Robert “Master” Bateman takes on Molon Labe

| November 18, 2014

Molon Labe1

That fellow Robert Bateman, the least infantry man in the world, recently retired from the Army, and he made the mistake of leaving the United Kingdom and returning to the country whose Constitution he was sworn to defend. It took no time at all for him to have the bejesus scared out of him by an American carrying a gun in public in the State of Virginia where that is legal;

Really? A gun, at Sunday Brunch? Are you seriously that afraid of the 75-year-old farming couple, the only other people in the restaurant, who probably raised the daughter who babysat you 30 years ago? Or is it the middle-class transient family of three, with the baby, us, who frighten you? I mean, really, there were eight people in that restaurant at the time.

Then, over the next hour, as the 30 or-so retirees and perhaps 20 more obviously in for a post-Church-service special Sunday Brunch folks came in, I came to realize how absolutely delusional the fellow must be. What kind of idiot carries a gun in a family restaurant for family brunch? Well, that would be one of the folks influenced by the NRA-approved “Molon Labe” movement.

I’m pretty sure that Bateman was one of the brainiacs who recommended that our troops in Afghanistan shouldn’t be armed around our allies so as not cause those allies to think the US troops didn’t trust them – you know the same troops who ended up being casualties of those green-on-blue attacks in recent years.

Then on top of that, the man who was carrying the firearm in public, was also tattooed with the words “Molon Labe”, which I’m sure sent Bateman into another frenzy, because you know, from Bateman’s perspective, words are more powerful than actions;

“Molon Labe” what? “What the heck is that?” you might rightly ask. I mean, that is not even English. Is it some kind of foreign terrorist organization?

Basically, the Greek phrase is supposed to mean something like “come and take our weapons” and it was supposed to be the message that Spartan King Leonidas sent to the Persian king Xerxes before the Spartans were wiped out at Thermopylae. It’s supposed to be a defiant phrase from the pro-gun movement to the panty-waists – like Bateman. I have a cap and my Sig Sauer Spartan has the phrase engraved on the slide, because mostly I own scads of firearms just to piss off the Batemans of the world and every time someone tries to take my guns, I buy three more. Bateman had to make a real stretch to find some hypocrisy in the phrase;

See, in choosing this quote and this situation, the “freedom lovers” are quoting the absolute ruler of the most rigidly controlled military state in the ancient world. Leonidas was the co-king of Sparta, a state in which the individual had almost no rights, which held a massive population (the “Helots”) in subjugation and slavery, and where all able-bodied men were completely subject to the will of the leaders. In other words, the exact opposite of freedom.

Bateman makes a rookie historian mistake by judging an ancient culture with our current values, rather than judging it in the context of it’s own time. Stank-ass hippies are well-known for that.

The Greeks had the best thing going in the world at the time – it wasn’t perfect but they were happy with it – more happy than they would have been with their necks under the Persian sandals. You know, just like we’re happy with the Constitution the way it is now, more happy than we would be if the Batemans of the world had an opportunity to rewrite it.

Since we get to read Master Bateman’s sage words once again, we can safely assume that he made it out of the Sunday Brunch without being shot by the American exercising his Constitutional right to protect himself and his family – I’m pretty sure that Master Bateman, the pudgy bulletheaded nosy creep hasn’t been shot by a lot of law abiding gun-owning Americans since he decided of his own free will to return to this country, despite our gun laws. So Molon Labe, MFer.


Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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“Molon Labe” what? “What the heck is that?” you might rightly ask. I mean, that is not even English. Is it some kind of foreign terrorist organization?

Gee. Our libidiot, metrosexual, Euroweenie-loving “friend” Bateman complaining about someone “not talking English” in America.

I doubt he even realizes the irony of his words here. But I bet he’d be raising hell bigtime if he heard someone from the other side of the political spectrum making a similar complaint about overhearing or seeing a phrase in a foreign language.


You wouldn’t be collecting much of a payout, what with how stacked the odds are in your favor.


Bateman appears to be an attention whore. After reading a few links, it looks like he thrives on negative interactions. Now that he’s out of the military (Thank GOD), he’s going to go crazy looking for attention sans his usual captive audience (aka enlisted men)who had no choice but to put up with this guy. Want to make him miserable – just ignore him..

