Christopher Lee Robbins; phony Green Beret

| October 14, 2017

Our partners at Guardians of the Green Beret share their work on this plus-sized model for the ACUs, Christopher Lee Robbins. From the looks of his uniform, he’s claiming to be a Master Sergeant, Special Forces qualified, Ranger, a combat veteran, a parachutist, Air Assault trained, and a Pathfinder. He also claims that he served in the 1st Ranger Battalion in Grenada;

Actually, he was a 13Foxtrot, fire support redleg artilleryman for about 23 months in the 7th Division who shot up to the rank of Private (E-1) before the Army kicked him to the curb;

Actually, Mr Robbins is just a fat slug with a credit account at Ranger Joe’s and unfulfilled dreams. Why do they make plus-sized ACUs?

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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John Seabee

Uniform is courtesy of Omar the Tent Maker.


He’s on a Seafood Diet… everything he sees, he eats!


His secret codeword callsign was “Pop and Fresh”

Doc Savage

when did they start making T10C’s in ACU pattern???


Christopher Robbins…I wonder, did he talk with Winnie the Pooh about all this?


“Why do they make plus-sized ACUs?”

Have you seen some of the people serving nowadays? Unfortunately, there are some big people who somehow make tape. There’s a secret: get so fat that your neck gets a fat roll I know at least two former Soldiers (both retired now) who taped under 20% despite weighing well over 250 lbs. They had a 43″ or greater waist but their neck fat offset it.

As for this overgrown never-was, maybe he and the Heavy Drop Serial Phony from years ago can share stories of derring-do.


I saw a guy so fat at AIT that two other soldiers were motivating him the entire time to do the two mile run. He had to be around 300lbs at 6 feet 4 inches. It was mostly fat. Somehow he past the run. I doubt he made it too long after that but who knows.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Did the instructor by chance, nickname him “Gomer Pyle” ?


This will cause quite the ruckus in he 40 acre wood.

Pooh, are you here?

A Proud Infidel®™





Phil Jones

A.K.A, a Knob jockey.


“From this day forward there shall be no Department of Defense issued, approved or authorized uniform item which, when measured, has a circumference greater than 38 inches.”

That is an EO that would have 0’s and E’s naming their kids Donald for a generation or two.

Dennis - not chevy

That would be fine for the desk set; but, even in the chair force some of us bent wrenches. A few hours of installing a cylinder head on a diesel engine will do more for the pecs than a week at the gym.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Was taking a Safety Systems Flammable liquid gas course up at the West Point Military Academy years ago and while visiting the Points museuam, I viewed Herman Guerring’s uniform jacket on a dummy which is as wide as the one Robbin’s is wearing. His middle name of Lee has to go because it is not LC (Liberal/Left correct)


What gets me is that these phonies always pin on every effing badge or piece of bling out there for their fakery. Seriously, I don’t believe I ever saw someone wearing pin on pathfinder, jumpmaster, airmobile, and CIB badges on ACU’s that wasn’t a poser. I guess he thought HALO wings too were a bridge to far.

MSG Eric

Maybe he bought pregnancy ACUs?

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like Jabba the Hut in ACU’s!


Get that CIB off you piece of shit!


He thought it meant “cock in butt” and he wanted to brag about it .

John Robert Mallernee

I don’t know if the regulation has changed, but when I was in the Army, only two (02) qualification badges could be worn on the olive drab fatigues.

Also, when wearing the rifle qualification badge on the Class “A” or Class “B” uniform, only two (02) bars could be attached to it, not the ladder of qualification bars we frequently see.


Sentence #1 – Incorrect

Sentence #2 – Incorrect

John Robert Mallernee


As I said, it was a long time ago, but at that time (when we wore olive drab fatigues), that was the posted uniform guide.

What is your source?


What is my source?

15 years as an NCO in the Army.


I forgot to add in the Army at the same time as you.


Oh, and BTW, they are known as Skill Badges and Marksmanship Qualification Badges.

At least get the nomenclatures correct if you’re attempting to school people on the proper wear of the Army uniform(s).


Dude you don’t have to be a righteous little bitch about it. Chill out.


Originally posted by John Robert Mallernee:

I don’t know if the regulation has changed, but when I was in the Army, only two (02) qualification badges could be worn on the olive drab fatigues.

