A note to all
Ace of Spades has had some trouble lately with folks who think that real racism is funny. I hope he won’t mind if I quote him;
Some Republicans are, alas, the exact same sort of unsophisticated angry morons who shout things like “Terrorist” about Obama when McCain is speaking, thus putting him on the extreme defensive, or having temper tantrums on blogs when the proprietor requests they refrain from exposing him to any lawsuits.
They substantially vindicate every stereotype the left and MSM has about us, and make the rest of us not only look bad, but make us squeamish from even being political associates. And they lose us precious votes.
And yet these screamers and tantrum-throwers really think they’re the ones helping the team. These malformed, brain-damaged shut-in angry monsters think they’ve got the right message to carry to the non-deformed, non-retarded demographics.
Ace is a much better wordsmith than I, but I think I’d add, for those who don’t understand, just because we’re falsly accused of racism doesn’t mean that all behavior is excused and that racism, sexism, etc… doesn’t exist.
A few moments ago, I deleted a comment that was blatantly racist and used some Huck Finn dialogue to make absolutely no point whatsoever. Now, I’m not sure if the author was serious, or if he was a plant (I suspect the latter) but I won’t tolerate that kind of gibberish here.
For one thing, there are a few blogs in my blogroll that are blocked by my employer’s filter for their content. I’d be embarrassed if this blog was blocked by my own employer because of some numbnuttery by a commenter. Ace makes the point that LGF is labeled as a hate site web-wide not because of anything Charles Johnson has written but because of a tiny number of the commenters who thought they were being clever.
We get outraged at blatant crap like this;
But we also need to police our ranks, as well. Yes, real irrational hate exists and Obama is using that to crush dissent. The more we buy into the silly, childish buffoonery, the more we look exactly like the goober in the picture and the more difficult it is to overcome the stereotype that the Left has perpetuated about us.
I’m angry about issues, I’m not angry about superficial accidents of nature like skin color or genetalia. The Democrats have presented those traits as sole reasons to vote for their candidates, for us to use that as the sole reason to vote against candidates is just as shallow.
Whether you agree with me or not is entirely up to you. But whether you continue posting on our forum is up to us.
And another thing…we’ve all heard the rumors about a young lady being hidden for particular reasons – please don’t comment on it here or even mention her name so we can avoid lawsuits for slander. Thank you.
Category: Administrative
Just one point:
“…..Some Republicans are, alas, the exact same sort of unsophisticated angry morons who shout things like “Terrorist” about Obama when McCain is speaking, thus putting him on the extreme defensive….”
Obama may not be one himself, but he certainly appeals to those who are. More importantly, he doesn’t disassociate or reject their support.
That speaks volumes.
As much as it pains me to agree with anything Dick says, I support this 100%. The only colors that matter in this election are Red White and Blue.
Me and my fellow conservatives who post to the RochesterConservative blog and RC Pirate Forums have been accused of being racists just because we are conservatives. We had a troll that came through back in April that tried to appear like a “good ol’ boy” and it went downhill from there. He was so obvious. I pulled the posts and banned him. I do not put up with racism on our website.
With that being said, I wonder if some of the people responsible for yelling the moronic stuff at McCain/Palin rallies and posting racist stuff to conservative blog are really Obamabot trolls to make us look like racists? I know the troll that pulled that crap on our website is an Obama supporter.
Who has proven the slime at McCain/Palin rallies are not nutty left wing plants?
Before you buy into the notion that the yeller at the rally is one of yours, do remember that those rallies are infiltrated by troublemakers. If the Republicans do not misbehave, they will, and then say the Republicans did it.
Certain Democrats need for Republicans, including John McCain, to be racist. That’s why Rep. Lewis accused John McCain of being similar to George Wallace.
Jonn wrote: I’m sure you’re right that some of those folks are plants, I also believe that “Reggie” was a plant, too. Some of the email I get is blatantly racist, and there have been other commenters who tried to bait us with their overt racism. My cautionary post was to dissuade people from engaging in that kind of behavior.
You should see it from my side; I’m accused of “encouraging racism” just because I’m a conservative.
That’s our world.
Jonn wrote: I remember the lectures you guys got outside of the National Press Club after Jeremiah Wright whipped them up into a frenzy.