In case you missed it…
I know we share many readers with Blackfive, but in case you missed it, our buddy Mr Wolf has two posts up over there about some of the things I posted about earlier. The Hillbilly Hunt Club shootout on Saturday and the American Legion parade on Sunday. Wolf put some videos up, too, so it’s […]
Tonight on the radio
I’ve been asked by the guys at Libertarian/Republican to appear on their Blog Talk radio show and explain to their audience the connections between Iraq Veterans Against the War and Naser Abdo. They claim they’re Libertarians in the economic and social sense but not on defense. he made the point he’s not a Paulian. So […]
RWN To Conservative bloggers: get bigger or die
John Hawkins of Right Wing News does a bit of navel gazing about blogging in the conservative sphere this morning as he looks at the brief history and the future of blogging for conservatives. Find a way to dramatically increase the size of your blog, expand into multiple websites that together are big, hook up […]
RWN interviews Ann Coulter
Our buddy, John Hawkins of Right Wing News sent us a link to his interview with Ann Coulter in regards to her latest book, “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America“. Here’s a sample of the interview; Hawkins: One of my favorite quotes from your recent columns is, “As Schlafly says, no wonder liberal […]
Are all lesbians really middle-aged white men?
It’s starting to look that way. Last week a lesbian blogger in Syria suddenly dropped off the internet and her cousin told readers that she had been taken by Syrian security forces launching a State Department investigation. Then this; And Sunday, the truth spilled out: The gay girl in Damascus confessed to being a 40-year-old […]
RWN: The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2011 Edition)
John Hawkins at Right Wing News announces bloggers choices for The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2011 Edition). Our buddy Skye comes in at #19 , and drinking pal, Mary Katherine Ham is tied for fourth. Both deserve much higher. You’ll want to judge for yourself.
Johnson won’t apologize…again
Since TSO found an opportunity to get in some licks on Charles Johnson, I decided to kick Johnson while he’s down. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs is resisting calls for his apology to Andrew Breitbart for accusing Breitbart of misreporting the Wiener thingie. According to Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion, Johnson writes; And I’ve been getting a […]
The RWN banned video
John Hawkins of Right Wing News sent us a link to the video which YouTube judged to be “hate speech”. According to John; Admittedly, I didn’t pull any punches in that video. I compared the Palestinians unfavorably to the Nazis because even though they both groups want to murder all the Jews, at least the […]
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