Richard Foreman; phony busts himself

| August 25, 2017

OK, now I’ve seen everything. This fellow, Richard Foreman, turned himself in to the stolen valor community for lying about his service. He says that he lied to the Facebook group Grenada 30th Anniversary Tour;

As hard as it is to believe I am turning myself in. What the report says happened. I wish I could take it back, but I can’t. I can only do what I feel is the right thing and man up to the fact that I pissed off real heroes & combat veterans because of stupid. Check with Mr. PATRICK O’KELLEY or at least look at the Facebook webpage. I feel such remorse, guilt, dishonor, & disgrace I need to come clean. No excuses for my stupid act. How else can I redeem myself and savage what dignity I may have left. Where is the forgiveness of the real lives that ended paying the ultimate price for our freedom?

So I guess he lied to them and told them that he’d been in the Grenada Invasion in October 1983. Well his records don’t support that;

His discharge says that he served two years and his separation code says the he was only on a two year enlistment. He got a Good Conduct Medal, but he didn’t go to Grenada.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Spartan Deuce

You know it’s hard times when the chaplains assistant is stealing valor.


He had a come to Jesus moment


He “saw the light”….


The light beer?

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

LMAO… Amen, amen, amen…

What’s the world coming to? I guess it’s hard to impress the gang at the VFW with all the wild and crazy antics that we know the chaplain’s assistants get into…

John Robert Mallernee

Do you remember the Chaplain’s Assistant in the movie, “SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE”?

He claimed he didn’t carry a weapon because he was a chaplain’s assistant.

But, as is so often the case, Hollywood had the script all wrong.

In the United States Army, because by regulation, a chaplain is always unarmed, a chaplain’s assistant’s primary job is to protect the chaplain during combat, and thus, he has the weapons, training, and responsibilities of any basic infantry soldier.

Assisting the chaplain when conducting religious services is a secondary mission.


I’ve only ever met one chaplain’s assistant that was anything but a loser wanna be with a dirty weapon and unserviceable equipment.

and she was weirder than hell and bought everything she ever saw in SOF magazine.



Our Chaplain’s Assistant was high-speed, indeed.


Ours got kicked out for failing the APFT like 3 times.


Out of 26 years in the US Army, out of the 3 absolute, rock bottom, worst Soldiers I saw, 2 of 3 were Chaplains Assistants

That MOS tends to attract some real turds

Combat Historian

Grenada 1983 was similar to Beruit 1982-83, contingencies small enough that most everyone involved by now know each other by name, unit, and even by reputation. They are not the place for posers to interject themselves into the conversation or the community; they will be found out and exposed sooner rather than later. These dumbasses never learn…


Yeah, but everyone who steals valor wants to be a combat hero and most people who steal valor (and get caught) are too young for Vietnam and too old to have been in the War on Terror.


Naughty, Naughty….. Mr.Foreskin

Green Thumb


I wonder if this was done to preempt something else coming down the pike?

Time will tell.

Carlton G. Long

Pre-emptive white flag.

A Proud Infidel®™

Could it be that he KNEW someone was about to pop smoke on his game?




Boom. No ‘mercy’ or ‘understanding for this lying poser assclown.

Semper Fi, Doc.


Captain Jeb F. Seagle USMC

Captain John P. Giguere USMC

1stLt Jeffery R. Scharver USMC


Ugh…it’s memories regarding Marines like that I’d like to be able to inject into a poser’s brain. Capt G/Lt S were under water for days before we got them back. When Dr. D… the flight surgeon a few others and myself I.D.’d and processed their bodies, it was gruesome.

What they went through and the heroism to save Capt Howard was remarkable.


I don’t think the posers are man enough to handle those memories, IDC SARC. It would overwhelm them.


Well said, Doc. Very well said indeed.

I don’t know if you’re aware, but Captain Howard was allowed to remain on active duty in spite of his severe injuries, and he ultimately retired as a Colonel.

‘Survivor — Urgent Fury veteran still active after near-death experience in Grenada’


Oh yes, I was aware.Thanks tho.

I’ve also read accounts of the situation. “The first shot hit him in the right arm tearing it off from the just below the elbow and down.”

Dunno if they are misquoting him or what but his arm was firmly attached after the injury. There were several small surface wounds evident, but the damage underneath was severe. When I assessed it, his arm below the elbow was cold, pale virtually immobile and pulseless. We amputated it below the elbow on the U.S.S. Guam. His femoral wound was fortunately, less severe.


Roger all, Doc. I wasn’t in Grenada, but I know some of the Marines who were.

Thank you for your outstanding work out there.

Semper Fi.

John L. McCue

I was on a US submarine shadowing a USSR task force out of Cuba, when this happened. The message we got – invasion of Grenada and garbled then 258 Marines killed in the Barracks.
We didn’t know what was happening, but we quickly got to Grenada still submerged. Nobody knew of our boat underwater. It makes me mad to find out in Sept 2017 these Marines lost their Lives for my freedom.


I got to say, it’s a breath of fresh air to see someone come clean on their own. Hopefully, it isn’t a pre-emptive strike to keep someone from ratting them out.


Yeah…guess we could just cause him pain but no permanent disability.



Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Some advice to every wannabe-B FORE MAN decides to let his mouth write a check that his ass can’t cancel, don’t bull shit people about things that you never did.

Ritz's Ranger

His re-worked Facebook page STILL claims that he is a combat veteran.


Page is dead.


Just checked and the page is available, and yes he claims to be a “combat veteran.”


Nope, gone now.


Poor Dick Foreskin


I wonder if he was telling everyone he served under Gunny Highway, and had a big dude named The Swede in his Platoon.


Yes, and they trained in the rolling hills of Camp Lejeune!!

[I didn’t get that joke until the first time I drove onto Lejeune and looked down Holcomb Blvd as it disappeared into the distance flat as a pancake!]


Kinda wonder about that 214; at that point a Good Conduct required three years AD – he only had 2.

John Robert Mallernee

Back during the war in the old Republic of Viet Nam, I asked a sergeant about that and he said that although three years of honorable service by enlisted personnel is normally required for award of the Good Conduct Medal, as a courtesy, the United States Army awards it to draftees after two years service.

3/17 Air Cav

John…….I recieved the Good Conduct Medal with one year five months and two days of service

John Robert Mallernee

This a guess – – – ,

Were you wounded and then medically retired?

John Robert Mallernee

Or did you become a commissioned officer?

I think they give it to enlisted personnel who become officers, because only enlisted personnel can be awarded the Good Conduct Medal.

3/17 Air Cav

John……..nope, I was drafted, did basic and AIT at Ft. Lewis 11B to the Nam, beat the bush for two months with the 1st Cav. Flew as a door gunner with the Air Cav. Spent 11 months and change in the Nam. Got a early out. Got out as a E-5 Hard stripe. With a CIB, Three Air medals, Crew wings, and the most desired Good conduct Medal.

Came home without a scratch

3/17 Air Cav

John……Almost forgot, also the national defense medal!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The Navy was 4 years for the Good Conduct Medal at the time I was in but I did a 3 year “Kiddie” cruise so I did not earn one.


GCM is 3 years for us. Hash marks are 4.


The GCM is awarded (in the Army) after 3 years of service IF ELIGIBLE


After any amount of enlisted service short of 3 years upon receipt of an Honorable Discharge

You got OCS guys who enlist, do basic training and report right to OCS

They get the GCM as soon as they report into OCS


Hey Jonn, you have the same photograph listed as a “Darren Bavaro” on your gallery of valor thieves.