
That parade in Richmond on Saturday

| May 14, 2012 | 7 Comments
That parade in Richmond on Saturday

If you didn’t read it at Blackfive, those of you in the DC/Richmond area might want to attend the Welcome Home parade they’ve scheduled for Saturday, May 19th (that’s this weekend, yeah, I know it snuck up on me, too). Our buddy, Concrete Bob is masterminding it – the same guy who has organized the […]

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Where history is the polemics of the losers…with tenure

| December 31, 2011 | 8 Comments
Where history is the polemics of the losers…with tenure

The richly quotable William F. Buckley Jr once said, “History is the polemics of the victors.” Like much of what dear old WFB said it’s delightful but not really true. At least not anymore. To rail against the inherent bias in our modern academia serves little purpose; the cat is out of the bag. The […]

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Scott Olsen on MSNBC

| December 1, 2011 | 31 Comments
Scott Olsen on MSNBC

Yea this little gem is making the round around Facebook. Too bad few know his past.

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OWS: Veterans are all Tim McVeighs and Terry Nichols now.

| December 1, 2011 | 21 Comments
OWS:  Veterans are all Tim McVeighs and Terry Nichols now.

Yea this pissed me off when someone on my Facebook was crying about the people that got removed in LA and Philadelphia, posted this. Yea that smiley face makes me warm all over. Totally makes up for the face that your comparing me to the people involved with the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. The one […]

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More martyrs for the cause

| November 23, 2011 | 11 Comments
More martyrs for the cause

So this link has been came up on my Facebook feed. Seems that the Occupy are willing to martyr anybody if it will bring publicity to the Occupy Movement. The newest one involves a nineteen year oldprotester that lost her baby during a protest. “I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the […]

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More fun from Occupy Wall Street.

| November 21, 2011 | 6 Comments
More fun from Occupy Wall Street.

Lets see, it seems that the OWS managed to to get a retired police chief to decry the New York Police department. The same person that was arrested at a Occupy protest in New York. Oh and if you have to ask he was from Philadelphia. I figure that he is part of the police […]

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The reality of the Occupy movement.

| November 20, 2011 | 12 Comments
The reality of the Occupy movement.

The video is self explanatory.

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National Lawyers Guild trying to keep OWS going.

| November 15, 2011 | 11 Comments
National Lawyers Guild trying to keep OWS going.

It seems that despite past concerns about health risks from camping/squatting in Zuccotti Park the National Lawyers Guild is trying allow people to return with their tents after the the clean up is complete. The National Lawyers Guild says it has obtained a court order that allows Occupy Wall St. protesters to return with tents […]

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