
Update: Legal Opinion

| August 12, 2019 | 54 Comments
Update: Legal Opinion

There is a new ruling now regarding retirees and courts martial. The retirees will no longer be brought back from retirement to face those proceedings. From the article:  A new legal opinion from the Navy–Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals says court-martialing military retirees is unconstitutional — and the reason concerns the issue of retirement pay. Chief Judge […]

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| August 11, 2019 | 27 Comments

Allen, Bryan Craig One of our ninjas scared up this sad tale of one Allen, Bryan Craig, thief. He had a pretty sweet little scam going on, until he got caught, of course. As a property book officer for the 4th Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, he would reduce the number of […]

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Jeffrey Epstein dead from apparent suicide in Manhattan jail cell

| August 10, 2019 | 76 Comments
Jeffrey Epstein dead from apparent suicide in Manhattan jail cell

Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide by hanging himself in his prison cell in New York City. He was found in cardiac arrest by guards shortly before 7 am on Saturday. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead FBI investigating. Poetrooper sends us a link about the apparent suicide of accused sex […]

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The Seventh Amendment…

| August 7, 2019 | 26 Comments
The Seventh Amendment…

Veritas Omnia Vincit sends us his thoughts on one of the lessor recognized Amendments, the Seventh. Taken at face value, it codifies the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases. But more importantly, it inhibits the courts from overturning a jury’s findings of fact. Here’s VOV: …or Should We Keep This Outdated Idea? […]

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Navy dismisses more SEAL war crimes cases…

| August 7, 2019 | 16 Comments
Navy dismisses more SEAL war crimes cases…

U.S. Navy Sea, Air, and Land team members conduct military field operations during exercise Trident 18-4 at Hurlburt Field, Florida, on July 11th, 2018. (Staff Sgt. Corban Lundborg/Air Force) …removes controversial prosecutor. War crime charges are falling like Autumn leaves in Navy Region Southwest, as all charges are dismissed against SWO1 Daniel Dambrosio, SWOCs Xavier […]

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Trump nixes NAMs for 4 prosecutors tied to SEAL case

| August 1, 2019 | 66 Comments
Trump nixes NAMs for 4 prosecutors tied to SEAL case

President Donald Trump walks into the Oval Office for a meeting. (Evan Vucci/AP) No participation NAM for these jokers! By: Carl Prine With a trio of tweets Wednesday afternoon, President Donald Trump nixed the Navy Achievement Medals recently bestowed on four prosecutors tied to the war crimes case against Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” […]

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Veritas Omnia Vincit Article- Mueller Hearings

| July 26, 2019 | 43 Comments
Veritas Omnia Vincit Article- Mueller Hearings

VOV is working on an essay about the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution, but like most he became engrossed in the Mueller debacle happening in the halls of Congress. Unlike most, he put his thoughts down and sends them to us for our perusal and enjoyment. Here’s VOV: The continued waste of time known as […]

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How wounds suffered in search for Bergdahl changed 3 lives

| July 21, 2019 | 15 Comments
How wounds suffered in search for Bergdahl changed 3 lives

Retired Navy SEAL James Hatch, wearing a bite suit, helps train a Norfolk K-9 unit dog in Norfolk, Va., in 2015. Hatch’s leg wound from enemy fire while searching for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl ended his career as a Navy SEAL. Hatch’s wounds and others will be weighed by the judge in determining Bergdahl’s punishment […]

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