Big Army
Army Magazine: Candor; Can the Army Handle the Truth?
Our buddy, Rick Maze, called a few months ago and asked if I wanted to contribute to his piece about whether the Army can listen to the soldiers, you know, the soldiers who faced the enemy down in the latest wars and had to actually pull the triggers. Rick just moved to Army Magazine (the […]
Sinclair walks on sexual assault charge
Wat sends us a link from the New York Times which reports that Brigadier General Jeffrey A. Sinclair will plead guilty to lesser charges, disobeying a commander’s order not to contact his mistress, using demeaning language to refer to female officers and using a curse word when confronted about that conduct, and misusing his government […]
“You can run. You can hide. But you can’t run and hide forever.”
Kudos to the US Marshals Service. Due to their efforts, an Army fugitive on the run for more than 36 years has been captured. James Robert Jones was captured yesterday in Pompano Beach, FL. Jones committed premeditated murder and aggravated assault while in the Army. In 1974, he was tried by court-martial, convicted, and sentenced […]
Army’s sex-assault prosecutor suspended for….
Yep, you guessed the rest of that sentence, didn’t you? The Stars & Stripes reports that Lt. Col. Joseph “Jay” Morse has been suspended from his job as the supervisor of the Army’s “special victims” prosecutors because of allegations that he groped one of his subordinates. Morse, chief of the Trial Counsel Assistance Program at […]
558 soldiers removed from their positions
The USAToday reports that someone in the Army trolled through the records of 20,000 soldiers and found 558 who were fir to serve in the positions that held; recruiters, drill sergeants, and sexual assault counselors by reason of illegal activities in their past, such as child abuse, sexual assault and drunken driving. Of those 558, […]
Few women want combat jobs
This is not my shocked face as I read the article sent to us by Ex-PH2 in regards to a survey taken by the Army and published by the Associated Press which reveals that women might not be inclined to join the military so they can function in combat roles. Less than 8 percent of […]
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