Brian Disario; nut kills man over imaginary girlfriend

According to WWLP, Floridaman Brian Disario shot his mother’s friend because the friend was hitting on Disario’s imaginary girlfriend;
Deputies say he was known to have guns and had a history of mental illness.
Deputies said Disario believed that his mother’s friend was trying to hit on his girlfriend. Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said Disario did not a have a girlfriend, but in his mind he did.
The suspect shot and killed the victim, David Armstrong, 56. Others in the home and Disario fled into Gulf Highlands Drive.
So, my questions are; “Who knew he had a mental illness” and “Who gave him a gun, if ‘he was known to have…a history of mental illness’?”
He unsuccessfully tried to shoot it out with the Pasco County deputies in the middle of the street and ended up in a pool of his own blood, when police sent a robot into his abode. According to the Tampa Bay Times, no deputies were injured in the gunfight.
Those who knew him said DiSario was stockpiling firearms.
“We knew he had long guns,” [Pasco Sheriff Chris] Nocco said. “We knew he had ammunition.”
But no one does anything until he kills someone and shoots it out with deputies.
Category: Crime
Good questions. Who knew, and when did they know it?
I’m jaded these days. Fingers pointing everywhere, everyone with a sniveling excuse.
End result: nothing changes. Alas …
Whatever happened to Authorities checking up on cases like him and doing something? Oh wait, do-gooder libtards did away with that as well as shutting many a Mental Health Facility down. Let’s not forget that the Mother of one certain mass shooter tried like hell to have her son committed while authorities sat on their hands.
One can thank Giraldo Rivera for shutting down the mental institutions due to his investigating reporting on the conditions of the above institutions back in the 1970’s.
One of the major shortcomings in our federal system for those eligible to buy firearms is that state participation in flagging those with mental illness is apparently optional. Some states are not reporting mental cases to the national data base. Also, people who are not involuntarily institutionalized but have voluntarily spent time in the looney bin are still eligible to buy firearms in some states.
All due to the Democratic Progressives that mainstreamed mental illness so as to not “stigmatize” them
I’m no fan of Mr. Rivera. However, let’s not forget the deplorable conditions that he exposed. And they were horrendous, absolutely beyond belief. Including Dr. Saul Krugman, who, for roughly 20 years was deliberately infecting the children of Willowbrook with Hepatitis so he could study the transmission and infection rates of the virus.
Also, let’s not forget about one life in particular that Mr. Rivera saved. Bernard Carabello, the man that was confined to the mental institution for 18 years, but was suffering from severe cerebral palsy, and was not a mental defect. –Mr. Carabello, after being saved from Willowbrook went on to get a college education and lead a successful professional career.
Of all the crappy reporting that Mr. Rivera has done over the years, this one thing (reporting on Willowbrook, which exposed and forced reform of treatment of the mentally ill) was actually a good thing.
So yeah, blame Mr. Rivera for “shutting down the mental institutions,” but that’s NOT REALLY what happened.
Well said and worth remembering, conditions in CT and Massachusetts were so deplorable that it’s amazing family members didn’t kill the staff of these institutions for doing things to their confined family members that can best be described as abominable.
Pasco County again. I tell ya there’s something in the water there. Too bad he wasn’t DRT after the LEO encounter. Now a lot of wasted tax dollars to get him healthy for trial, try him, and keep him locked up. But, he’ll make parole in short order I’m sure as long as he promises to report to the local mental health counselor and PO each month. They always do ya know.
The bad guy was DRT. So no tax money will be wasted on him. He was apparently fatally wounded in his shootout with the initially responding popo.
Thanks rgr769. I missed that briefing I guess.
And why were his weapons real instead of as imaginary as the girlfriend?
That’s just great. Gives me so much confidence in law enforcement these days.
Don’t you look at my girlfriend
She’s the only one I got
Not much of a girlfriend
Never seem to get a lot
The system works fine if those responsible do their jobs. When they don’t, this happens.
Not always, TOW. In some places the system is so badly skewed against public safety that it should be considered broken.
Consider the case of the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza. To be blunt, the kid was batsh!t crazy – so obviously so that his own mother reputedly was trying to get him committed.
Unfortunately, she was in CT. And in CT, someone who is mentally disturbed literally has to hurt themselves or someone else (or attempt to do so) before a judge will order them involuntarily committed.
End result: the guy – who was known to be crazy – goes off, murders his mom, steals her guns, and goes to an elementary school and murders 20+ others before police arrive. Then he offs himself.
Apparently his right to walk around a raving lunatic among the sane was more important that 24 innocent lives.
Yeah, our mental health system is broken. That’s also where most chronic homeless people come from. A Houston resident, I see it first hand. Most of these poor folk should be in an asylum. Certainly not near any firearms!
Any truth to what is being said on the Internet that his girlfriend is/was Elaine Ricci?
Is it inane to say Elaine really, really goes for the insane?
If he was known to have mental illness then why did he have access to firearms? Same crap everyone else is saying but it can’t be said enough
This thread has been up for over seven hours, and yet nobody has shown the initiative to post this video. I guess that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.
Great song, though. ARS rocks!
R.I.P Dad ❤
My father was the victim in this. It wasnt his mothers boyfriend, first off. My father was a friend of their family and went to visit. He used to be their neighbor when they lived in another house.
Your father went to visit and the mental case killed him? That’s tough stuff. Sorry to hear that
Yeah. He was friends with the mother because they use to be neighbors. He was just over visiting and he snapped because he thought my dad was hitting on a nonexistent girlfriend…
Condolences, Brandi. Very sad.
Thank you.
You have my condolences, also, ma’am.
Thank you.
Because of the circumstances, his imaginary girlfriend has been moved to a new home and is up for adoption:
Just saw a friend I had not seen for 5 or 6 years. Asked him how he was doing and he said he moved. Why? I asked. The crazy neighbor he lived next to finally lost it and burned his house down. Crazy people are out there.