How we can lose the gun control debate
We gun owners and the NRA still control the gun control debate, mostly because we’ve all proven that we’re the only ones telling the truth. The gun grabbers have a habit of making shit up about us that they can’t substantiate, but it plays to the crowd that they’re trying to influence. Like the ditz […]
Black Friday gun deals abound
The Washington Times says that the FBI performed 154,873 background checks yesterday as the long drought of the available guns seems to have ended. They report that it’s three times the number of any given day over the last year; The actual number of guns sold was likely even higher. The FBI only tracks background […]
NRA News; Colion Noir; Gun Safety?
I read that you guys were missing Colion Noir the other day, and the folks at NRA News sent us his latest video entitled Gun Safety? “In the political world, gun safety doesn’t mean what you think.” Somewhere between screaming for gun control and then being called out for actually wanting gun confiscation, the anti-gunners […]
NRA News; Natalie Foster
The folks at the NRA sent us a video by Natalie Foster who explains how gun companies aren’t as irresponsible as the media and the Left, in general, portray them;
John Stossel can’t get a gun
Andy sends us this video of Fox News’ John Stossel who decided because he needs to protect himself from crazies who post death threats to him on the internet, he applies for a gun permit in New York City. yeah, well, we all know how that turns out; Out here in real America, we got […]
Open carry activists scare us?
Chief Tango sent us a link to a Daily Beast article which charges that the recent rash of open carry activists parading around in public spaces with their scary black guns is scaring folks away from support for the Second Amendment; The incident is the latest headline-grabbing showdown involving open carry activists, who want the […]
…and beer for my horses
Bubblehead Ray and Country Singer send us a link to an article from Georgia where young Damien Durham robbed a convenience store in broad daylight to jump-start his new life. What he didn’t expect was that the small town of Rhine got plumb mad dog mean, they hastily formed an ad hoc posse, spread out […]
Guns & Ammo columnist fired
Ok, some thoughts from me on this. While the argument is that there are limitations on the Constitution, that the gun grabbers use as their “moderate, rational argument”, it is anything but rational, nor is it intellectual. The premise that there are limitations on freedom of speech, because you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded […]
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