activities. Hell, chances are people will actually give your foolishness some creedance by paying attention to you. Oppressors? LOL, y’all really should do stand up. BTW buy a fucking calendar, its 2010 not 1968, communism isn’t cool anymore and hasn’t been for a long time because it like sucked and stuff.

Casey J Porter

Watch it Finrod, your talking to radical revolutionaries! They might protest somewhere on a weekend if you keep taunting them.

Old Tanker

In the words of the brave fwench soldiers standing high on their wall in the Holy Grail

“Ah taunt you a second time!”….and like, stuff…


Oh noes!!!! LOL, I am just a fearing, good point brother.


Don’t you have some dishes to wash, or did you get shitcanned from that job, too? And NO, you can’t sleep on my couch. GTFO.

Southern Class

I am former Airborne and in 41 “Leaps of Faith”, I never ever once shouted, yelled or otherwise uttered “Geronimo”. But then, this was waaaaaay back in history, even before the faux Commies of the late 60’s.