Open Blog Weekend

Remember last weekend that I opened up blogging here for three of our good friends here at This Ain’t Hell? It worked so well that I’m thinking about making it a weekly thing. I actually got an opportunity to do something besides stare at my screen. Claymore has already written two blog entries that he […]
I’m working on comments

As many of you know, I’m finally taking a vacation starting on Thursday. When I’m not doing this; I plan on smoking big-ass cigars and drinking rum here; We’re going to Panama for Carnival for the first time since 1978. I’m working on a solution to the recent spate of spam we’ve been getting and […]

I just got this email; Dear Friends and Pro Troop Supporters, Have you ever visited YouTube and noticed there is no specific category for “Military?” Have you also noticed that while there are tens of thousands of military videos, you have to wade through group and video titles such as “Gays in the Military,” “Military […]
Comments fixed

It looks like my comments hamster quit working last night but I’ve got him going again, I think. I know about 15 of you tried to write comments last night but they’re lost now.
The Liberty Tree Network

Two of my favorite bloggers Kate from Blatherings Blog and Beth at Blue Star Chronicles have paid us the greatest compliment – they’ve asked us to join their new network of blogs called The Liberty Tree Network. You can read the history of the name of the group (pre-Revolution history – my favorite kind of […]
Comments function is wigging out

For some reason, all comments are being sent straight to spam – even TSO. I didn’t ban anyone and I’m working on it, so keep leaving your comments and I’ll fish them out of that yucky spam folder and post them for you. UPDATE: OK, I disabled the spam filter until the developer gets back […]
A note to all

Ace of Spades has had some trouble lately with folks who think that real racism is funny. I hope he won’t mind if I quote him; Some Republicans are, alas, the exact same sort of unsophisticated angry morons who shout things like “Terrorist” about Obama when McCain is speaking, thus putting him on the extreme […]
Ya know what?

It was two years ago I was suspended from my very last discussion forum and I started doing research on starting my own blog (and stopped bringing in traffic for other people). Five days later, I wrote my first post on This Ain’t Hell. The name of the blog came from the title of a […]
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