Meet Clintoon’s Other, “Private” Admin Assistant

| November 7, 2016

While FBI Director Comey was readying his bucket of whitewash yesterday, some additional information was being reported about Ms. Clintoon’s handling of sensitive materials while SECSTATE.  Thanks to that additional reporting we now know who often helped her out with the administrative and practical details of doing sensitive State Department business – e.g., sensitive faxes, printing out emails and attachments, and the like.

Who might that be, you ask?  Wouldn’t that be her protégé, one each Huma Abedin – the Weiner wifey?

Well, I’d guess Abedin did help her out at times with those kinds of things; Clintoon is reportedly manifestly incompetent when it comes to electronic devices.  But apparently someone else did as well.

Reportedly, that someone else would be her housekeeper in DC – Marina Santos.  She’s an immigrant from the Philippines.

Ms. Santos has no security clearance.

And yet, Ms. Santos apparently was forwarded and often printed out emails and document attachments sent to Ms. Clintoon while she was SECSTATE.  Some of the documents were sensitive – and, on at least one occasion, documents sent to her to be printed appear to have been classified

Ms. Santos also appears to have had access to the SCIF installed by the State Department in Clintoon’s DC residence.  She reportedly sometimes collected documents sent to Ms. Clintoon via the secure fax in that SCIF.

Per the FBI, one of the items sent via secure fax to Clintoon on occasion was the Presidential Daily Brief.  Needless to say, that document is typically rather highly classified.

Ms. Santos has apparently never been interviewed by the FBI during the Clintoon email investigation.  Additionally, her iMac – which Santos apparently used to receive and print documents and emails for Clintoon – apparently has never been turned over to or examined by the FBI.

It’s also believed that Santos may know the whereabouts of a thumb drive containing a large archive of Clintoon emails – as well as the whereabouts of a MacBook formerly used by another close Clintoon crony, Monica Hanley.  Sometime in 2013 Ms. Hanley reportedly used the MacBook in question to download Clintoon’s emails from her private server, then to copy them to a thumbdrive.  Neither of those devices so far have been turned over to or examined by the FBI, either.

The NY Post and Empty Lighthouse Magazine today each have articles worth reading.  The Post article discusses the matter described above in some detail, while the Empty Lighthouse article gives additional background on Ms. Santos.

Too bad we didn’t know all of this some time before Comey      tried to sweep everything under the rug      erroneously and prematurely closed the FBI’s very obviously incomplete investigation some months ago – and then did the same again yesterday.  As I noted above:  Ms. Santos still apparently hasn’t been interviewed by the FBI, and her computer hardware hasn’t been examined.  So there’s no way in hell this so-called “investigation” was legitimately completed.

Yes, you or I would be in freaking jail by now – deservedly so.  But Clintoon isn’t.

I guess that’s what happens when you have a political hack as FBI director instead of a LEO that takes his responsibilities seriously.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Crime, Legal

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2/17 Air Cav

It really doesn’t matter what more is learned about Clinton’s criminality. She is above the law and those who would subject her to law will pay. She will get to target individuals and groups as oBaMa has. She will get to use the tools of law against political enemies. She will nominate, and after a good show, get to install Supreme Court justices who will not waiver from blessing a political and social agenda. She will use the ever-increasing power of the Office of President for purposes that are improper, if not illegal. We know all of this because she has a certified history of past performances that allow us to predict future performance. There is nothing that woman will not do to obtain the power she seeks and if enough morons, Free Cheesers, dead democrats, not to mention the voters of conscience who equate Trump’s words with Clinton’s actions and vote not or for a third party candidate, she will have what she has long sought. If that happens, it will be more than a sad day for America, the place where no one was above the law. It will be her end.


It frigging kills me that she has gone unindicted. More so considering this information.
We are about to fall into a very dark abyss, though I think we already began that slide a long time ago. It just went unseen by most.
This isn’t about “conspiracy theories”, this is about absolute power corrupting absolutely. I doubt the RNC is all that clean either.


NYPD leak the back up copy please.
You gave the FBI a second chance to do the right thing.


Friends, Americans, countrymen,
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury your country,
Not to praise it.
The evil that men do lives after them.
The good is oft interred with their bones.
So let it be with America.
The noble Hondo hath told you
That Lilith** was ambitious:
If so, it were a grievous fault.
And grievously will American answer for it.

**Lilith is the dark moon, the keeper of secrets, the dark side of the human personality.


I had a girlfriend named Lilith in the 60s. Your description explains a lot.


Do you mean to tell me that “my uncleared foreign-born maid runs my SCIF” is not a valid method for handling classified?

Who knew?

Hack Stone

Does her maid refer to it as a SCIP?

(You need to know a lot of Filipinos to get that joke.)

The Other Whitey

My Filipino brother-in-law says to tell you his Grandma resembles that remark.


This was overheard many, many years ago, on a deployment far, far away, as a Filipino bar band wearing absurdly large cowboy hats was trying to play songs by Johnny Cash:


I pell into a burnin’ ring of pire
I went down, down, down
And the plames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of pire, the ring of pire



Knew a BM2 from the PI. Cracked us up with his:

Tweepers, tweepers, man de booms.

(Sweepers, sweepers, man the/your brooms.)


‘Gib de ship a clean tweepdown, both pore and apt’?

Hack Stone

I am still trying to figure out what my lovely bride, Rosetta Stone, said this morning. I asked her three times to repeat it, then I just nodded my head and went to work. I don’t want to wake up with a butterfly knife to my throat. And if she finds out about that office romance that I had with Elaine Ricci, I am screwed.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Sadly, nothing will come of this.

The FBI lacks the integrity to recommend criminal charges and the DoJ certainly wouldn’t pursue charges even if they were.

Folks in D.C. have redefined “intent”, so this kind of sh*t will just continue.


Oh, come on, now. You know perfectly well that the Clintoons have everyone by the short hairs for the duration.


Reddit at The Donald and 4Chan have been working overtime to look at the leaked materials, and run down the questions raised by the emails. The detective work is being done by anonymous citizens, not our appointed law enforcement officers. I am glad this is happening, but disappointed by the obvious corruption of the people who formally work for us.

Time to clean house.

Perry Gaskill

Let’s see. What happened to those launch codes? I thought the silly things were here somewhere. Did I put them in with the cable bill, or did the milkman pick them up with the note for more half and half? It’s so hard to keep track of these things.

Marina! Is my red pantsuit back from the cleaners yet?


One of the very few with stones in DC is Trey Gowdy.


Ring, ring, ring.

HRC: Marina?! Did you let that Weiner in my house?

Marina: No!

HRC: Dammit bitch, I can see you in the mirror in that selfie!!

Marina: No, no, not me.

HRC: Huma told me he likes young girls and you lady, are fucking old.

Marina: So sorry your highness.

HRC: Whatever, fuck you. Did you print that shit out for me like I told you?


So nice to know that the candidate in question is not only a raging menopausal termagant, but also an incompetent ass.

I can sleep better now, knowing this.


Why in the name of god is she not under Leavenworth?