RSSVeterans in politics

Kokesh loses primary bid

| June 2, 2010 | 7 Comments
Kokesh loses primary bid

Several months ago, Adam Kokesh, IVAW icon, lost a pre-primary bid for the New Mexico 3rd Congressional district’s Republican spot on the ballot in November with only 19.5% of the vote. Since he needed 20% of the vote to appear on yesterday’s primary ballot, he contested the New Mexico law to get his spot. Republicans […]

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Blumenthal still leads McMahon

| May 28, 2010 | 6 Comments
Blumenthal still leads McMahon

I don’t know what’s wrong with the people being polled in Connecticut.Clearly, Richard Blumenthal has been lying about his military service for years and yet, a week after the discovery, CT voters seem to be supporting him 56% to 31%.over the Republican candidate. I’ve quoted several CT veterans over the last week who claim that […]

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Simmons to drop out?

| May 25, 2010 | 4 Comments
Simmons to drop out?

According to the Capitol Watch Blog, the REAL Vietnam veteran in the Connecticut Senate race may be dropping out today; Rob Simmons will hold a press conference for this morning in New London to announce he’s leaving the U.S. Senate race, sources said late today. The former congressman and Vietnam War veteran lost the Republican […]

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Who are the CT vets who “hold off” condemnation of Blumenthal

| May 20, 2010 | 10 Comments
Who are the CT vets who “hold off” condemnation of Blumenthal

There’s an article in the CT New Times entitled “Area Vietnam Veterans Hold Off Condemnation of Blumenthal” about the revelation that Connecticut’s Attorney General had been lying about his service during the Vietnam War. The reporter mentions five veterans who don’t seem to care much about Blumenthal’s lying – a couple even cite the “everybody […]

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Speaking of Murtha’s seat

| April 27, 2010 | 7 Comments
Speaking of Murtha’s seat

Since I live in the Johnstown area these days, I get to watch the battle for the Congressional seat recently vacated by the late John Murtha. Of course Murtha’s choice for the seat is his former staffer, Mark Critz. Critz runs from behind Murtha’s bloated corpse; Even though he’s not a veteran himself, Critz claims […]

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