Geoffroy Maximus; phony Naval Aviator

| March 26, 2018

Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Geoffroy Maximus, who claims that he’s a retired Marine Corps aviator living in Vancouver, BC, Canada;

Folks with access to USNA class lists say he’s not a graduate of the Naval Academy, and the Navy has never heard of him;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Deplorable B Woodman

Maximus? Seriously?
I guess when he’s sentenced to the clink for Stolen Valor, he’ll enjoy the attentions of Bubba, Tiny, Julio, and Thor in the assimus to the Maximus.

RGR 4-78

Maximus Dumbass may soon be Maximus Soreass.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or Maximus Sphincter.


Maximus Dilatus Sphintorious!

All Hail Sphinctorious!!!

Green Thumb

More like Maximus Shitbagimus.

This loser probably used to work in the mail room at All-Points Logistics.


Gluteus Maximus


Maximus Ignoramious! or is it Maximus idioticus?


That’s “Mr.’Tiny'” to those of us that haven’t met him…

As for Geoffror Maximus, he calls Mr.”Tiny”… “hubby”.


At least he didn’t go for Biggus Dickus…


Gee….that was actually a bit anti-climactic. I was expecting doo-rag, motorcycle, and a dog.


It’s like he thinks because he’s in Canada he can just phone it in!

2/17 Air Cav



A Naval Aviator by definition is a pilot, not a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) as he claims. NFOs specialize in operating airborne weapons and sensor systems, not directly flying the aircraft. Every Navy or Marine flyer knows this.

Even us mere Naval Aircrew. *grin*

He has mad Google skills, as the F/A-18 on final pic is a stock shot from that search engine. It looks like a single-seat -18C model, too. No room for a ‘FO in that bird! Idiot.


He was a CLASSIFIED NFO. His records burned in the “fire”


When the NBA overran his position.


Oh, the humanity.


Oh, no, not THE FIRE. Say it isn’t so. That makes over a thousand who could prove service if not heroism if only their records had not been lost in the fire.


He was so secret, he is in stealth mode, hiding behind the ejection seat in that single-seat Hornet. Before that he was a Marine in the Viet of the Nam, but his records were captured by the NBA when they over ran Khe Sanh.


Even us dumb maintainers knew that…maybe he flew ‘special missions’ in a blivet. 🙂

The dumbass’ “office in the sky” is a VFA-81 Sunliner bird…that would be a Navy Squadron, not Marine Corps.





Request immediate re-attack.



Canyon 407 has expended all ordnance Returning to Mother.


This Maximus guy brings new meaning to the old naval aviation term of “double anchor douchebag”.


If memory serves that’s what my current boss was. He said he spent most of his time mucking with A-4s and F/A-18s.

Made it to E6 before he left after 8 years. He told me he made Sailor of the Year one year.

Combat Historian

Mick is gonna have fun with this phony doofus…


I don’t even know where to start with this shitbird.

– Falsely claims that he’s a retired Marine Corps Colonel.

“Retired ,Fighter Pilot.United States Marine Corp.40 yrs”.

Marine Corp.

Yep, that’s a common mistake made by many retired Marine Colonels. Totally legit.

– Can’t seem to make up his mind if he was a Naval Aviator or a Naval Flight Officer. Maverick, or Goose? Which is it?

– Falsely claims USMC service from 2 September 1964 to 2 September 2005. That’s an awfully long time to be serving on active duty as a “Fighter Pilot”. A senior citizen pulling Gs in an F/A-18 is a real barrel of laughs.

– Claims that he flew with the VMFA-531 “Grey Ghosts” up until he “retired” in 2005. I guess that nobody at the squadron bothered to tell him when VMFA-531 was decommissioned in 1992. He must have spent a lot of time wandering around the empty hangar all by himself and wondering where all of the aircraft went.

– Claims that he was in “Marine ROTC” at the University of Texas, and then went on to USNA to pick up a master’s degree. Yeah, that happens all the time. He also claims a graduate degree from Georgetown University in “Global Intelligence & Terrorism”, whatever that is.

I’m passing this assclown’s spellbinding story on to my VMFA bubbas. Hopefully they’ll roll in hot with some good commentary here shortly.

And chalk one up for the phony Marine Corps Aviators on Greybeard’s tally sheet!


Just remember, Mick, he says he was part of the Marine Corp., not the Marine Corps.

There’s a HUUUUGE difference in those words, y’know. I know what it is. YOU know what it is. But Zero Schmucatelli up there does NOT know what it is.


