I hate hippies
Occupy Wukan
The Washington Post reports about what a real protest looks like along with a typical Maoist response from the Chinese government; For the past four months, thousands of residents of the fishing village of Wukan in China’s Guangdong province have been protesting. The unrest began after the local government seized and sold off nearly $154 […]
Time’s Person of the year: The Protester
So Time magazine has named it’s Person of the Year and it’s “The Protester”. The accompanying article starts out pretty good, chronicling the rise of the protests in the Middle East, but then they go off their rockers and include the filthy hippie scum which have been begging for a good old fashioned ass kicking […]
Occupy Law & Order SVU
According to an article in the Daily News, filthy hippies didn’t like that Law & Order Special Victims Unit was using them as a fackdrop for an upcoming episode and so they disrupted the filming; “It’s hysterical,” Hornbein said. “Two weeks ago they kicked us out of Zuccotti Park. Now they have this set trying […]
Zombie: S.F. puts the “X” back in Xmas: Occupying human rights for naked Santas
Our buddy Zombie donned a Santa suit to infiltrate the latest Occupy protest in San Francisco and after awhile Zombie was the only one still wearing the costume; I have no idea why everything in California, or at least San Francisco, ends up with everyone who is ugly and deformed taking off their clothes. But […]
Hippies to shut down west coast ports
Despite the fact that labor, namely the longshoreman, oppose it, the hippies on the West Coast are going to punish The Man by shutting down the ports on the West Coast today. from the Washington Times; Organized labor appears divided over the port shutdown effort. In Oakland, which saw strong union support for the Nov. […]
Madison Rising denied permit for Zuccotti Park
Our buddy, Aunty Brat at Assoluta Tranquillita sends us a link to a post she wrote about a band, Madison Rising, who applied for a permit to play a free concert in New York City’s Zuccotti Park where filthy hippies have been crapping for the last few months and they were denied the permit. As […]
Calling for revolution
Here’s Carl Dix and Cornel West as they walk into a court room to answer for their crimes and as they walk in they’re promoting “revolution”. Carl Dix & Cornel West promo for film fundraiser indiegogo.com/basicsevent from basics on Vimeo. So who is Carl Dix? Well, he’s a former leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party […]
Occupier screwed out of new shoes
Claymore sends a link from Atlanta’s Creative Loafing describing an incident in which a 34-year-old woman reported to an officer on a street corner that she’d been raped in Woodruff Park, where the local Occupy protest is being held. As the interrogative continued, the woman eventually admitted that she had been soliciting to a fellow […]
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