Big Army
SMA Chandler:”This is about one standard applied equally across the force.”
So it seems that SMA Chandler has been holding Town Hall style meetings over Military is wanting to have women in combat arms. I cannot see how he can make some of the statements that I have read given the statements made by Big Army. But I guess that he managed to overcome that hurdle. […]
Dempsey to be renominated
Chief Tango sends us a link from USAToday the great news that Marty Dempsey is getting renominated to his seat as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; President Obama said Wednesday he will renominate two top military aides: Gen. Martin Dempsey as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Adm. Sandy Winnefeld as vice chair. […]
Those disappearing brigades
So after I wrote the piece yesterday about the Army cutting 12 combat brigades, General Ray Odierno announced the exact location of the units that will disappear. From Stars & Stripes; Odierno said 10 BCTs would be cut from 10 Army installations: Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Campbell, Ky.; Fort Carson, Colo.; Fort […]
House tells Pentagon “Pick one”, well…eventually
Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post which reports that the House has voted to make the services pick a camouflaged uniform to replace the ten different patterns that they currently use; The measure passed by a vote of 315 to 108. That idea needs the approval of the Senate, which is […]
Happy 238th Birthday, US Army
This year’s ceremonies for celebrating the 238th birthday of the US Army began by placing a wreath at the tomb of George Washington. our first commander, now General of the Armies, promoted to his sixth star on this date in 1976. From the Army News Service; Following the playing of Taps, McHugh, Sgt. Maj. of […]
Oh, #$@&!, Not Again
Looks like we have another senior military official possibly involved in a sex-related problem. The US Army-Japan (USAJ) commander – MG Michael T. Harrison – has been suspended from his duties by the CSA, GEN Raymond P. Odierno and Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh. Allegations have been made that MG Harrison failed to […]
An Udate on SGT Bowe Berghdal, POW
Apparently SGT Bergdahl is indeed still alive. His family received a letter recently through Red Cross channels indicating that he’s still alive and is “doing as well as can be expected” in captivity. Details in the letter apparently convinced SGT Berghdal’s family that the letter is genuine. It is unclear where or by precisely whom […]
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