Semper Idem

Uh…this is America. We speak English here. That’s our language. While we do have the right to speak any language we like, it’s also true that one of the important parts of E Pluribus Unum is unity – hence the ‘unum’ part of the phrase. One people. One country. One flag. One language. This is not ‘speak English or leave’ – that WOULD be racist – but keeping the United in United States of America.

Insofar as Molon Labe is concerned, that’s a reference to a historical rebellion against tyranny. We are prepared to stand and fight. Although I’d prefer a reference to American history, I understand and respect the Greek reference. So, it’s cool.


American ‘English’ has it’s roots in Germanic languages and routinely mugs other languages for vocabulary. And, when that fails, we just make up new words.

Our language will kick you languages ass.


What a maroon! Why didn’t he stay in the “Safe” UK? He could have become a “Subject”. Sounds more like his style.


What is a man who carries a side arm scared of you ask? Not a god damn thing.


Redacted1775…and Here-Here!

The Other Whitey

Running out of ammo. Which is why I carry extra mags.


That is a pretty nice 1911 John. Maybe I will have to get myself an Early Christmas Present. That should Piss off Master Bateman no end! Molon Labe, Bitch!


He looks like he’s the type of guy who could eat 7 lbs of cheese at one sitting.



Yeah, he is a rather fat sack of crap who does bear more than a passing resemblance to a certain CAP/Texas Guard Lt. Corporal.
Things that make you go hmmmm

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe we should start calling him “LTC Blobfish”?

Pinto Nag

Saddle blanket, meet burr. *sigh*


He has the Internetz balls to say something later but not the cohunes to walk up to the guy in the eatery and express his beliefs. It must have really worked on his nerves on the drive home that he just had to say something, to somebody. Probably Code Pink was interested.


His wife wouldn’t let him say anything. She left his balls locked up at home in the junk drawer.

The Other Whitey

Which wife?


Locked up at home in the refrigerator…


His hands were probably sweating from being wrung the entire time and distracted his ass so much that he couldn’t utter so much as a mouse fart.


The comments are full of the same amount of stupid as Bateman.

Gee, why carry at a restaurant, no one ever robs those places – except when they do.


The scene from Pulp Fiction comes to mind.


This reminds me of anyone old Monty Python sketch:

*Private bursts into his commander’s office*

Private: Sir! Sir! There are men with guns out there!

Commander’s: They’re on our side, you know.


He also forgets that gun rights advocates aren’t the only ones who use that motto. It’s been used by armies for a couple of hundred years, including our very own SOCCENT. (

Not that we would expect (mastur)Bateman to know that.

I wrote a bit about him and his need for some Vagisil yesterday too.


Damn, Nicki – I am so freaking glad I wasn’t drinking when I read that second link!

Then I followed the link. Ya nailed it, lady. Ya nailed it.


LOL! Hondo, should I have posted a spew alert?

Glad you liked it. 🙂


Nicki…Thank you that was a great read!

By the way for those like Bateman. Massengill, the long time maker of quality feminine hygiene products, announced a new masculine hygiene deodorant spray. It’s to be called, “Umpire…For Foul Balls”.


(mastur)Bateman is the unfortunate byproduct of a collision between two trucks: one carrying vinegar and one carrying water.




True, but Bateman thinks armies were created so pogues like him could get a secure gov’t job/pension.


You’re assuming he actually does something as worthwhile as think.

Old Trooper

Bateman is a pussy. No, not for his aversion to guns for himself, because I know some manly men that don’t have firearms, but rather for his reaction to seeing a firearm in the possession of someone else. This candy ass gets himself all whipped up into a lather over nothing and then can’t understand why no one else is whipped up about it. I notice he made no observations about the other people in the diner and their lack of overreaction to someone carrying a gun in a “family restaurant”. Truth be told, it appears that Bateman is only showcasing himself in that regard. What a thumb sucking, bed wetting, whine-tit this guy is.

The Other Whitey

Ah, yes. (Master)Bateman returns. The same guy who wanted to question my manhood because he has never been in danger but his (alleged) wife has. This walking yeast infection who cries about supposed hints of death threats against him, while he openly and explicitly makes death threats against people who disagree with him. The limp dick who brags about a “combat tour” in which he held the all-important job of being a general’s coffee bitch and yes-man, while safely tucked so far behind so much security that he had to turn on CNN to “experience” the war.

Well, I make no threats. I only advise (master)Bateman and his ilk that if they attempt to make victims of me and mine, they better bring friends and they better come armed.