Without going into measurements, up to five can be worn. With just three badges, they’re “stacked” three in a row, centered above the pocket. With four, they’re “stacked” by twos above the pocket, two stacks above the pocket, with the fifth badge being on top of the two stacks if a fifth badge is worn. The specific distance from each other, and from the pocket are listed in the reg/message.

John Robert Mallernee


Thanks for the update.


You handled that correction much better than Claw. (Not that I know anything about Army regs, just that you handled it better).


I understand where Claw is coming from since I am Army as well. JRM has stated AR ( Army Regulation) 670 -1 when discussing on this blog about wearing his medals and awards to civilan clothes to according to AR 670-1, is not authorized. JRM also wears or has worn in the past the Air Assault Badge. I asked JRM if he was stationed at Fort Campbell or went to Air Assault School and he said no. He claimed he is entitled to wear that badge because he received an Honorary Air Assault Certificate from the Commandant in the 1970s. If you know anything about a certain disbarred lawyer, that lawyer claimed “Honorary” as well. It is the same. Also, JRM wears or has worn the Infantry Blue Cord on his civilian clothes. He had never been an 11B or an Infantry Soldier. When asked why he wears it after admitting he was never Infantry, he claims he was “ordered” to wear the Cord. Find that very, very, very hard to believe. Plus, one does not wear the Blue Infantry Cord on civilian clothes after they leave the Army (JRM did not retire). Also, JRM wears “Green Tabs” on his civilian clothes. Those are Leadership Tabs and are only worn when one is on Active Duty ( Regular Army, Army Reserves, National Guard) while in a leadership position. They are “temporary”. One does not wear the Tab on civilian clothes when one leaves the Service. I read JRM’s above post and thought it was ironic that he asked that question while at the same time, quotes AR 670-1 on his justification of wearing his awards/ badges/medals on civilian clothes, yet questions the Marksmanship and Qualification Badges on Robbins (yes, Claw is correct when he made that statement). JRM could have looked up AR 670-1 and read the current regulation, since he always discusses AR 670-1 on TAH and in his blog. Just thought it was strange he did that. Some of us on TAH jump on phonies big time. I don’t think they are “righteous little bitches” when they do… Read more »


AnotherPat. Your explanation changes things a bit. Thanks for posting.

A Santa Claus suit with Air Assault badge? Really?


OldManchu: You are welcome.

Am guessing you are Army as well.

The whole point of this Blog was to address Robbins wearing unauthorized Badges on the Uniform, not how they are worn.

Again, since JRM uses AR 670-1 to justify him wearing his Medals/ Ribbons/ Badges on civilian clothes, one would think he could have answered his own question by reading the update version of AR 670-1 on the Internet.

And yes, sadly he did wear the Air Assault Badge on a Santa Suit as well as a Scottish Kilt. Anyone who has been thru that course knows it is brutal and demanding.

I will stop hijacking this thread. JRM is a bonafide Vietnam Veteran and received the Bronze Star and an ARCOM for his service in Vietnam. But he did not attend the Air Assault School or was Infantry. Don’t know why he wears the Green Tabs,but do know you only wear those Tabs when you are in a leadership position while on Active, Army Reserve or National Guard status and not after you leave the Service…and especially not on civilian clothes or a Scottish Kilt at non-miltary functions.


I’m indeed Army. One single hitch 1989 – 1992. Infantry 11C. No airborne or air assault but I did earn my EIB.

Thanks again for the info I look forward to future posts.


Wow. Ok, AP. I did not know that about JRM. Which is odd. I don’t think it’s been brought up here before that I’ve seen. I’ve been a regular lurker (before retirement, I post more now). I found TAH googling around while Manning was in the now defunct Quantico brig and Code Skank was planning a ‘massive’ protest (at a park in Q-Town). So this surprises me. Anyway, we’re supposed to blasting fat ass pictured above, so I’ll also exit this side thread. Appreciate the explanation.


Just one clarification on the green leadership tabs: One has to remove them from the uniform when one leaves that leadership position. I wore them most of my active duty career, but not when I was made an infantry battalion or SF group staff officer. The same applies to the Blue Rope of Doom. Once one is no longer assigned to an Infantry unit, the blue cord is supposed to come off the uni. Thus, no one wore them in SF units, even if one was an Infantry officer.

John Robert Mallernee

Is he also claiming law enforcement?

That looks like some sort of police department shoulder insignia displayed on the wall behind him, to his right.

