| December 28, 2019 | 26 Comments

Top Gun 2 By all that’s holy in Naval Aviation! Fan Boi here absolutely wallows in the Top Gun kool-aide. At least he seems up on the Plastic Bug and its variants, but that’s a damn funny looking A-4 at North Island’s front gate. At least he got the P-51 Mustang right, but what Navy […]

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Weekend Open Thread: You Want Gun Pr0n? I Got Yer Gun Pr0n Right Here!

| October 4, 2019 | 141 Comments
Weekend Open Thread:   You Want Gun Pr0n?  I Got Yer Gun Pr0n Right Here!

So, a 5.56x45mm or 9mm isn’t enough gun for you? You’re not sure if a .45ACP or a .357 Magnum will do the trick? Does a .308 or .30-06 make you say, “Meh”? Do you lust after the .50 S&W, or daydream about big-bore elephant guns of yesteryear? Well, then this is the gun for […]

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Bovine Bombers?

| September 6, 2019 | 16 Comments
Bovine Bombers?

ISIS has found a new vector for its suicide bombers- cows. Attrition from both the US and Allied forces has so reduced ISIS’s numbers they are reluctant to use human suicide bombers. Perhaps not the most efficient manner to deliver suicide bombers- they have to get the cows near their intended target, and remain close […]

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California city will remove gender terms

| July 23, 2019 | 45 Comments
California city will remove gender terms

A new law passed in Berkeley, California would rename words like ‘manhole’ to ‘maintenance hole’; Christina Coleman has the details One of our ninjas sends us this article from the Land of Fruits, Nuts, and Flakes, aka California, and at the State’s cultural epicenter, the city of Berkeley. With all of the other problems facing […]

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“Let’s play Twister, Let’s get blitzed . . .”

| June 12, 2019 | 40 Comments
“Let’s play Twister, Let’s get blitzed . . .”

Well, it seems that another Flag Officer has had “issues” serious enough to result in removal from their position. But this one’s kinda entertaining in a way. The Navy has at least temporarily reassigned the President of the Naval War College, RADM Jeffery Harley, to another position. Seems he’s under investigation. The college’s Provost, Lewis […]

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Weekend Open Thread – Why Safety Briefings Exist

| May 31, 2019 | 174 Comments
Weekend Open Thread – Why Safety Briefings Exist

Remember those “safety briefings” we all received while on active duty? You know, the one where the CO or 1SG told you not to jump in the swimming pool without checking to see if there was water in it first; not to try to drink all the beer in [insert name of nearby town here] […]

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1st Legal Non-Binary Person Devastates Trans Community: It Was All a Fraud, Sham & Mental Illness

| March 16, 2019 | 57 Comments
1st Legal Non-Binary Person Devastates Trans Community: It Was All a Fraud, Sham & Mental Illness

There may be no more polarizing social issue today than the transgender movement. Voices on the left scream that becoming a “man” or a “woman” is a choice, while conservatives insist that you can’t actually change your biological sex. So who is right? A well-known figure within the LGBT community is speaking out on that […]

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Weekend Open Thread

| January 18, 2019 | 146 Comments
Weekend Open Thread

The military is a dangerous profession. You often need a bit of luck just to make it through the day unscathed. But sometimes, you need a whole lotta luck. Or a Guardian Angel working overtime. That’s especially true for some duty positions and specialties. Here’s my pick for perhaps the luckiest guy ever in the […]

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