Someone should tell this Dick-eye about the Naval Post-Graduate School in Monterey.

Nah…fuck him.


Back in the 1960’s there was no such thing as Marine ROTC, just Naval ROTC. College seniors in the program could designate and request a USMC commission instead of a Navy commission. There was nothing called “Marine ROTC.” And how I know this is I had several friends who completed the program and were commissioned. One became an NFO on the USS Ranger.

Combat Historian

One day some dumbfuck poser featured here on TAH is going to claim he/she graduated from the “U.S. Marine Corps Academy” and that the biggest football game of the year is the “Marine-Navy” Game…


Maximus Retardimus


Anus Maximus Mendacious.

From the photo, it looks like he could be old enough to have been eligible for the Vietnam-era draft. (Or maybe not; judging age correctly in a photo is difficult.) I wonder if perhaps that has something to do with his living in BC and wearing that “Proud Canadian” hat?


Homo Draftdodgerus Maximus???

Wouldn’t suprise me at all.
Go visit Saltspring Island, Im certain many of you would find some former High School classmates who ‘vanished’ in 1968.


Idiot. Gives Canucks a bad name.


Great idea to be an aviator phony! This makes it much easier to steal internet pictures and claim that it’s a picture of you.

Much more difficult to do if you want to be an Army Ranger in a hoo-ah combat pose.

Graybeard sir – does this create a new category in your database? If not, what existing category racked up a point with this loser?


There’s an “Unearned Awards” category, but that doesn’t really seem to fit here, as he’s claiming a phony rank and designation.


Naval Aviator/AWO/Aircrew wings aren’t considered an award or qualification badge?


I think he’s speaking to Greybeard’s tally sheet.


It’s a fine difference- Warfare insignia like Surface Warfare for Officers and Enlisted are designations. Aircrew wings were a qualification, but were elevated to a designation some time ago. Neither are “awards.”

Just to make it all a bit more murky, Aviators, NFOs and Aircrew are all “Aeronautically designated.”


I heard that now if you get your EAWS wings, you have to recert/requal when you get to your next command.



Used to be one-and-done. Guess folks aren’t busy enough doing their jobs 16 hours a day, so now they get to re-qual EAWS, too.


Bill M

Maximus is “analautically designated”. I hear Mr. Tiny would so like to meet & meat him.


The possible permutations of phonies are vastly beyond my simple spreadsheet capabilities, so some Executive Decision-making is involved here.

I’m adding Geoffroy Maximus to the phony Marines category for ease of accounting are reporting. Phony aviators have been too few to warrant the extra bookkeeping, although I tried tracking phony EOD, UTD, pilots and TACPs for a few weeks.

So, brief answer is – he fell in with the phony Marines.

Wilson Ryan Tinsley, who claimed both Ranger and Special Forces, was a toss-up. I have both categories on the spreadsheet, so I put him in the Phony SF category. FWIW, both the phony SF/Green Berets and the phony Rangers occupy the same level of Stolen Valor Hell – the 6th level – also shared by the phony Marines.

There is some judgment-calling on my part when the categories are unclear, and the results when a phony can equally well fall under two categories can be arbitrary.

Bill M

Your mileage may vary…

Sounds reasonable to me.


Lest I appear to volunteer for your hard work, you’ll see no criticism from me! Good job!


Why not make it simple, 5 services and extra levels for special ops or phony flight claims?

chooee lee

Didn’t see a ponytail or a tattoo either.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not even a Biker’s vest or a dog!

A Proud Infidel®™

WOW, a non-SEAL for a change and he isn’t in Florida either, the pus-nuts meat gazer’s. Hey Geoffroy Maximus, TAKE OFF, HOSER!!


Hmmmm, check out his Feb 11 post. His FB friend Hans Fett, claims to be the former XO of the Blue Angels. Yet in his pics his parking space sign says “Admin Officer”. Not a single pic to show he was a pilot or the XO. I knew his name sounded familiar. He is FB friends with Sherry Boggs before she took down her page. I have messaged him a couple of times to clarify it but he won’t respond.


Apparently the Fake Aviator Community is as tight-knit as the various real ones.


Whenever I go to an airshow, I always spot/bust at least one fake Aviator. They’re everywhere at airshows, like moths to a flame. And sometimes they do rove around in small packs (they feed off of each other’s bullshit).

It’s easy to figure out who they are, especially if they’re running their mouths. Aircraft nomenclature gets ’em every time.


Only thing better than going to an airshow is being IN the airshow.


Hmm, any relation to Bobba Fett?


