Pointless blather
I Knew There Was A Good Reason They Were So Popular!
Wondering what I’m talking about? Well, perhaps this headline will explain it. Grilled cheese lovers have more sex, study says Hmm. Soup and a sandwich for dinner tonight sounds pretty good . . . . (smile)
A Sunday “Walkabout”: Some Thoughts About Power and Character
Jonn lets me do a verbal, off-topic “walkabout” here from time to time. What follows is such a ramble – an off-the-wall thought or two that’s not necessarily directly concerned with one of TAH’s normal topics. Consider yourself forewarned. . . . We’ve all heard Lord Acton’s axiom: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power […]
The Kids Really Were Alright
Regular TAH readers know that I’m a music fan. And they also know that Jonn tolerates my occasional ]off-topic ramble on the subject. Well, brace yourselves – here comes another such ramble. You’ve been warned. (smile) . . . It’s no secret that popular music went through a massive change in the 1960s. The impetus […]
Plans . . . and Life
I was planning to try and write a thoughtful article about how life is what happens while you’re making other plans. And I guess I could try and do that – and attempt to wax eloquent on how that’s OK and how we make it anyway, even though it’s at times confusing and frustrating. Then […]
Some Thoughts on “Deflate-Gate”
Author’s Note: What follows is not normal TAH fare. But I’ve seen so much scientifically illiterate speculation and bogus commentary on this particular issue that I could damn near hurl. And all our regular readers know how I am about running numbers to ground. (smile) That illiteracy includes a whopper of a “rookie” mistake that […]
For TAH’s Younger Readers: 20 Minutes with Al
TAH has a wide age range in it’s readership – from teens to those in their 80s (hello, Sam). Though many of our older readers may enjoy what follows, I’m writing this primarily for our younger readers – those who are maybe 30 and younger. For those younger readers, here’s a bit of unsolicited free […]
Yer Sunday Oddity: Mac Sabbath
For better or worse, McDonalds is an American cultural icon. So is heavy metal music. And when the two meet, the result is . . . well, just plain weird. In a kinda-creepy-but-it-works-anyway way. Enjoy – I think. (smile) If you’re still “hungry” after that, here’s a second helping. Hey, I warned ya it was […]
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