The Quartet of Retardation (Wickre, Bernath, Wittgenfeld, Visconi) up to their normal nonsense.

| January 6, 2015

Retard quartet

Comment from Palmer Paul Wickre (IP , sockpuppeting under the name of “Elaine Ricci”* and threatening to hire hitmen to torture people:

Lilyea is a cadaver. Seavey is now a “thing” an object.

HAckstone thanks for recording the Stalking. Helps with the MD States Attorney. Driving by, peeping, tormenting, I will get a Court order to rip open your Blog, find your identity, by any means and when I do, you will have a very short, and painful end to your blathering stupid mouth.

I will find you and when I do you can expect the worst. The last sound you will hear is a click. When humans shut down it is like a machine or computer being shut off. For you there is no afterlife, just a click. I will find you smart boy, and have the money and means to get you physically into a warehouse situation, where my ” crack smokin’ brothers, can get medieval on your ass”. You think the anonymity will shield you?

You Horses ass, read the transcripts, you worm and slug. I will locate you. When I do, bleeding out of orifices, you will forget your jolly free speaking days, you human piece of meat.

You will wind up unlocated and the last 72 hours of your life, we will stuff ou with IV’s and play back to the 14th century. That is your path and destiny, cockroach

*Note that “Elaine Ricci” was the person that Wickre allegedly substituted for Karen Williams as Chairman of the Board for his company when we pointed out that it ran afoul of congressional regulations to have someone who was a Legislative Director for a Congressman pimping out federal contracts.  I don’t believe anyone has ever found this “Elaine Ricci.”  Either way, Karen’s Congressman boss got shit canned, and so apparently this is her new/old job again.  Since Palmer Psul Wickre continues to levy death threats, I’ll be doing a new series on his contracting irregularities and forwarding the contact information for agencies that are hiring this ex-con to do their work.  More on that later.

Anyway, another threat from Palmer Psul Wickre, socket puppeting “Hack Stone” again from IP

YOu are a fucking dead man. You r stalking days are over. I will get teh TAh list, find you and then you can expect hell on worth, by littl jr friend..

Raw met on the curb

As an aside here, I appreciate law enforcement, and stand behind cops.  That said, Federal Law Enforcement sucks ass.  All of them.  All four of these individuals drop death threats like it was bread for ducks, and LEO do nothing.  (The Indy PD increased patrols in my area, but because it is interstate their hands are tied.)  We’ve had about 15 FBI agents say they were working on it, and then jack shit happens.  I have zero faith in them at all.  I fully expect that the first time they will show any interest is when I have to shoot one of these assholes coming into my house.  And then they’ll point at each other and blame someone else.  Whatever, I never expected any of them to help me out, so that’s why I have some truly awesome weaponry awaiting the Quartet’s arrival.  Thankfully I have hardwood floors, so there won’t be any blood in the carpet.

Anyway, I forwarded Wickre’s comment threat the other day back to him (Palmer Psul Wickre) in an email and said:

Threats again, eh?

Just can’t help yourself can you?  You leave threats from your IP on the blog, and now this one.

If you would just stop firing this shit up again and again it would go away.  But I guess you want more exposure.  Ok.  Can do.

You know I am not a child molester, and you published this.  Ergo Defamation per se.

Now, if you google my name with “child molester” you’ll find like 9 things.  All of them of course track back to Bernath.  He’s flat out defaming me, thinking (I guess) that I won’t go through the trouble of suing him since he doesn’t have any money.  This was a miscalculation on his part, for reasons I will share at a later date.  But nonetheless, the entire quartet thinks this defamation is a winning gambit.  The problem with that theory is that no one who knows me actually thinks that, so it’s just these morons talking to each other.

Anyway, Wickre in turn took my email, and forwarded to the rest of the quartet, and said this:

From: Paul Wickre <>
To: Dan Bernath <>; Dallas Wittgenfeld <>; Frank Visconi <>
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 4:09 AM
Subject: Seaveys vilnerability– This molesatation charge running around the Internet really really bothers him

Here are ll the sites to pound away on google hits on SEavey pederast, convictedd sex offender and little boy child molestor

He deos not like it. I say repeat it 1000 times so he gets the hits just as he did to ou

Frnak, Dan Dllas, just put out several posts to day.

