My inaugaral post

| June 25, 2008

Now, I know the jeopardy of having my first post just oozing with estrogen, but the man that wore that crazy blue shirt up to West Chester can’t possibly hit me for this one, and the only other likely culprit is LT Nixon, and I heard he’s spending all his free time trolling the upper midwest for men.

So anyway, hello this ain’t hell minions! I’m your not-particularly humble correspondant TSO who has been waiting in vain for 4 days to find something blog worthy. And I think I found it.

Meet 12 year old Minnesotan E’leese Madgett Manrique.


In her words:

I am going to ride from town to town raising money. We will create a place where any soldier in need of a place to heal can go for free.The Ranch will not be fancy, in fact it will be humble. Just like the men and women that serve their country. Here in Minnesota we have a very good life. People in Minnesota have a long tradition of service and volunteering. Neighbor helping neighbor. The Ranch will be a number of cabins surrounding a lodge and dining room. Soldiers can spend the day lounging around. Taking a walk, going for a swim, or taking a horse out for a ride. Do ranch chores or relax, read a book, or have a good conversation, be our guest. For those who do so much for others, we thank you.

She’s getting support from Minnesotan politicians like Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, and Governor (and dare I hope, VP candidate) Tim Pawlenty. Either way, the story is humbling. Some people *cough* IVAW *cough* Codestink *cough* talk about helping the vets, and others just get on their horse and get it done. Not that I would suggest that any groups are less mature than a 12 year old girl of course. *cough* liar *cough*

Anyway, here is a long article about it, and if you are significantly less manly that I am, bring some kleenex. Thankfully, I am the paragon of manliness, and never succomb to such petty things as feelings.

And, thus spake Ortner.

(And like nearly all TSO posts to follow, this one initially replete with spelling and grammar errors.)

Category: Administrative, Bloggers, Pointless blather

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509th Bob

TSO, if this is your inaugural post, why didn’t make up a spiffy presidential seal for yourself?

TSO: Because Jonn said I had to keep it PG-13, and my presidential seal would feature a woman in a coconut bikini clutching a stuff drink in one hand, and TSO action figure in the other. I figured I would struggle with the “keeping it clean” missive of My Commander.

Jonn Lilyea

Funny how you decide to finally post on the same day Rooney drags his ass back here. I wonder….

Raoul Deming

So what’s being proposed is the IMUS Ranch without the glitter or ego? (wink)


Jonn- Ha! We must have been on the same wavelength… he’s in my head… Don’t worry, I have been dropping in from time to time. I really enjoyed your thinly veiled piece on Katrina victims.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I know when you’re here. The Sniper did a less-thinly veiled piece on the same subject.

Frankly Opinionated

Welcome Aboard Ortner:
I will enjoy reading another’s writing and rants here at TAH. You picked a great place to re land.
And that you are in the company of an ol Ranger Officer, don’t make you bad either.
Write on wordmonger……..
nuf sed


Geez Louise, like I don’t have enough darn things to do every day, now I have to read some G Rated blog that Jonn has a hand in? I don’t know, I don’t know — and, yes, I would like some cheese with that “whine”!!

Jonn wrote: Yeah, we suck. By the way, we’re PG-13 (according that widget thingie going around) because I wrote “zombie” five times since I started this thing. And COB6 wrote “shit” once.


Don’t be so hard on yourself John you don’t suck, now TSO on the other hand that is left to be determined!


TSO doesn’t really do PG-13 does he? The spelling and grammar errors are TSO’s trademark along with the [R] rating. Take either away, and we have a impostor — Right?


Well, you guys let me know when you get out of PG-13, bec. us grown up elderly folks can handle a little bit stronger stuff. Plus, this lily white background you got going on here is blinding me.

Hi, Jonn!!! (See, even though it’s TSO’s post, I have to pick on somebody and it’s only his first day. After this I’ll go back to busting his chops.)

LT Nixon

Wearing shorts on horseback…pretty hardcore. Good for her for helping out, and not shunning our people.

FYI, I’m back in WA now, where you can troll for anus a lot more easily than the midwest.


Oh Goodie…my two favorite bloggers have hooked up!

…but the man that wore that crazy blue shirt up to West Chester

My darling TSO,

Jonn’s shirt was quite complimentary to his eye color and skin complexion – see what I mean…

Most importantly, Jonn was lei’ed by Skye without any fuss.

You, TSO, repeatedly refused my offers of a lei. Hmmm..not sure how I should take this refusal…

Anywhoo, welcome to TAH!


Nice post TSO. I love reading about our young people supporting the troops… and you’ll never find this story on CNN.

LT Nixon… you worry me sir. As they say here in Georgia “You ain’t right” (I knew there was something I liked about ya) You just made me spray my monitor with coffee.

Hey! I just remembered. Where are the Intern Tassels???


I don’t know any of you, but I am laughing and my kids are wondering wong with our parent? hahaha.
I donated a chunk to her cause, because at twelve, she gets it. More power to her.

Raoul Deming

There’s something “Calvin and Hobbs” about that blue shirt…


Not only is this flipping insane, it’s also a scam. Don’t donate before you make sure it’s actually a 501(c)(3). (Hint-its not.) Pretty damn entertaining, though. The mom’s looney enough to claim that she quit her job, lost her job, took a leave from her job in the same breath AND to tell her kid to “suck it up” when her horse stepped on her. Desperate times, I guess. I’ll be sticking with the Intrepid fund.


the previous post was not me…

TSO: Confirmed Rooney, it was sent from a different computer, not sure which of you is our normal nemesis, but these are 2 different posters.


Yep, 2 different people, same name. Sorry for any confusion. I was post 18 & commented only because I nearly made a donation but called the IRS first. I recognize the thing you posted in 20 as being straight from their website. Wouldn’t call that legit relative to the IRS (1-877-829-5500) saying there was no such organization in all of MN seeking nonprofit status. To submit the federal app, they get an EIN #, so they should be able to provide that. I emailed them to ask for it and haven’t heard back after several weeks.

It’s clearly up to us all how we donate, but our troops are, sadly, one of the causes most frequently cited as recipients of sham charity funds. That’s why I looked into it. (Also raises the question WHY the gov & US rep didn’t fact check.) Anyway, I agree it’s a nice story (I like the cause) but definitely want my money to go to a transparent org that supports our troops and is accountable to donors. So I’ll donate once they appear as a 501(c)(3) on the IRS charity search ( Hope this info helps any like-minded people.

Thus Spake Ortner

Good tip, and appreciated, I will endeavor to track this down. I have some friends close to Gov. Pawlenty.

And yeah, I should have italicized from what they had on the website. Either way, my bad.

1 post, 1 error. Batting 0%.