One of his statements: ” Thanks so much Anna, as you may have noticed from my Facebook page, “Boba” was my call sign in the Blue Angels, and Fett is my last name.”


More likely called “pasta” , since “fettuccine” has too many syllables.

And that easily morphs to “meatball” after about thirty seconds of his own comments.

“Fetthad” has a certain mixed-up suitability.


In German, “Fett” means “Fat”. So perhaps “Fettkopf” would be apropos.

HT3 '83-'87

I found this great website about the Blue Angels:
I tried to zoom in on the flight team pictures to read their names off their flight suits, but my skills are lacking in this area. There is also a link to contact them, so maybe the TAH staff might correspond with to check out Boba Fett’s story?

HT3 '83-'87

His sign says “Lt. Fett”, but he would have to be a Commander at minimum be the XO, correct?
My oiler had 2 CH-46’s and the OIC was a Lt. Cdr, and every squadron I researched online had Commanders for CO & XO.
Now way the Navy’s most visible flyers aren’t under the command of an O-5.


There’s no way that ‘Boba’ was ever the XO of the Blue Angels as a LT/O-3. (Based on bombstopr’s post above, ‘Boba’ was probably the team’s Admin Officer as an LDO LT/O-3.)

Both the CO and XO of the Blue Angels are CDRs/O-5s, and they are both handpicked by the Chief of Naval Air Training.

‘The Chief of Naval Air Training selects the “Boss,” the Blue Angels Commanding Officer. Boss must have at least 3,000 tactical jet flight-hours and have commanded a tactical jet squadron. The Commanding Officer flies the Number 1 jet. The Chief of Naval Air Training also selects the “XO,” the Blue Angels Executive Officer. XO is a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) and must have at least 1,250 tactical jet flight-hours.’


True she’s a friend of Sherry Boggs just now I posted what I saw here bout being a phony he blocked me.He told me he was born in Israel and Mosad Agent.


Mossad Agent?

That’s a new one…

Wilted Willy

This pussnuts doesn’t even rate a comment! Aviator my ass, I would love to ask him a few pilot questions to see if he even knows how to fly? Being a former pilot, I’m sure I could have him stammering in 5 minutes! Does he think nobody else knows how to fly?? Not to mention doorag, vest, and those aviator sunglasses! What a chump!


This never gets old. I think the squirrel can probably outfly this dorkwad named Geoffroy.


That was awesome!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Check out Midnight the cat flying the aeroplane on the Saturday morning old Andy Devine show along with Froggy (plunk your magic twanger froggy)

A Proud Infidel®™

EVEN that squirrel knew to make sure he had enough fuel before taking off!!


2/17 Air Cav

Flying G (Spot $ Strings) is a company in Canadia and Kernel Max wears a “Proudly Canadian” ball cap. It’s a fair bet he knows how to drive a zomboni.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Great Ceaser’s ghost Kent, he looks like Jeff’s snow bird neighbor in E building.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

At least he’s Navy but not a Seal.

John Seabee

Geoffroy Minimus




I keep reading it as “Goofy,” not Geoffroy. So he’s really Goofy Minimus, Col. US Marine Corp (Ret), Naval Aviator Flight Officer, call sign “Broken Taint.”

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself see his name as “Goofus” therefore IMHO he is Goofus Maximus!


He must have seen Tom Cruz’s new “Top Of The Age List Gun” movie and decided he wanted to be a grumpy old maverick.


I messaged him on Rally Point, where he is an “unverified” member. He hasnt answered me back as of this.


A Message to Maximus Aviatis Moronis:

So, because of your new found celebrity and my inquiring messages to you on Linked In, you decided to change your profile and block other legitimate Linked In users.

I imagine that after you saw my profile, you crapped your little pink panties. Stolen Valour Canada has been notified … they do a fine job outing frauds, liars, thieves, cheaters and criminals like you.

I will watch from the sidelines now, after I fire off a red rocket notification to all the LE and security contacts I have in Canada.

Enjoy … being famous!



Max’s Linked In page is gone.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, what a surprise!


Oh Master Chief…he has Twitter:


I saw that too.

He is a moron! A famous moron now!

He says, “US Marine Corp”!


‘Retired USMC Marine Corp Aviator.’

‘Marine Corp’ again.

— sigh —

Totally legit.


I just spoke with the Secretary of the Blue Angels Association, June (850 944-0661). She said she knows him and Hans Fett was not the XO of the Blue Angels. They didn’t even have XO back then, it is a position created in recent years. He was the Admin Officer 84-86.