” … while safely tucked so far behind so much security that he had to turn on CNN to “experience” the war.”

That’s a keeper! 🙂


Ugh. He probably had his face so far up that general’s ass that he could taste the entrée from the night before. I’d rather be on the front lines if I had to pick.


Swallowed and asked for more…

A Proud Infidel®™

So “Scrotum-head” Bateman wants everyone disarmed via laws as much as possible, then everyplace would be crime-free, surely the bad guys would surrender their guns as well, wouldn’t they? /sarc If gun Control Laws were the panacea for violent crime that snot-heads like Bateman claim them to be, places like Chicago, DC, LA, and Mexico would be crime-free Utopias, but the opposite is true.

Hey Bateman, GFY sideways with a hundred frozen porcupines and a truckload of concertina wire!!

B Woodman

Don’t forget the pineapples, fronds first.


Master Bateman, I have a few words for you.

Luby’s Cafeteria


October 16, 1991

From Wikipedia:'s_shooting

George Pierre “Jo Jo” Hennard “…stalked, shot, and killed 23 people, ten of them with single shots to the head,[3] and wounded another 20 before committing suicide.”

Hennard also approached 32-year-old Suzanna Hupp and her parents. Hupp reached for her .38 revolver in her purse, only to remember she had left it in her vehicle to comply with the law. Texas law at the time required that concealed carry was not allowed in “public places”. Her father Al, 71, rushed at Hennard in an attempt to subdue him but was fatally shot in the chest. A short time later, as Hupp was escaping, her mother Ursula, 67, was shot in the head and killed as she cradled her wounded husband.

Master Bateman, THAT is just one example of why I will always support concealed carry. Because you just never know when that nice quiet place will erupt into bedlam due to outside forces.

You could say it’s similar to, oh I don’t know, let’s say any branch of any country’s military that is sitting safe and secure inside friendly territory. One minute they’re enjoying a relaxing meal, the next minute they’re in a fight for their lives because the enemy decided to make an unannounced visit.

Master Bateman, if you’ve managed to concentrate long enough and read to the end of this writing, I have one more, ok, two more bits of advice for you.

1. GFY sideways with a rusty power tool.
2. Go back to England and become roomies with Piers Morgan. You two will get along spectacularly.


Bingo! I was thinking the exact same thing.

With the way things are (porous borders, ISIS, Zetas cartel, etc.), the possibility of something evil occurring at just such a place as where he was dining, is nearly certain, IMO. That it hasn’t happened yet, I can only attribute to the Grace of God protecting us.

As the old saw goes, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” No slur on LEOs, it’s simple reality. An armed citizenry is the most simple and cost effective counter to that.

How people like this dingleberry can’t see that, never ceases to amaze me.


“As the old saw goes, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” No slur on LEOs, it’s simple reality. An armed citizenry is the most simple and cost effective counter to that.”

Not to mention that a CCW is a lot lighter and easier to carry around than a cop.

Pinto Nag

You realize that he doesn’t care about anything like this, right? He’s more likely to call Hennard a victim than the people he shot. It’s all about victims, because victims are helpless, and that’s what he wants all of us to be — helpless. Except him, of course. As long as he’s in charge, and we’re helpless, the world will be a better place, in his mind. He’s a sick, twisted f*ck, and he’s going to be a boil on our *ss for years to come.


I honestly think purist liberals are incapable of healthy cynicism. If someone wants to shoot someone up bad enough, they’ll find a way to get a gun.

It’s a well known, oft stated fact that the only thing disarmament will do is take guns from the honest people in the world. And then make us targets for the criminals. Guess this asstwat really doesn’t get that, huh?


It’s not unlike the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion thing – you are not required to exercise either freedom but if you want to, you are guaranteed by the US Constitution the right to do so.

So here’s the deal, formerly ex-pat now (presumed) lowly Army dependent Bateman – I’ll give up my rights some time after you give up yours. OK?

Climb to Glory

This guy needs one of Green Thumb’s hearty handshakes. What a snot nosed pussy. I’m not sure if this guy is tabbed, but if he is I don’t know how he didn’t get peered out. He seems like a real buzzkill. Fuck him. I’m going to the range today in his honor.

John D

Outstanding, John!

I’ve had a “Molon Labe” license plate frame for years.

Now I need to add “MFer”!



Master Bateman,

Those of us that choose to exercise our 2ond amendment rights do not need to answer to you or anyone else.

