New Jersey NG leader told to slim down by Governor

| September 22, 2015

Christie and Cunniff

The Washington Post, in a link sent to us by Chief Tango, took pot shots at the leadership, such as it is, in the New Jersey National Guard yesterday, pointing out that the Adjutant General (the commander) Air Force Brigadier General Michael L. Cunniff was a bit broad across his beam.

Today, the Associated Press, in a link sent by Jon the Mechanic and Jerry920, reports that the Governor, a bit on the portly side himself, has counseled Cunniff, who recently failed his fitness test, the first in three years, and his tape test with his 43 inch waist.

Christie’s staff says that he was unaware that the general had been counseled by the Pentagon until the Washington Post article was published. Yeah, i know that this another Washington Post hit piece on a Republican presidential candidate, but it has merit.

A retired Lieutenant Colonel charges in the Washington Post that Cunniff had an affair (there’s no accounting for women’s tastes in men sometimes) and that the officer was fired because he refused to cover it up. But, it’s the size of general that is most concerning, I guess.

Christie…has given Cunniff 90 days to slim down and “meet his obligations.”

Failure to meet physical-fitness standards is a serious infraction in the military and can result in dismissal. But it is an especially delicate subject in New Jersey, where Christie had weight-loss surgery two years ago.

Cunniff declined an interview request. In a statement released by the Guard, he acknowledged that he had not met the Air Force’s fitness requirements in recent years.

How’s about that PT test?

Category: Politics

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‘PT Shmee-T’…The General was quoted as saying ‘Aint nobody got time for that!’ as he was walking into the local Wendy’s.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wait, WHOA, he’s failed height/weight as well as his PT Test? That will get an NCO or an EM thrown right out these days. Politics and the NG…


I guess thats another case of “don’t do as I do, do as I say”, according to fat ass Christie!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

B Woodman

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot.


Christie is not in the military, two totally different pots and kettles.

Bucky Katt

I think the irony is right here:
“that the Governor, a bit on the portly side himself, has counseled Cunniff, who recently failed his fitness test”

Counseling someone about their weight problem when one is far from a shining example. Kind of comes across as do as I say, not as I do.

Both need to hit the gym big time.


The “irony” doesn’t exist on analysis.

Christie is an elected official. He is not bound by USAF ht/wt standards and the UCMJ. Cunniff is subject to both.

There is no irony in the NJ Governor telling his AG, “You’re not following USAF regs you’re required to follow. Get in compliance.” If anything, the “irony” here is in Christie, a career politician, having to tell a USAF ANG GO to do something any Airman Recruit knows is required.

Bucky Katt

Don’t disagree with your last point, however…

The NJ Governor is the head of the NJ National Guard. Leaders should set the example, and Christie isn’t setting the example.

Just an Old Dog

By that standard the vast majority of Governors would be out of office.
The military should have already taken care of this…


Yes.The Gov is not bound, and the BG is. Bottom line. Will it be enforced? Don’t know.



As far as I know, virtually no elected civilian officials have to meet specified height/weight/PT standards. Members of the military do – and there’s no exception for state AGs.

Good job by Christie in doing the right thing here. Although he told the BG nothing that any soldier didn’t already know – standards exist, they’re not optional, and if in you’re violation you need to get in compliance – apparently someone needed to tell the NJ AG exactly that.

MSG Eric

As far as I know, virtually no elected civilian officials have to meet any standards.

There, I fixed it for you Hondo.


If any of that is remotely true, it would be the first good job he has gotten with his guard.

Combat Historian

In the above photo, lardbutt seems to be wearing a Hawaiian mu mu rather than a fatigue shirt…

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like a highly trained and experienced Jelly Doughnut Assassin!


Too many trips to Wawa when in the “field” at Ft Dix will do that to you.


If the headline for this post had been: “Poser fools NJ Governor” I would not have doubted it for a moment. The guy in no way looks at all military…

What happens when politics drive the promotion process I guess eh?