Notify the other anti TAH and get every one on this



[And then a bunch of links to Bernath’s defamations against me.]


Now, how do I know he sent this email?  Because Visconi forwarded it to me, with his sage words of wisdom.

From: Frank Visconi <>
Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Seaveys vilnerability– This molesatation charge running around the Internet really really bothers him
To: “” <>
Seavey.  Don’t even attempt a “defamation per se” or defamation/libel suit.  Take it from someone who knows.  The COURTS DO NOT want to bother with it and it will cost you plenty of money for NOTHING.  I don’t even pretend to be your friend as I am a victim of your buddies on TAH (Lilyea, etc.)  But I’ve been down this road with another idiot and it took me eight years of time, money, and frustration.  You also won’t find a lawyer to take a defamation case.  Too much work.  They want easy money like divorces, bad credit, and shit like that.  They make thousands a week just doing those.  Defamation is too complicated.  Again, I KNOW!!  On the other hand, talk about defamation.  You and your buddies have long surpassed the elements of the tort of defamation.  You take any one of these guys to court and it will backfire on you so fast you won’t know what hit you.  Best thing:  Take your own advice…..LET IT GO!!  Shut the fuck up!   You can’t win!!

So they are working together, admittedly in an attempt to defame me, and one of them is so idiotic as to email me the evidence.  No one ever accused these guys of being MENSA.

Here’s the thing, in Indiana, a communication constitutes defamation per se if it imputes:

  1. criminal conduct;
  2. a loathsome disease;
  3. misconduct in a person’s profession or occupation; or
  4. sexual misconduct.

These guys communicated repeatedly that I was a convicted child molester, that I did so at work, and as part of my job, and that I engaged in sexual misconduct numerous times with underage children.

In contra distinction, Visconi’s claim for defamation was someone saying he never earned certain medals, something that the 6th circuit had said was 100 percent accurate statement.

I’m not filing suit (at least not yet), but I suspect highly that this will end up in court, for reasons I can’t disclose quite yet.  Either way, they’re going to keep going full retard, and that’s a guarantee.

Speaking of which, these assclowns are saying that they will picket the American Legion convention next year in Baltimore to get me fired.  I actually pray they do this.  A phony Green Beret, phony SEAL, phony marine Combat Vet, and phony Vietnam medic/Maryland prison graduate gathering together to protest me in front of 10,000 honorably discharged veterans?  There is no way that doesn’t help me.  I bet I wouldn’t have to pay for a beer all week.

BTW: Forgot to mention this earlier, but you really should track Bernath’s comments on blogs HERE, there are gems.  Among them his new racist policy of discussing African American’s as “knee grows.”

A few weeks ago our Executive Director for our Washington, DC office (where I do not work) left for another job opportunity that was great for him and his family.  It sort of broke my heart because he was among my favorite people of all time, and a close friend.  I worked with him when he first came to us, and his wife even gave me a laptop to use when I started law school.  So, it was with a heavy heart I said good bye (at least in a work sense.)

But the Legion hired a young lady who I absolutely adore.  She’s a former attorney who is REALLY active in VA issues. She’s also whip smart, attractive both in terms of looks and television charisma. She’s also a close friend, and I love spending time with her because she’s hilarious. Of course, Bernath immediately leaped to her ethnicity, and sent this email:

If this negress is going to go around the country and ‘chide’ the military for not treating women soldiers well because of sex and rape THEN WE’VE GOT TO GO ON THE AIR with her and after each of her speeches to tell the reporters that the American Legion is a nest of pedophiles, rapists, sexual harassers and she should shut the fuck up until after she fixes her own nest.

Not content with that casual slander, he decided to post some bullshit to his blog:

“Verna Jones is the Uncle Tom of the White American Legion. She is the token who sits by the window so that people will forget the racists practices of the American Legion”, says American Legion member Daniel A. Bernath, an attorney and veteran of the Vietnam War and former officer of Homeland Security…

“It is important to remember that the American Legion was formed on the foundations of the murderous acts of American Legionnaires by lynched a veteran in Chehalis where the American Legion broke into a jail, castrated a union member, shot bullets into him and then hanged him from a bridge*”, reminded attorney Daniel A. Bernath.

