Federal judge says Chicago’s gun laws unconstitutional

| January 7, 2014 | 8 Comments
Federal judge says Chicago’s gun laws unconstitutional

Pinto Nag sends us a link to NBC News which reports that a federal judge has struck down Chicago’s new gun laws are unconstitutional, you know, the new guns laws they wrote when the Supreme Court struck down their gun ban in 2010; U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang said in his ruling that while […]

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Detroit Police Chief James Craig; good guys with guns is a good thing

| January 5, 2014 | 9 Comments
Detroit Police Chief James Craig; good guys with guns is a good thing

The Detroit Police Chief, James Craig, took a stance generally unpopular among the nation’s other police chiefs last week when he told a radio audience that good guys with guns make society safer. He also said that his conversion to this position took some time and experience, according to the Detroit News; Craig said he […]

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Magpul: We Weren’t Kidding

| January 3, 2014 | 91 Comments
Magpul:  We Weren’t Kidding

Jonn’s pretty busy today, so I’m posting this one on his behalf. As Jonn wrote here some months ago, last year both Beretta and Magpul publicly went on record as opposing proposed changes to firearms laws in their respective states (the People’s Republic of Maryland and Colorado, respectively).  Both firms were essentially ignored by those […]

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New Gun laws in CT

| January 1, 2014 | 31 Comments
New Gun laws in CT This is our future, folks. I know, I’ve heard all the lines about liberty, Molon Labe, etc., but when it comes down to it; American gun owners will get in line to give away their liberty and rights to the state just like everyone else. How do I know this? I watch it unfold […]

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Starbuck’s gun control policy fails

| December 23, 2013 | 16 Comments
Starbuck’s gun control policy fails

You remember how a few months ago Starbucks asked it’s law abiding customers to leave their guns at home when they buy the over-priced, over-roasted yuppie beverages, right? Well, I hate to engage in a bit of schadenfreude, but it appears that folks who aren’t abiding by that policy, aren’t the law-abiding types, at least […]

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Arapahoe High School shooter

| December 14, 2013 | 38 Comments
Arapahoe High School shooter

I was going to write something like I normally do when one these shootings happened like the one in Colorado yesterday where the shooter killed himself after wounding two fellow students. But, it turns out I don’t have to write anything because it wouldn’t come close to what our buddy, Nicki wrote at her place, […]

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Bleeding Hearts . . . and Bloody Hands

| December 14, 2013 | 29 Comments
Bleeding Hearts . . . and Bloody Hands

Today is the anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings.  We’ll doubtless hear great hue and cry from our liberal “brethren” about that, and about how “evil guns” killed innocents. Yeah, they’re lying – and they know it.  But that won’t stop many clueless schmucks from lapping it up.  And the media will be there to […]

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NRA News; Dom Raso: Vets

| December 3, 2013 | 0 Comments
NRA News; Dom Raso: Vets

The folks at the NRA send us their latest commentary from former Navy SEAL Dom Raso who talks about veterans losing their Second Amendment rights; When a vet is eligible for disability compensation or other benefits, they go through an evaluation process. The way it’s set up right now, if the vet has someone else […]

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