Air Force has fitness standards? /s


A few CMSgts & Cols found out the hard way. They thought they were above it all, and received career ending referral performance reports. Gotta love the ergo bike test AF had for a few years in 90s, and early 2000s.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember an AF Vet telling me that the easiest way to get a max score on that was to eat at Burger King and smoke a cigarette before taking that test!

Green Thumb

Gotta love Heart Rate Training!


What you speak of is true PI. I substituted BK for a large breakfast that included BACON and then put my smoke out at the door.

Green Thumb

Cut the guy some slack. He is just a glass of water and a breath of air from being overweight.

On a more serious note, retire any Field Grade or General Officer that cannot bench press 225. You could balance the federal budget.

Just saying….


I am not sure I could bench 225 right now….

2/17 Air Cav

That’s what happens when you leave the gun and take the cannolis.


Wow…I mean wow….23 years in the AF Reserve and yeah, if I were that fat my ass would have been out the door.
I really feel sorry for Air Force Brigadier General Michael L. Cunniff/Governor Christie
The woman who slept with Cunniff, The General’s ACU uniform & his chins.


Hell, nowadays if someone is 40 inches in reserves, discharge coming is automatic.

They tossed about 4 MX and ATOC dudes out of reserves at the wing I was working at in less than a year.

Semper Idem

What a coincidence; George Thorogood chewed me out for drinking too much. ;o)

The Other Whitey

That’s like Larry Flint talking about respecting women!

Green Thumb

Or the False Commander Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) refunding your hard earned taxpayer money that he solicited and pocketed (for personal use)based on his false Native American, navy SEAL and LEO claims.


Or when the Grateful Dead has this to say about you:

“Jerry Garcia says that we were the druggiest bunch of guys the Grateful Dead ever saw,” says Tyler. “They were worried about us, so that gives you some idea of how fucked up and crazy we were.”


The Governor should talk!!!


That fat fuck’s wearing a uniform big enough to fit TWO generals into it. Maybe a Major, too.


It looks like you could use his blouse to tarp a Bradly or an Abrams.

Green Thumb

Or a parachute.


G11 one each.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if it wasn’t custom tailored for him by the Eureka Tent Company?


bada bing, bada boom.

A Proud Infidel®™

He makes the Sta-Puf marshmallow man look anorexic!

charles w

We attack Jersey Mikes at dawn!


Only a 43″ waist? Looks bigger, I knew a weightlifting type who failed tape with a 43″ waist and 20-something inch neck despite having six-paxk abs. I taped at 40″ a while back, but was able to make tape.

That said, this should be the proper motivation for the general…to either shape up or GTFO. I weighed around 220 in January, after finally recovering from a second hernia surgery. Communicating with The Old Guard about going back motivated me somewhat and I was 210 in May. I came down on Drill Sergeant orders six or seven weeks ago. Now I run 3-5 miles a day, do an additional hour-plus of PT, haven’t drank beer for two months (whiskey instead), and usually come in well under my daily calorie count. Eating nonfat plain Greek yogurt and other betterfoods, drinking chia drinks, and avoiding fast food. Weighed in at 195 this morning, feeling better than I have in years, and actually beginning to enjoy running again. As I put it, it’s time to put my staff/Recruiter physique behind me and to get back the Rakkasan/Old Guard physique.

Motivation… It turns sacks of shit into svelte specimens. 🙂

Bucky Katt

May I recommend Siggi’s yogurt vice the “greek” stuff. More protein, less sugar, tastes great.


If I can find it I’ll try it; usually buy Fage (officially pronounced Fa-yeh, but I call it faggy) for $3.25 at the Commissary. The Shoppettes only sell Chobani with fruit and sometimes Oikos, none of it is plain there.


Sorry guys …


Missing the elephant in the room, ironically. The USAF fitness/weight standards have been a bad joke for decades. I remember submitting a study in 80′ showing the costs associated with failure to revise these standards to something realistic, then resubmitting them in 84′. The costs go to personnel for replacing failed personnel, both as deaths and discharges. What they need to do is run their asses 3/days week and work out 2 days week, 52 weeks year. As if it were say, their job. Maybe like their life depended on it. Oh well.

