Yer Friday Funny: Bombing the Crap Out of the Enemy

| December 19, 2014

We hear that phrase from time to time.  But it’s rarely done in practice.

However, check out this little gem from Vietnam:


Yes, that is EXACTLY what you think it is slung under the wing of that aircraft (an A-1H belonging to the US Navy’s VA-25).  For the details, check out this story about VA-25 in Vietnam.   An alternate version may be found here, with video (if you can get it to run – I can’t).

No word on whether the intended target for that unique bit of “ordnance” was a VC field latrine.  (smile)  Regardless, hopefully the lads packed the damn thing full of C4 and rigged it to blow when the nose fuse went off.

You nautical types are sometimes kinda weird.  But we still love ya like brothers (and sisters) anyway.  (smile)


Hat tip to Poetrooper for the first link above.

Category: Pointless blather, War Stories, Who knows

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When I was with the Marine Detachment aboard the Ranger CV61 I watched those Airedales strap some strange shit on those mounts.


Fist of the Fleet!


Just remember folks there is ‘No Slack In Light Attack!’

(My nickname on here ATKRON means Attack Squadron…I was in ATKRON 105; VA-25 would be ATKRON 25)


I was with ATKRON 147, the Argonauts.




Too broad a brush, Honda. Most aviation nautical types are quite straight forward. Ordnancemen, or Ordies? Not so much. No-neck monobrowed knuckle-draggers, the lot of ’em.
But we love ’em anyway. 😉


Aww shucks, Hondo, likewise.

But this doesn’t mean we’re taking long warm showers together in the wee hours of the morn.


I don’t remember having warm showers on the Kittyhawk anyway. Think they kept it cold so we would get out faster. 😀


Well so far we’ve dodged the IYAOYAS bullet….BB Stackers are a different breed.


Many years ago, Hasegawa (plastic model company in Japan) put out a special edition of their 1/48 A-1J. It has a small sprue with the toilet included, and a small decal of the unit emblem for the side of the toilet.

Only thing missing was the turd to go in it. Where’s Phildo when you really need him????

A Proud Infidel®™

“Regardless, hopefully the lads packed the damn thing full of C4 and rigged it to blow when the nose fuse went off.”

HELL YEAH, rig it with an impact fuse, and that porcelain would be become very wicked shrapnel!!


Can’t do that today. Some snowflake would complain that it violates their emotional rights and is simply a dog whistle of racists.