Marion Barry robbed – again

| October 2, 2007

Watching the news last night, i saw that perennial DC hero and typical citizen, Marion Barry was robbed this last weekend. (Washington Post);

The Southeast Washington home of D.C. Council member Marion Barry was burglarized recently, D.C. police said last night.

Police said the items taken included watches and jewelry. The value of the items stolen was not immediately available.

Barry had been on a five-day trip to China last month when the burglary occurred, an aide said. On Sept. 20, the former mayor addressed an association of Chinese mayors. It could not be learned from police exactly when the burglary was reported.

Yeah, well WaPo got it wrong, somewhat – according to the local Fox Five news, the value of the items taken was about $14,000 in jewelry. Keep in mind, Barry owns this much jewelry and takes trips to China while he still owes back taxes to the Federal government all the way from 1999 – which to the last of my knowledge, he’s made no attempt to repay despite the fact that he’s escaped jail by the grace of a Clinton-appointee Federal judge. I’m sure that same judge would keep you or I out of jail, too, for the same offenses.

I think the most amazing part of the story is that Barry, now twice a victim of crime in the last two years, still thinks gun control in the District is a good idea and he’s still sponsoring a gun control bill to block a Federal court finding on the issue earlier this year. In fact, Fox Five used the burglary incident to highlight his stance against legal guns. Disregarding the fact that crime is on a steep climb in the District according to Metro Police crime statistics.

Of course, he’s not known as a cracksmoking whore-monger for nothing, I guess.

Category: Legal, Media, Politics, Society

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