Just An Old Dog

When I was at MCRD we had a recruit we had to special order Cammie Blouses for.
He was about 6 foot 8. He was pretty heavy, but the big issue was the length of his arms.


When I was at Schofield Barracks in the ’90s, there was an SFC assigned to the engineer battalion who was a large gentleman, but fat was not a factor. He was Samoan and was on the All-Army Powerlifting Team. I’d see him in the gym from time to time, and remember watching him bench press over 500 pounds and squat over 800. When he got new BDUs, he had to take them to the tailor, who would remove the arms, open up the seam, then sew about a 4-inch strip of woodland camo into them, then re-attach them. It was the only way the sleeves would fit over his arms when rolled up.


“Hand Grenade (expert)”

How do you score tossing grenades?
Is it like bean bag where there is a hole in a sheet of plywood?


Basically, yeah lol. I can’t shoot for shit but somehow was an “expert” grenade tosser.


Thanks. I only got to toss the one in Basic and apparently I passed.

Dennis - not chevy

I got curious again so I looked at DA PAM 670-1; why is there no clasp for claymore? I’m certain I’ve seen some wanna-be’s claim it on these pages.


There was one for Claymores. The inscription on the clasp said MINES, but the qualification was discontinued in 1972.


There must have only one test: which direction is it pointed in.

Or maybe emplacement of a trip flare under it to surprise the Viet of the Cong when they try to turn it around?


Actually lost one of my troopers due to one. He was employing one but failed to leave the safety plug in and a huey flew over him on take off and a keyed radio fired it off. At least that’s what the accident report said. That was a tough letter to write to parents.


The only kills we had in my Ranger/LRRP company were with claymores. A claymore mechanical ambush took out two couriers for an NVA rocket battalion. The intel from their reports was amazing. It included personnel reports and an equipment report with detail down to the number of binoculars they had on hand.

Perry Gaskill

Captured documents were interesting, and by the end of the war, at least it seemed to me, we knew a lot about the opposition. Whether we could actually use that information or not was another story.

Some of the amusing stuff was the newspapers from Hanoi with their endless stylized rants about American imperialists and the running-dog clique of Saigon lackeys.

What tended to not be amusing, unless you were a psycho, was the personal correspondence. NVA Private Nguyen might be captured or killed, and there would be a letter from home with a family photo of Nguyen’s old lady and little Nguyen Jr. with his first tooth.


As a battalion intel officer, I saw some of that personal stuff as well. I still have some NVN Dong bills from a NVA KIA somewhere. From that claymore ambush we recovered radio frequencies and related intel that allowed us to DF the rocket battalion’s base camp, which resulted in a very effective air strike.


Just remembeed that I saw a pickup other day that had a “claymore” hitch cover. Thought it was great.

Bill M

Don’t rear-end that sucker!


Talk about a way to discourage tailgating . . . . (smile)


Obviously he does not have an Expert “Salad” bar on there.

Although he is probably an expert at tossing them…..

Guard Bum

Oh bother said Pooh, Christopher Robbins is a lying sack of shit pretender with bigger tits than mother.


Dang, you beat me to the Winnie the Pooh reference! I was this close.


Oh, bother!


ID card photo, just as I suspected… a “zipper head” haircut. I’m sure he drank grape soda and smoked dope.

Mr. Pete

I noticed that also, and thought “orange crush”


I’m not an expert on Army devices and insignias, but if he is wearing the Pathfinder device, he must have earned it by finding his way to the chow hall or Golden Corral Buffet.


Christopher Lee Robbins …

More like …

Baskin Robbins … a lot of it!


Christopher Lee Baskin-Robbins.

So it shall be proclaimed…


Hey, stop picking on John.

Or else!

Yeah, or else … I will have to buy some popcorn and watch him kick all your asses with his life story.

That he can do!

Cheers it is beers time!


even Eeyore says he’s an ass. and that’s saying something!

zipperhead fuck


Robbins is a fat piece of shit , I spoke with guardians of the green beret and Special Forces association , he’s gone as far as making fake VA disability paperwork claiming he 100% Disabled and has Printouts of his awards on printer paper and shows it off as if he was actually in . FAT Fuck claims he has four Purple Hearts and was shot numerous times in the back . Guy is a fucking lard ass who couldn’t even finish out his contract and got out as an E1 hahahahahah Christopher Robbins you my friend are a fucking joke whatever helps you get through the day buddy . No go eat some more sandwich’s you fucking faggot .