“With so many black working men lynched in the same way in the Old South, it is a disgrace that Verna Jones is permitting herself to be used by the American Legion to wash away the American Legion’s sins and murderous, lynching history.”

Every part of that is ridiculous. He’s referring to some event that took place in 1920. [Not for nothing by the way, but this guy killed was not castrated, was not black, and was in jail because he had killed 3 Legionnaires the day before. He was also not shot until after dead by hanging. So, his “facts” are as accurate as you might expect.] Verna wasn’t chosen for the position because of race or anything else, she’s by far the best ED we could have asked for.

When I informed her about this jackass she giggled at first, and then told me to let Bernath know she’s not a “Negress” she’s actually a Native American.

But I figured I should take this opportunity to show just what kind of racist douchenozzle this guy is.

Category: Politics

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Does that head of hair belong to “The Hair״? Sweet!


Wow, someone watches Pulp Fiction to a religious amount… Surprised I saw no mention of blow-torches or pliers, but then again, this is a racist we’re talking about.

Wonder if a group of coordinated fellows would be able to LOIC Bernasty’s IP off the face of the internet.

Hack Stone

Paul identifies most with the character in Pulp Fiction that was played by Stepen Hibbert.

Green Thumb

I love in the picture how Phil Monkress’ head just makes the cut.


Hack Stone

Would this crack smoking friends of yours be people that you met in the Montgomery County lockup while you were doing time for your DUI?

Hack Stone

Shit, I forgot, again.


Hack Stone

So when can I expect the waiters at Medieval Times to serve me cracked pepper? I seriously doubt that you have the means, and I know that you don’t have the money. If you are going to do it, do it already. The in-laws are heading back to Stately Stone Manor for a “brief visit”, and if it was like last time it will two years. Given the Sophie’s choice of having to put up with the in-laws or Paul Wickre’s crackhead death squad, I think the Paul Wickre crackhead death squad is the less irritating.


Open Channel D

Somebody help me out here; how much time did Psualie of the Ballsack do in County? There’s a rumor goin’ round, that if you did more than 90 days, and you demonstration the leanings of a spandex clad man-toy, you get a cherry tattooed on your ass cheek.

Psual is known to be sportin’ said tattoo on Dupont Circle and a few select places in Lower Baltimore.

Hack Stone

He gave his cell mate his brown rose. That is how he made the cover of Prison Bride Magazine.


Big Steve

Psul, you are a gutless punk that doesn’t have the brains God gave a crowbar.

Bernath, you are an amorphous mass of undulating, humanoidal protoplasm. Phony SEAL, phony man, but very real oxygen thief.

No offense, guys.

Big Steve

My bad, Bernath. I thought all you Navy phonies claimed to be SEALs. Apparently you just claim to have a career, rank, awards, and bravery that you can only dream of.
Equally pathetic.

HS Junior

He is claiming to be a SEAL; he created that photoshop you see at the very top, and he’s referred to himself multiple times as such in his disqus comments feed.

Hack Stone

I just spoke with my brother, Rollin Stone, about the $10,000 bounty on my head. If you don’t hear from me in the next few days, and you see my brother’s dog sporting a Gucci collar, you know that he ratted me out.



The three trolls and imaginary International Police have gone beyond common decency by making fun of people with disabilities. I’m no longer replying to their sick game of trying to stop me from posting on this website. Not now, not ever, my kids will carry on the cause. TROLLS YOUR BRIDGE IS WAITING…


Paul, Frankie, Dallas and Bernath. The four racist child molester rapist. Now I know you all.
What’s my real name?
Where was I born?
Is my background true?
Who’s picture did you post?
Who owns that house?
Who owns the cars?
Am I Male?
Am I Female?
Am I protected?
Am I really a Paralegal?
Where do I really live?

You idiots will never know. Too bad, so sad.