A moment of silence, please

The hamster that powered the comments died this morning, so I had to put another one in the wheel. If you wrote a comment this morning the dead hamster didn’t put it in the comments section and your brilliant thought is lost forever. Please repost it.
WordPress Update

A good friend of mine updated my version of WordPress tonight and everything seems to be working fine, but if you have problems with something email me at admin(at)thisainthell(dot)us. Most of the changes aren’t things you’ll see, though.
It wasn’t me (Bumped and Updated)

All comments have disappeared and it wasn’t me. I’m working to get them back. Right now my commenter counter is telling me no one has ever commented here, so I’ve got a problem. UPDATE 3:30 pm EST: I’m still working on it despite the best efforts of WordPress and Yahoo! to not help. Trust me. […]
Sitemeter fixed

Raoul emailed me to say that sitemeter was messin’ with you guys still using Internet Explorer. I guess a lot of blogs had the same problem so I took it out. Thanks, Raoul. I use Firefox so I didn’t notice it, but I can see now that it works in IE – so that must’ve […]
Have a safe Fourth of July weekend

rongkirby living the Declaration of Independence By the time this post publishes, I’ll be deep in bitter country headed to Mom’s house for a weekend of sitting in the backyard and not caring what happens inside the Beltway, Maybe I’ll get to toss back some Saranacs with Cousin Scott and eat some world-class barbeque. But […]
My inaugaral post

Now, I know the jeopardy of having my first post just oozing with estrogen, but the man that wore that crazy blue shirt up to West Chester can’t possibly hit me for this one, and the only other likely culprit is LT Nixon, and I heard he’s spending all his free time trolling the upper […]
Change you can believe in

The above chart is our traffic report for yesterday – it was a fairly average day and it’s up about 100% from January. I’m proud that this blog has become a part of so many people’s day. But, never one to be satisfied, I’m adding another blogger here. It’s not someone regular readers don’t know […]
Spam invasion

Some of you may have noticed that some spam has been sneaking through my filters. I usually catch it in a timely manner, but I’m afraid someone might click on a miscreant’s link. I’ve added a couple of filter parameters in the form of some common words I’ve seen spammers use – the downside is […]
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