We have that right. You dont seem to understand that. We have a constitutional right.

You choose not to exercise that right, I can ask you why? Why do you not choose exercise your constitutional rights? Oh I know you will say its a personal choice. Now I ask does anyone question your right to free speech? Due Process? Your right so do anything your heart desires unless it is specifically prohibited? That answer is no, if your were prohibited from exercising your constitutional rights you would yell as loud as possible.

But you think nothing of mocking another American for exercising his rights. You scorn and mock.

Shame on you, but again you wont understand the point. You have that right


Enigma4you…Well said. “Shame on you, but again you wont understand the point.” You hit the nail on the head and countersunk it.


Oh, and Bateman? I echo the sentiment: “Molon Labe, MoFo!”


Give the guy a break. He’s medically retired due to sand in his vagina. He can’t help himself when he sees real freedom and his disability starts acting up. Totally legit medical issue guys.

Or he’s just a gigantic bitch. Either way works.

Pinto Nag

A heavy weight motor oil and a turkey baster would be a good, inexpensive start to fix that problem.


with that much sand he should at least have a pearl by now. maybe even a whole necklace

Veritas Omnia Vincit

A legal RTC situation where no one was ever in any danger…wow who’d a thunk it?

Maybe every milquetoast jagoff like Bateman could move to Detroit, they have a zero tolerance for firearms so the local Denny’s must be perfectly safe at any time of the day or not. Then Mr. Bateman can debate the reality of the absence of RTC in Detroit with the reality of the violent crime rate.

Oh and fuck you Mr. Bateman you self righteous asshole.


Guess “Dickhead” Bateman didn’t get the ISIS ‘We will drown all of you in blood’ memo.

The Other Whitey

Ya know what? This week, after my shift, I’m going to head on down to my favorite gun shop and get little single- shot .410 for my baby girl. It will sit in the safe for a few years until she’s big enough for it, but it’ll be ready when she is. While I’m there, I might also grab that Enfield-Winchester M1917 that I’ve had my eye on for a while now. It’ll make a nice addition to my M1903A3, Garand(s), Enfield No.4 (T), Mosin Nagant, etc.

Then on Saturday I’m taking my wife to the range. She just got a new/old .38 (Smith & Wesson Victory Model) that we want to try out.

Then, will have a fine dinner with my wife, a smokin’-hot Asian chick who already bore my first child and just announced that its time to start working on our second (don’t mind if I do!

The Other Whitey

Here’s the rest of my post that somehow got lost in the interwebs.

I will then have copious amounts of amazing sex with said beautiful woman

What will (master)Bateman be doing this weekend? I mean, besides cowering in fear of his own paranoia, telling himself that he’s not a coward and a pussy, pretending he’s better and smarter than everybody else, and generally being an all-purpose twat.


What will barskalot bateman do this weekend?

You don’t really want to know what I think, do you, TOW?

The Other Whitey

Let’s hear it, Ex. Chalk it up to morbid curiosity.

A Proud Infidel®™

Probably something involving a sock and some lotion!


Something to do with a jar of vaseline, a balloon, and a copy of ‘What’s a Woodie?’

The Other Whitey

Ya know what? This week, after my shift, I’m going to head on down to my favorite gun shop and get little single- shot .410 for my baby girl. It will sit in the safe for a few years until she’s big enough for it, but it’ll be ready when she is. While I’m there, I might also grab that Enfield-Winchester M1917 that I’ve had my eye on for a while now. It’ll make a nice addition to my M1903A3, Garand(s), Enfield No.4 (T), Mosin Nagant, etc.

Then on Saturday I’m taking my wife to the range. She just got a new/old .38 (Smith & Wesson Victory Model) that we want to try out.

Then, will have a fine dinner with my wife, a smokin’-hot Asian chick who already bore my first child and just announced that its time to start working on our second (don’t mind if I do!

The Other Whitey

Okay, it double-posted and lost half omy comment, so here’s my third attempt:

Ya know what? This week, after my shift, I’m going to head on down to my favorite gun shop and get little single- shot .410 for my baby girl. It will sit in the safe for a few years until she’s big enough for it, but it’ll be ready when she is. While I’m there, I might also grab that Enfield-Winchester M1917 that I’ve had my eye on for a while now. It’ll make a nice addition to my M1903A3, Garand(s), Enfield No.4 (T), Mosin Nagant, etc.

