
Ronald A. Gray closer to execution

| December 28, 2016 | 45 Comments
Ronald A. Gray closer to execution

In 1988, Ronald A. Gray was sentenced to death by the Army for two murders and three rapes while he was a specialist and worked as a cook at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In a civilian court, he pleaded guilty to two other murders and five other rapes. He was sentenced to eight life terms […]

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Meet Clintoon’s Other, “Private” Admin Assistant

| November 7, 2016 | 20 Comments
Meet Clintoon’s Other, “Private” Admin Assistant

While FBI Director Comey was readying his bucket of whitewash yesterday, some additional information was being reported about Ms. Clintoon’s handling of sensitive materials while SECSTATE.  Thanks to that additional reporting we now know who often helped her out with the administrative and practical details of doing sensitive State Department business – e.g., sensitive faxes, […]

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“Only the ‘little people’ follow ethics rules.”

| November 6, 2016 | 36 Comments
“Only the ‘little people’ follow ethics rules.”

Well, it appears as if the Clintoon Foundation – and its namesakes – are in the news again.  And not in a good way, either. When Clintoon became SECSTATE in 2009, she and her husband – the famous cigar lover – did not divest themselves of their interests in their Clintoon Foundation.  However, Ms. Clintoon […]

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“Follow the Money.”

| November 4, 2016 | 44 Comments
“Follow the Money.”

We’ve all heard about the latest Clintoon email revelations.  Everyone’s probably also heard by now that the FBI has reopened their Clintoon email investigation due to a Weiner-related discovery.  (smile) But for Clintoon, that’s likely not her only potential major legal issue.  You see, it seems that the FBI has also been quietly pursuing its […]

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2 more “Norfolk Four” cases tossed

| November 3, 2016 | 23 Comments
2 more “Norfolk Four” cases tossed

The Associated Press reports that two sailors who had been convicted of rape and murder in a 1997 case have been exonerated by a judge. Danial Williams and Joseph Dick have been out of jail since 2009, but they were still serving parole for the rape and murder of Michelle Moore-Bosko. U.S. District Judge John […]

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A Quick Rundown on the Current Clintoon Investigations

| November 1, 2016 | 25 Comments
A Quick Rundown on the Current Clintoon Investigations

No, I’m not going to list the details – because it seems the UK’s Daily Mail has already done that.  You can read their rundown here.  It’s pretty decent. However, as a rundown concerning Clintoon sleaze it’s unfortunately quite incomplete.  It doesn’t even mention Bill “Have a Cigar” Clintoon and his adventures on the “Lolita […]

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Yeah, Looks Like the POTUS Lied. Again. Surprised?

| October 27, 2016 | 34 Comments
Yeah, Looks Like the POTUS Lied.  Again.  Surprised?

Last March, the POTUS was asked when he learned about the Clintoon “private” email server. His response?  “The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” Well, it looks like the man either is monumentally dense – or he       shamelessly lied through his teeth       “misspoke” here.  Because here’s a quote […]

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Bill to make trading in Purple Heart Medals illegal proposed

| October 4, 2016 | 18 Comments
Bill to make trading in Purple Heart Medals illegal proposed

In 2009, Zach Fike’s mother gave him for Christmas a Purple Heart Medal that she bought. It had belonged to the family of Corrado Piccoli who had been killed in action in France during World War II. Zach, now a major in the Vermont National Guard and a Purple Heart recipient himself was spurred to […]

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