“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Sex and the Military Friday
Happy Bastille Day! And, as an ode to les Francais, what could be more French than illicit sex? First off, the government had to pay a now-retired Army Colonel, Kathryn Spletstoser, almost $1,000,000 in compensation for the unwanted attentions of the AF general who became the Deputy Air Force Chief of Staff. The settlement with […]
State-sponsored theft in Supreme Court
Although its history dates much further back, civil asset forfeiture (CAF, ‘cuz I am too lazy to keep writing it out) has really been in popular use since the ’70s. Basically, it assumes an object can be criminal in certain cases. We tend to think of objects as more or less innocent or agnostic, right? […]
Tuesday Looney Tunes – pot, draft, vocab, racism
There is just too much to process – Heinlein’s “Crazy Years” are in full force. In the “If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em” category a supposed conservative, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is proposing ending testing recruits for pot. While 23 states allow marijuana for recreational use and 38 allow it for medical use, the drug […]
Saturday updates – Recruiters, Military Drag revisionism
Remember the Navy saying it would be requiring its recruiters to work six-day weeks in an effort to make recruiting numbers? Well, that lasted… a whole week. Last Wednesday, the service confirmed that Rear Adm. Alexis Walker — the head of Navy Recruiting Command — gave the order to go to a six-day schedule after […]
US Destroying Chemical Weapons
For all you former NBC types (I know you’re out there, you’ve commented before!) the big story this week is that at long last, the US is destroying the last of its chemical weapons. Like any government program, they are decades late and 2,900% over budget – originally forecast to cost $1,400,000,000, it has cost […]
Student Loans: A Modest Proposal
Well, we all know what happened with the Supreme Court – they looked at Biden’s student loan cancellation program and decided (amazingly) that financial matters are Congress’ purview and that ol’ Joe was overstepping his authority a tad. OK, a few light-years. Lot of folks on the left side of the aisle, notably the Free […]
“Hello, Chicago, hello!”
Another hit for the Midwest’s biggest city. Sweet home Chicago has completed a cargo terminal expansion at O’Hare which should help cargo transfers and freight forwarders who use it (meaning pretty much everyone) at a new 132,000 square foot addition to the freight facility. Worldwide Freight Services has already moved in and started operations in […]
Titan rescue delayed by US paperwork
In an astonishing display of bureaucratic ineptitude, the US Government successfully delayed rescue efforts to find the Titan submersible, missing while diving to the site of the 1912 Titanic sinking. A delay by US officials in approving paperwork is hampering the mission to find a submersible with five people trapped on board, an advisor to […]
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