Then on Saturday I’m taking my wife to the range. She just got a new/old .38 (Smith & Wesson Victory Model) that we want to try out.

Then, will have a fine dinner with my wife, a smokin’-hot Asian chick who already bore my first child and just announced that its time to start working on our second (don’t mind if I do!


Like that picture of him with the Norwiegan flag on his arm… fitting display of his level of American patriotism.

Cliff Clavin

Why won’t this guy shut up? He’s deliberately missing the point just so he can “correct” the Molon Labe folks and try to make himself sound smart (at which he fails, but I digress). Even a metrosexual rag like Esquire should be ashamed to give him a platform.


I have a really hard time trying to understand the mindset of your classic Liberal Type. They’re ideals make no sense to me whatsoever. All I see them as is Useful Idiots ignorantly serving a more sinister purpose that is beyond their issue driven mind set.

What really blows my mind is someone that swore an oath to Support and Defend The US Constitution…and then encourage a Fundamental Right GUARANTEED (Not Given) by that sacred document.

Bateman how in hell did you make a career of the military and not come away understanding that the Right to Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press are no more important that the Right to own a Firearm? No one Right laid out in the Bill Of Rights trumps any of the others.

You disgust me…


Shit…Their not They’re.


So, the general assumption that he was being MRD’d as an LTC because he was one of the very few AC LTCs who didn’t manage to pin on O6 when the pay grades were fat. In hopes of getting something permanent as a writer for HUFFPO to supplement his retirement, he started writing his screed knowing that he would get some notoriety from the left as the Infantry officer who hates guns. Good luck with that.

The Other Whitey

Wouldn’t that purported reputation require him to be am ACTUAL infantry officer?


Again, I am reminded that IOBC and a blue cord do not make one an Infantryman.


I’m glad someone didn’t walk into the restaurant carrying a drill. Fuck you Bateman. Stay out of Texas. Especially Gonzales.


Never been to Gonzales, but that was where my paternal grandmother (may she rest in peace) was born.


You should go there sometime LT. Shiner Texas is not far down the road. Good BBQ is all over the place down there. My Gonzales reference was because of this:

BTW, when I was at COP Sayed Abad, the 1SG gave me a tricon that I made into a hooch. I ordered a Battle of Gonzales flag and flew it off a piece of conduit attached to the corner. Home is where the heart is. Be safe.

The Other Whitey

(master)Bateman would have called you a racist if he saw that flag, but that would require him to do something besides hiding behind the general and all of his security.


Yeah, I would love to see MasterBateman tell me that I’m a racist against Mexicans, seeing as my family is of Mexican origin, including my aforementioned grandmother.


Shiner? As in Shiner Bock? I would be so there.


Heck yeah. I haven’t been there in years but I used to work for the Shiner Dist. in Austin and I used to make regular runs down there. The hospitality room at the Shiner brewery had no chairs or stools. The rule was that you could drink for free as long as you could stand. The Lawers have probably ruined that … so sad.

2/17 Air Cav

There have been many fine writers whose work has appeared in Esquire over the decades but Robert Bateman is not among them. I can prove it to you. Just read this, his opening paragraph:

“I was sitting in a casual seafood restaurant on the Eastern Shore of Virginia not long ago. It is a place well known for the quality of their crab and inshore fish. It was early on a quiet Sunday morning. The brunch hour approached and, more importantly, we were hungry. We were passing the Delmarva Peninsula at the time, an area I know well from my youth. My wife sat opposite me across a plain varnished pinewood table and my baby daughter sat in a high-seat next to me. Three tables of this roughly sixty-table restaurant were filled.”

Notice that in sentence one he is seated and that it is early on a Sunday morning. At the same time that he is seated, he says, “we were passing the Delmarva Peninsula.” How the hell did he do that? There was no transition whatsoever and the sequence of events is out of whack. Additionally, how did he pass the Delmarva Peninsula? The restaurant is ON the Delmarva Peninsula. And since it is a peninsula, the only way he could have passed it was by boat or aircraft. And it was early on Sunday morning, eh? His idea of early and mine differ greatly. The restaurant opens every morning at 11:00. He goes on to say that three of the tables were occupied. Because he did not exclude his own table, he is saying that there were customers only at two other tables. Yet, he says, the reason he noticed one of the customers was solely because of that customer’s large size. Of course, we learn that in the next paragraph, not the first, and I have no desire to critique the rest of Bateman’s mess.


