Army’s new uniform policies; leaders’ training

| March 20, 2014

Someone dropped off the slide show for the Army’s new uniform policies, and generally, I agree to the majority of it. But I hate to think of the poor platoon sergeants who have to deal with the new tattoo policy. Since tattoos are generally “grandfathered”, leaders will have to record the tattoos that exist before the restrictions become effective and a record of the tattoos will go in the soldier’s military records. And the soldier is subject to annual inventories of their tattoos to make sure that that the tattoos didn’t reproduce;

Tattoo validation policy

Tattoo photograph

Tattoo self-ID Memo

Yeah, I know it says that the commander will record this stuff and do the annual inspections, but we all know who will do the actual work. It’s almost as if the brain trust at the Pentagon have never been platoon sergeants before.

But, anyway, here’s the slide show in .pdf if you’re interested; Uniform Policy Leaders Training

Category: Big Army

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I just got this in my email and just finished reading it. The annual inspection of tatoos is pure BS.


They did the same crap back in the 90’s with tatoo inspections.

And the slicksleeve paperpushers get away with BS like this because they know there will always be plenty of real Soldiers ready to step up during the next war, regardless of how they are treated now, because they know they’re needed.


JM… You are the exact type of toxic and bad leaders (if you are even that) that need to take your close-minded way of thinking and head on out to the Civilian world. What an ass.

“Slicksleeve paper pushers” “real Soldiers…”

Get over yourself and go play Call of Duty. Just because someone is a “slicksleeve” doesn’t mean he/she is not a “real Soldier”. I find it funny how so many that say these things can basically sum up their tour time on LP/OP, with ear phones in, while watching movies on their laptop.

Go away germ!


JM… You are the exact type of toxic and bad leaders (if you are even that) that need to take your close-minded way of thinking and head on out to the Civilian world. What an ass.

“Slicksleeve paper pushers” “real Soldiers…”

Get over yourself and go play Call of Duty. Just because someone is a “slicksleeve” doesn’t mean he/she is not a “real Soldier”. I find it funny how so many that say these things can basically sum up their tour time on LP/OP, with ear phones in, while watching movies on their laptop.

Go away germ!


You mean the Pentagon doesn’t make use of Platoon Sergeants for their valued, seasoned and experienced inputs? Color me shocked. If there are any, then it is the old, “If we want your opinion Sergeant, we’ll just beat it out of you, now get me my cup of coffee ASAP and it better be heavy on the cream with 4 sugars this time”!


Problem with Platoon Sergeants at the pentagon is that they are the bottom rung on the rank totem pole…..


“Each tattoo will be a photo attachment” – gee, I always thought each tattoo was made out of ink on skin. So if you get the old fashioned ink kind, you should be OK? (well, maybe a little bit snarky at the superior officious Pentagon asshats who can’t even seem to get a simple sentence right)


This is a stupidly egregious waste of time and money.

CB Senior

Holy F-ing Hand Granade, when do we get back to OUR business. Training to and Killing the Enemy.

James in Gulf Breeze

Except the current administration does not see that as your mission. At best you are an embarrassment to them, at worse… well, you can see how you are being treated now that they dont need you.
These are the same people that say Violence never solves anything. They hate you and anybody else who wears a uniform. And at the base of that hate, is their shame at being cowards, and at being cowards their entire lives.
Expect it to get much, much worse….


Next will be a PowerPoint-Ranger’s presentation on how to properly white-wash stones and rocks on installations.


…You forgot spraying dead grass green…


Z-Grams in the 70’s took care of a lot of this BS. Remember all the chicken shit/donald duck regs that went by the wayside. BZ

Just Plain Jason

I just read an article on how the Army couldn’t agree on a price for Mutlicam and now they are going to downsize using tattoos. I guess it is a good thing the Russians aren’t doing anything.


These people break shit and kill people. Why the fuck are we so worried about tattoos when you can fuck your roommate in the ass and go to a parade announcing it?

You don’t see any of this bullshit in law enforcement agencies and they interact with the public far more than pfc chucklefuck that wants to commemorate being a badass hadji killing machine.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Any excuse to aid the RIF my friend…when they need you it’s almost impossible to something wrong, when they don’t need you it’s almost impossible to do something right….

James in Gulf Breeze

Actually police departments are starting to target people with tatoos as well – New Orleans PD for one.


That’s fucking retarded.


Oops, I forgot: The Perfumed Puzzle Palace Princes Strike Again.


I always felt if you couldn’t see them in Class A’s then should be good to go. Drawdowns are always bungled, this one seems worse than others since there doesn’t seem to be much caring about those kicked to the curb. At least early retirements and such were offered in the 90’s.


The policy appears to closely resemble the one the Marine Corps instituted some time ago (i.e. grandfathered, service record entries, pictures and such), but the annual inspections for new (ungradfathered) tattoos is over-reaching, IMO.

If my mind serves me correctly, tattoo’s are prohibited if they exceed certain size in exposed areas of the body, and those depicting gang emblems, drugs, etc., are outright prohibited.