Iraq Veterans Against the War
IVAW wants to prosecute Bush Administration
Taking up the clarion call from Geezers for Sitting on Our Hands (VFP), the Iraq Veterans Against the War, announced that they voted last month to pursue the Bush Administration for their prosecution of the Iraq War. So let’s look at their statement for their justification (Here’s the link, but you’ll have to paste it […]
Under the Hood plots harassment of 3rd ACR command
This appeared on Facebook this weekend. The contention of Under the Hood is that by harassing the command structure of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, they can prevent the Regiment from deploying soldiers they think are “wounded”. They go on to list a number of commanders – I won’t do that. But, I figure if […]
A name change – that’s the ticket!
Suppose your organization was irrelevant and no one is paying attention to your message which is becoming less and less germane to your particular conversation, what’s the best way to make everyone pay attention again? Change the name? Well, that’s Victor Agosto’s idea. TJ Buonomo says the new name needs an adjustment; I told you […]
Left plots exploitation of Wikileaks documents
The Left didn’t waste any time getting together in New York City yesterday looking for ways to use the documents from the Wikileaks drop for their own nefarious purposes. Someone dropped a link to me Saturday about the conference. They highlighted the luminaries that they had invited to speak; * Dahr Jamail, journalist, author of […]
Whittenberg’s AAR of the protest last Friday
In case you were wondering how well the participants thought the protest went outside of Fort Hood last week, Bobby Whittenberg, the head pirate of the new revolution, says it went well; Whittenberg sounds a little disappointed that no counter protesters showed up, but I’m sure everyone else had better things to do on a […]
Wikileaks in Baghdad trash dump
There’s an article in The Nation written by Sarah Lazare and Ryan Harvey entitled “Wikileaks in Baghdad” that has really tested my strength to avoid punching my poor, innocent laptop. The article begins; One by one, soldiers just arriving in Baghdad were taken into a room and questioned by their commanding officers. “All questions led […]
Driving while IVAW
I found this hilarious post by Catherine Bleish on her blog about IVAW member Will Stewart-Starks who was pulled over by the cops in Round Rock, TX, supposedly because he and his companion had an IVAW bumpersticker on their car, oh, and they were speeding. A New York State trooper once told me that cops […]
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