Um, maybe the restaurant has a drive-thru or delivers? (smile)

Old Trooper

I have been to that same restaurant that he speaks of. Had the softshell crab sammich, which was excellent, btw.

What I want to know is if that sidearm suddenly jumped out of the holster and started shooting up the place? That would be the only logical explanation for him wetting his diaper like he does in the article. Supposedly, from his previous articles, he’s supposed to be some sort of badass with his bare hands, with mad ninja skillz. So; why didn’t he just take matters into his own lethal hands and whoop that man carrying the sidearm? Does he know if the man, that was packing, is a LEO? A friend of mine that is a LEO, and sometimes works in plain clothes, open carries his sidearm and unless you could see the badge on his belt, you wouldn’t know he was a cop. Oh, and Bateman; I have carried many times around that LEO and he never once got nervous and neither did anyone else around us.

Bateman is trying to make an issue out of a non-issue.

Common Sense

“What kind of idiot carries a gun in a family restaurant for family brunch?”

An ‘idiot’ like the young woman who saw her parents and a number of other people gunned down in a similar establishment who would have loved to have been able to protect her family. It happened in OK I believe.


Texas. Suzanna Gratia Hupp.

2/17 Air Cav

I surmise that Bateman fancies himself to be a good writer and that his proof positive of that is his being published in Esquire. He isn’t a good writer and, I am confident, that if he were writing the same pap as plain old Bobbie Bateman, sans the LTC and, now, LTC (Retired) tag, no one at Esquire would have read beyond his first sentence. He is a tool in more ways than one. Don’t believe me, Bobby? Try writing another piece under a pseudonym without the LTC and see what happens.


Well he didn’t plagiarize anything that we know of. So we I guess we can’t blame the PTSD.


That useless pustule is an attention whore; an ill-educated “elitist” who doesn’t know shit from Shinola.


Barksalot bateman is not a historian. He doesn’t know anything about, or understand, the culture of the city state of Sparta.

I’d like to halp him.

μολον λαβε, έχετε γιο του σκύλα!

Farflung Wanderer

Ach… I just recently lost my Multicam baseball cap. Not as cool as yours, but it was a damn good hat. Cost me $12.

Look, I don’t expect the “good” LTC to recognize a Greek phrase off the top of his head. Quite frankly, I didn’t remember it either until you translated it for me later down the page. But to immediately assume it’s a terrorist organization? That’s just stupid.

Furthermore, why does he assume that the man with the gun is armed to respond to a particular threat? I mean, you’re in a diner, which is filled with strangers, and to get there the guy with the gun would have to walk some form of distance. Has it ever occurred to him that the guy was armed in case of an *undefined threat* instead of a particular one?

I mean, of course he didn’t bring a piece in with him to handle the threat of an elderly couple and a washed up POG-ass Lieutenant Colonel (guy couldn’t even get full-bird). He brought it in case we replaced the elderly couple with a nutbag and he’d have to save said LTC’s ass if nutbag decided now was the opportune time to go Postal.

The Other Whitey

How the hell did a pussy like (master)Bateman ever make it anywhere in the United States Army? Are there really that many officers above the rank of Captain that reward ball-licking and incompetence?


How long have you been reading this blog, Whitey? In a word, yes!


A Proud Infidel®™

Yes. Unfortunately, ass-kissers get rewarded with promotions and cushy assignments in the US Military, one look at the four-starred yes-men currently in DC’s five-sided asylum proves that.


Okay, let’s assume for a moment that this guy is right – a weapon should not be openly carried in a restaurant setting.

Should the owner leave it in his car? Where the car can be broken into and the weapon stolen?

Bateman makes the false claim that a person wearing a pistol is concerned only with his safety in the restaurant. The owner could want to be protected while getting gas (a situation where people are regularly robbed and attacked.) The person could have gone with his companions to a ATM, or could have been a manager of a store dropping off money into a bank deposit slot.

There are a lot of reasons why a person could be carrying a weapon – reasons that make good sense outside of the overpowering idea of the Second Amendment.

However, facts don’t matter to some and they see only what they want to see.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Bateman made the assumption that the bulge he saw was a weapon. It was concealed and he saw a bulge.

Bateman assumed a lot so he would have something to write about. I could just as easily argue that bateman saw a multitool bulge, a Tins machine or really anything other than a weapons.

