Happy 238th Birthday, US Army

| June 14, 2013

Washington Tomb 238th birthday

This year’s ceremonies for celebrating the 238th birthday of the US Army began by placing a wreath at the tomb of George Washington. our first commander, now General of the Armies, promoted to his sixth star on this date in 1976. From the Army News Service;

Following the playing of Taps, McHugh, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler, and Ann Bookout, the 20th regent of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, gathered in the estate auditorium to present Purple Hearts to wounded Soldiers Sgt. Sean P. Karpf, Spc. Arael Lopez and Pfc. Cory A. Doane.

Bookout opened the ceremony remarking that there was no better place for the Army to open its 238th birthday than at the home of the country’s first commander-in-chief.

“Not only was George Washington first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was the first military official to recognize Soldiers who served and sacrificed for what we now call the Purple Heart,” she said.

Unlike European armies at the time which only awarded medals to officers, Washington was the first to acknowledge that courage and commitment were qualities which should be recognized and celebrated regardless of rank, Bookout noted.


The three Purple Heart recipients were wounded in Afghanistan in 2011 and 2012. Sgt. Sean P. Karpf, C Company, 1st Battalion., 508th Regiment, 4th Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division was wounded in Kandahar, Afghanistan on June 15, 2012 while on a mission to train Afghanistan forces. Sgt. Cory A. Doane, C Co., 2nd Bn., 87th Infantry, 3rd Brig., 10th Mountain Division was injured on July 3, 2011 in Kandahar, Afghanistan while conducting combat operations. Spec. Aerial Lopez, B Battery, 4th Bn., 319th Airborne Field Artillery based out of Bamberg, Germany was injured in Wardak Province, Afghanistan on Aug. 8, 2012.

Category: Big Army

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God Bless The United States Of America!
God Bless The Men and Woman Who Have Defended Her!


Very Happy Birthday, US Army.

It’s also Flag Day. I’m putting the flag out this morning.

Hand salute! Ready, two!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@2 I could not have said it better, when reflecting on Washington I know that no man is without his flaws but when you talk about those times when the right man appears at exactly the right moment I think of Washington and the founding fathers.

Men whose ideas were worth dying for, men who risked lives of stability, wealth, and power for the idea that a nation could be created where the least among us is afforded the same opportunity as the most among us.

Think of the sh1tsacks we have now, does anyone believe that the Forbes top 100 has a dozen men willing to risk their fortunes and their very lives for an idea? For principle? For their countrymen? Yeah, me neither….

Here’s to the next 238 years of birthdays for our Army, may those who follow have the leaders they need to use that Army wisely and sparingly.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No offense Ex ( I too honor flag day) but I meant to say @1 Sparks nicely worded my friend!


Without the United States Navy, the United States would not be as respected as it is.
Without the United States Air Force, the United States would not be as powerful as it is.
Without the United States Marine Corps, the United States would not be as feared as it is.

Without the United States Army, the United States would not be. Happy Birthday to the senior service.


I fondly remember the article about the Pakistani protester that died trying to burn the American Flag.

United States of America. Even our flag has a confirmed kill.


@6, I remember that, also. WE must keep that legend going.

I know that there is a proper way to dispose of the US Flag, and the Boy Scouts have a ceremony for it, but I think old, tattered flags should simply have a quiet porch with rocking chairs facing the sunrise.

CC Senor

Happy Birthday to us! And every once in awhile I like to take a look again at the only Army commercial I ever liked.


Happy Birthday to all of you Army Dogs from us Jar Heads!!!


@10, I never did find the coffee on the DZ. I looked and looked, but never did find it.
Happy Birthday Army!!


@ #11- Might be because the MP’s confiscated it before it got airborne or Lilyea found and stashed it in his gear. lol.

Happy 238th Birthday, US Army! Hooah!


Happy Birthday US Army!

special thanks to all my brothers & sisters who have kept it going all these years.

** are they supposed to announce the new camo pattern today?


@5 Thank you for that post. I could not say it better! Happy Birthday United States Army!


Happy Birthday to our fellow Dog Faces from the 1st Texas Infantry (1-141 (M) INF). Since 1835, we’ve worn the crossed “idiot sticks” with pride and honor.

Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!!

FC2 Dewclaw

Happy Birthday US Army…. from this ol’ “squid!”

“Too easy…. ” 😉