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Hagel proposes to shrink Army to pre-Pearl Harbor numbers

| February 24, 2014 | 31 Comments
Hagel proposes to shrink Army to pre-Pearl Harbor numbers

Ex-PH2 sends us a link to MSN which refers to a New York Times article published yesterday which gives a peek into Chuck Hagel’s plan to ask Congress to cut the numbers of the Army to pre-1940 size. The proposal, described by several Pentagon officials on the condition of anonymity in advance of its release […]

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Hagel to beg for personnel cuts

| February 23, 2014 | 22 Comments
Hagel to beg for personnel cuts

AW1Ed sends us a link from Fox News that reports Chuck Hagel, the Secretary of Defense is going to Congress tomorrow to beg for massive cuts to personnel costs in the Defense Department, including cutting the growth of pay, increases in retirees’ out-of-pocket healthcare costs and cuts to housing allowances. I don’t see any other […]

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The M4 discussion

| February 20, 2014 | 62 Comments
The M4 discussion

RM3(SS) sends us a link from the Washington Times entitled “Troops left to fend for themselves after Army was warned of flaws in rifle” a rather long article about the controversy surrounding the Army’s standard battle rifle, the M4, particularly the Colt version; Mr. Traudt, of Green Mountain Defense, said the military paid his company […]

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Congressional “duh” moment

| February 20, 2014 | 14 Comments
Congressional “duh” moment

Jerry920 sends us a link to CBS News wherein they report that Congress passed a new law that requires the US military to only use US-made flags; “I thought it was appalling our Department of Defense would have flags made in other countries,” [Congressman Mike Thompson, author of the bill] said. “But it’s also important […]

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Soldier charged for “field loss” a decade later

| February 19, 2014 | 20 Comments
Soldier charged for “field loss” a decade later

Defend USA sends us a link to The Blaze about Gerrod Branum of Fairmont, WV, who served in Iraq. Some of his kit was lost when he returned and his commander determined that it was a “field loss”, meaning that it was an unavoidable loss as a result of war and not the soldier’s fault. […]

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Army Up-or-Out standards

| February 11, 2014 | 56 Comments
Army Up-or-Out standards

The Colorado Springs Gazette reports that the Army has announced it’s newest standards for soldiers to remain in service in regards to their ranks; Privates will get five years to move up or move out. Specialists and corporals will have an eight-year pull date and three-stripe sergeants will have 14 years. The move narrows the […]

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Army investigates NG recruiting fraud

| February 4, 2014 | 17 Comments
Army investigates NG recruiting fraud

The Washington Post reports that the Army is investigating the “Recruiting Assistance Program” which involved National Guard soldiers who got a bonus for convincing their friends to join the Guard; Army criminal investigators are probing the actions of more than 1,200 individuals who collected suspect payouts totaling more than $29 million, according to officials who […]

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The end of tanks?

| February 2, 2014 | 48 Comments
The end of tanks?

The Washington Post speculates that the Pentagon is moving away from tanks (they throw the Bradley Fighting Vehicle in the mix under that term) and towards drones, submarines and fighters. The Post claims that the reason we’re still buying tanks is because Congress is trying to save jobs in Congressmen’s respective districts; The manufacturing of […]

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