Tuesday Feel Good Stories
Here’s a starter story: Next: Sheriff switches parties after election. WASHINGTON PARISH, LA. — Randy Seal will once again serve as sheriff in Washington Parish after winning Saturday’s election. After his victory, he no longer wants to be considered a Democrat. After years in politics in Washington Parish as a Democrat, Seal, and […]
Monday Feel Good Stories
From the Pew Report: Violent crime in the U.S. has fallen sharply over the past quarter century. The two most commonly cited sources of crime statistics in the U.S. both show a substantial decline in the violent crime rate since it peaked in the early 1990s. One is an annual report by the FBI of serious crimes reported […]
Best Choice for the Job at Hand
This comes under the heading of ‘knock yourselves out’. I asked a couple of people about the best equipment for hunting. Since I hunt with a camera, a solid, multifunctional digital camera body with a good zoom lens gives you a chance to find cover and hunt/nail your target. I’d recommend a Nikon D810 with […]
Gun Control, My Fat Aunt Harriet!
All the fussing over GUNZZ!! from the left herd side of the fence is partly a PR whack job by the media, who pander to them and want to Control Thought when they can’t even control their own bladders. While it should not be necessary to repeat ‘no one is forcing you hoplophobes to buy, […]
Weekend Open Thread: You Want Gun Pr0n? I Got Yer Gun Pr0n Right Here!
So, a 5.56x45mm or 9mm isn’t enough gun for you? You’re not sure if a .45ACP or a .357 Magnum will do the trick? Does a .308 or .30-06 make you say, “Meh”? Do you lust after the .50 S&W, or daydream about big-bore elephant guns of yesteryear? Well, then this is the gun for […]
A Little Discussion of Machiavelli With Your Morning Coffee?
This is a discussion of Machiavelli’s view of an armed citizenry in The Art of War, as authored by Cary Nederman, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Machiavelli holds that one of the consequences of such vivere sicuro is the disarmament of the people. He comments that regardless of “how great his kingdom is”, the king of France “lives as […]
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