Hack Stone

Hack is familiar with, and CWO5 USMC can verify, that a few individuals had “phantom PFTs” in their training jackets. A great way to commit career suicide. Just run the damn three miles.

2/17 Air Cav

Does this uniform make my ass look big?


One of Weird Al’s best for sure…


He’s so big, when he walks in the room all the kids yell KOOL-AID!!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s so fat that he makes the Michelin Man look like a bleached Ethiopian!


He’s so big, he used to have a twin. But he went into orbit and became the moon.


He’s so big, he went to the beach and everyone tried to roll him back in the ocean.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or people point at his belly and yell “FREE WILLY!” every time he goes someplace! 😀


He’s so big, they drop him on a cargo pallet during airborne ops.

Green Thumb

He is so fat, that when he went to sleep, he got stuck in a dream.

Green Thumb

He damn sure ain’t going to be stuck in a cockpit as I doubt he can get up the ladder anymore.


I wonder how many of you that are making “fat” jokes/comments are obese yourself? You can talk the talk, but you can’t walk the walk.


Lol. You sound like a sensitive baby. I’ll answer and only because you asked. I’m still lean and mean and not by chance. Multiple Itonman triathlons and marathons under my belt. So walk that walk with your empty wondering.

I also have fat veteran friends whose service I can’t hold a candle to.

The jokes are for laughs at a hypocrite ass politician and a pig ass officer who has no fucking standards. So whether I were fat, or were not fat, I’ll joke as I please. So wonder if you will, but walk your own walk instead of speculating with mine.

Sensitive ass.


Doesn’t matter what we look like. We’re not the public face of and not in charge of all of the NG troops in our state. This fat fuck is an embarrassment to his troops and a poor leadership example.

For the record: 5’10” / 170#

2/17 Air Cav

Actually, that’s roll the roll, not walk the walk. And don’t you fret. I am reporting all of these fat jokes to the White House Office of Sensitivity and Political Correctness. It’s located in the West Wing’s Howard Taft Room.

A Proud Infidel®™

*AAAAAWWW!* Don’t worry pookums, someone who gives a fuxx (not me)will dispatch a *WAAAAHH*mbulance to your location to give you a peanut butter sandwich, some fresh Kool-Aid and a group hug while they sing “Kum-ba-yah”. Until then, oh well! I went back in after a nine year break in service knowing that it would get me deployed, and I did two tours in the Middle East. I also left plenty of twentysomethings eating my dust on PT runs and ruck marches as well, and I’ll still outwork the vast majority of them!

Guard Bum

Is Moerk gunning for another ARCOM?



B Woodman

When I was “in”, and had to live according to the US Army standards, I was a “lean, mean, fighting machine”.
But now I’m retired (got that? RETIRED), and no longer have to live by those standards, yes, I’ve let myself go somewhat, from 165 lbs to close to 190 lbs (I think. It’s been awhile since I last stepped on the scales).
But MY condition is no excuse for the high ranking commissioned leadership of the NJ Guard, who still has to abide by the height and weight standards of their chosen branch of service.
Got that? CHOSEN! This fat lard ass could resign his commission anytime, and become as obese as he wants, no problem. Instead, he is CHOOSING to stay in, and therefore CHOOSING to abide by a set of standards.


Butthurt much?


I wonder how many soldiers and airmen in the NJ NG have been chaptered out, REFRADed, or refused reenlistment during the fat man’s tenure as TAG because they failed to meet height/weight requirements or pass a PT test? I’d think that some smart attorney looking for a nice sized class action check would be all over that one.


Meal Team 6?
Stolen lunch?

And yeah, I’m a little heavier than I want to be but I still make weight and pass my APFT (although not with the same raw scores I had when I started 30 years ago)

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he’s also head honcho of a covert Jelly Doughnut Assault Team as well?


I was shocked. Put both in a ring and see who gets his ass kicked. I can’t believe that the Military has a problem with weight, but if he fails a fitness test, can’t he do it again?


Give them both a knife and put a donut in the middle. Fuckers!!!