The fact is he saw a bulge and assumed based on his expertise as a LT col


I try to avoid printing the bulge of my concealed weapon, but if someone does ask about that bulge, I intend to respond with,”my colostomy bag? Is it leaking? Could you help me with it?

Pinto Nag

SPEW ALERT!!! 😀 😀 😀

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I have carried a 1911 concealed with no one ever noticing. I did however get called out on a tape measure once.


Still looking for a Navy Jack for my cap.

Guard Bum

I’m not defending this douche and cant get the whole article to come up but the Mrs and I were in a small family diner not too long ago when some ass clown came in with a buddy and they were both wearing all manner of paramilitary gear and carrying Walmart Special AR-15s, magazines inserted, with zero muzzle awareness.

They then proceeded to make loud pronouncements that they were there to exercise their rights to open carry in Missouri (which is already perfectly legal and has been for years). All these pimply faced fat asses did was demonstrate their stupidity and I not too gently confronted them and told them to put their f**king weapons at sling arms and stop scaring the crap out of everyone who were more worried they would get hit by a negligent discharge from these retards. At the time I was legally carrying concealed my M&P 40 and the wife had her .25 Beretta and no one knew we had them the entire time and I am pretty sure just about everyone else in that bug tussle joint was carrying also.

Exercising your right to open carry has a time and place and just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Also, if anyone can’t understand how a pussy can make LTC in the Army you haven’t served in a very long time because there were a lot of them that got promoted way passed their competency levels during the past 14 years. Bateman sounds like a moron but wearing a Molon Labe tattoos or shirts doesnt automatically make you a genius or good guy either.


Most of us who carry, open or concealed, just want to be left alone. These two shitlords and others like them give the rest of us a bad name.



Old Trooper

We’ve covered your scenario in previous threads. There is a difference between responsible open carry and what those jackwagons were doing.

Virtual Insanity

To celebrate this dipshit’s return to the USA, on Monday I put the first payment on my daughter’s new concealed-carry weapon.

She decided she preferred my .40 cal Glock to the .380 I bought her first.

Thaaaat’s my girl!

BTW, I clean and lubricate all my weapons with this:

Now with bacon!

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey VI, here’s my favorite gun oil, it’s made with 13% RENDERED PIG FAT!!

Perfect for facing off against muslims!

Sgt M

Well if he comes to Arizona, and goes to some nice little restaurants in small towns, he better take some anxi-anxiety meds. My wife, myself and damn near everyone in the town will be packing. We guaranty no one will mess with him while we are around.


Holy conniption fit, Bateman!

Maybe this will help him relax – “Molon Labe” was just a misprint –


There is something that has been bothering me. I recall being told a long time ago that only O-6 and above can “retire with rank”. In other words, a retired LT is not entitled to present himself as “LT Snuffy (Ret.)”, whereas anyone at O-6 and above is entitled to include their rank with “(Ret.)” afterwards. I have been unable to substantiate the truth of what I was told. Does anyone know if there is a reg. about this?


There are some restrictions on retirees’ use of their retired rank, but they apply equally to all ranks.


Hey, guys! Guys! Listen up! Bateman wants to be a victim of something. Everything he says in his sloppily written, unedited paeans to gun restrictions smacks of wannabe victimization. He’s almost desperate for it. He ONLY notices someone who appears to be carrying a concealed weapon? In a retaurant that is nearly empty? And does not verify whether or not that ‘bulge’ is a weapon of any kind? And then assumes that HE (and perhaps his princess toddler daughter) will automatically get shot by the individual with a bulge? The mindset behind this doesn’t even hit the paranoid level. He is looking for trouble, looking for an excuse TO BE a victim. He is SO desperate to be a victim that he concocts a nonsensical piece of drivel dripping in ‘fear of being shot’ by someone who has no reason to shoot him. If a pigeon took a raspberry-laden dump on his freshly-washed white car, he would accuse the pigeon of targeting HIM, when pigeons actually target ALL white cars just out of car washes. He looks for an opportunity to be a victim everywhere he goes. Remember his rant about guns in England? And how many quotes I posted from people who patronized a gun shop with a shooting range in the very same bucolic village he claimed to live in? Who else do we know who spends an enormous amount of time and energy on a self-imposed, self-created victimization ramble? Bateman wants to be a victim. His unspoken wish comes screaming through his ridiculous, badly written essays on why no one should have a gun. He isn’t important enough in anyone’s eyes to get that kind of attention, but he wants to get it so he gets it by hook or by crook. You have to be careful what you wish for, you know. You just might get it. If we’re lucky, someone at Esquire will deecide his scribblings are not worth the bother and dump him as an occasional author. You can help that process by writing to the editor of the magazine – politely, of course,… Read more »


