RSSBig Army

DIA chief forced out

| May 1, 2014 | 32 Comments
DIA chief forced out

LTG Michael T. Flynn was fired from his post at the Defense Intelligence Agency yesterday, well, he was allowed to resign. But folks who used to work for him tell me that “he was a goddamn nightmare!”. He tore down everything that was good about the organization, sent away those who disagreed with him, tried […]

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Pentagon can’t count bullets

| April 28, 2014 | 47 Comments
Pentagon can’t count bullets

Paul sends us a link from USAToday which reports that the pentagon is about to destroy billions of bullets because no one knows how to count them properly. Singing a familiar song, their accounting systems between the services can’t talk to each other; The result: potential waste of unknown value. “There is a huge opportunity […]

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Chandler & Stevens give Congress the go-ahead to slash personnel costs

| April 10, 2014 | 22 Comments
Chandler & Stevens give Congress the go-ahead to slash personnel costs

We discussed earlier today how Marine Corps Sergeant Major Michael P. Barrett threw his Marines under the bus, telling Congress that it would make the Corps a better place if they cut pay. According to the Stars & Stripes, he went back today to drive his point home; β€œIn my 33 years I have never […]

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Female hairstyle regs are “racist”

| April 5, 2014 | 32 Comments
Female hairstyle regs are “racist”

The above slide is from “leader guidance” on implementation of the new “Wear and Appearance” regulation AR 670-1 for the Army. Now, i have no idea what is going on in those pictures, but then, I don’t have any female soldiers, so I’m not really motivated to figure out what the Army wants or what […]

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US Commander in Korea warns against budget cuts

| April 3, 2014 | 6 Comments
US Commander in Korea warns against budget cuts

While the Koreas were exchanging artillery rounds, General Curtis Scaparrotti, the US commander in Korea was warning the House Armed Services Committee that their planned cuts to the force would make it very difficult to respond to any overt military operation from NDtBF. From Stars & Stripes; The U.S. has maintained a permanent force level […]

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Sinclair sentenced

| March 20, 2014 | 49 Comments
Sinclair sentenced

Shocka! David sends us news that Bragadier General Jeffrey Sinclair, that fellow who was accused of sexual assault, was sentenced today and he got off with a fine, a hefty fine for you and me, but a lot less than what you and I would got. Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair β€” who struck a plea […]

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Army’s new uniform policies; leaders’ training

| March 20, 2014 | 21 Comments
Army’s new uniform policies; leaders’ training

Someone dropped off the slide show for the Army’s new uniform policies, and generally, I agree to the majority of it. But I hate to think of the poor platoon sergeants who have to deal with the new tattoo policy. Since tattoos are generally “grandfathered”, leaders will have to record the tattoos that exist before […]

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Multicam wars

| March 20, 2014 | 36 Comments
Multicam wars

The Army Times reports that Multicam patterns may disappear, according to Crye Precision, the folks who own the pattern. They released a statement that they tried to help the Army save money by selling at prices reduced to less than 1% over cost and the Army rejected the offer; Army officials have said, on condition […]

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