(sigh) One might think an “esteemed military historian” like Bob here would be familiar with the terms “Thermopylae” and “Leonidas I”. And maybe with the monument to the latter, erected in 1955. Here’s a photo of the inscription on the monument’s base:

That’s right, Bobbi-boi: the phrase “molṑn labé” has been reasonably well-known in military circles since before you were born. I guess the fact that you found it unfamiliar says something about your skills as, well, a researcher.

Alternatively, it says something about your honesty. I guess it’s possible you were familiar with it all along, but were simply being intentionally misleading in your article.


I just go with Occam’s Razor when deciding about this dude (the obvious answer is usually the correct one):
He’s a dumbass.

The Other Whitey

There’s also Heinlein’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


The @sshole thinks he is funny and he’s trying to give his lefty allies a response to our use of the phrase (remember what Alinsky’s rules for radicals says about ridicule).

Anyway, he’s wrong to think that we’re not serious. Leonidas’ challenge (and Simonides’ epitath) are the kinds of laconic quotes that a man can easily memorize and bear in mind as examples of the kind of stand a man might be expected to take and what might be the cost of such a stand. See also “Horatius at the bridge”.

The Other Whitey

And in case (master)Bateman decides to show his ass on this this blog again, we’d better explain Simonides’ Epitaph as well, since he’s probably never heard of it (“military historian” my Black Irish ass!).

“Go and tell the Spartans, you passerby, that here according to her laws we lie.”

Kinda goes hand-in-hand with “Molon LABE,” sort of a sequel or epilogue, if you will. Not that (master)Bateman would understand any of the concepts involved therein…


Thanks-and you’re correct abput how those two quotes nicely bookend one another.


The blue training binoculars are handed out to those too immature to handle the real thing, btw.

Just an Old Dog

Who here is willing to bet that the twatwaffle simply made up the entire incident?
I can’t believe that a piece of shit like this infested the Army for 24 years. Then again seeing how he was a pogue bitch that hid out most of his time its not that surprising.
The thought probably never crossed his mind that LEOs ofetn carry everywhere they go.


Is this the same dude who “invents” these rubberband weaponds and uses a USSR accent on YOU TUBE, or is he someone else????



Molon Labe is Latin for “Come and take them”, and it’s not a reference to weapons, but people.

And something else you gun junky wannabes, that phrase under use specifically by SOCCENT, and the people who are in SOCCENT would tie upside down over a grease fire fof stealing and using it. Those are the specialist forces in the free world that juvenile minds like yours waddle around in. You DON’T USE IT IF YOU AIN’T EARNED IT! I seriously hope you come across one of those fine men or women and DARE to explain to them why you think you’re worthy to carry THEIR motto when you haven’t trained with them, eaten with them, killed with them, fought with them, slept with them, worried with them, cried with them, and missed home with them!!!

You UNWORTHY bastard. You ought to be ASHAMED of yourself. I’ve got a good mind to make sure you get EMBARASSED. You have NO IDEA who are you messing with little boy. You wanna play your paranoid, wannabe commando games at the local gun range? Be my guest. But you would be wise to stop trying to STEAL THE HONOR of SOCCENT and make it your own. That’s called STOLEN honor, Sir, with a very, very little ‘h’. Don’t you EVER claim to be a patriotic ANYTHING till you get that motto out of your fat, grubby little hands.

You disgust me.


Just guessing here, but might you be overdue some meds?


For ‘honorwarrior’, listen up:

Molon labe is Greek, you jackass.

And ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ is pronounced ‘molohn lahvay’. It references the Battle of Thermopylae. Got that, toots?

You really need to step back from your temper tantrum. You’re spitting all over your own shirt.

A Proud Infidel®™

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, ya candyassed little Airsoft Militia wannabe Commando! Now go back to your video games in your Momma’s basement, be a good little boy and your Mommy will give you a nice warm enema before your bedtime. OKAY little pookums, Mommy’s favorite little Sparkle Pony? AT’SA GOOD LITTLE BOY!!