Gregory Alan Parker; truck drivin’ phony SF man

| March 24, 2014

So Clay More found this guy, Gregory Alan Parker, and Scotty sent it to us. He claims to be a retired Special Forces Command Sergeant Major. He even has a DD214 to support it;


Pretty high speed, huh? SGM in 16 years, two Silver Stars (with valor, of course), 5 Arcoms (with valor), four Purple Hearts, Saudi Liberation of Kuwait Medal (with palm tree), Airborne, Air Assault, Special Forces, Pathfinder. Man, oh, man, whatta man.

But his real DD214 is somewhat different;


Oh, wait, an E-4 with two years of active service, a truck driver, with an Army Achievement Medal and 10 months in Iraq. So that’s almost the same as his fake DD214, right? Oh, Scotty found a series of criminal activities, too, including writing bad checks and fraudulent use of credit cards. Because stolen valor doesn’t happen in a vacuum – there’s always some other criminal behavior, you know, besides forging a DD214.

Category: Phony soldiers

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WTF is a AIR ASSULT BADGE WITH COMBAT ?? I have Dope on a Rope Wings didnt know there was a combat Version…


He also has himself at Skill Level 1 with no ASI’s…
If you are going to violate federal law, and forge a document, at least make it somewhat “believable”


MSGRetired, the Combat Version has the Bronze letters “CA” attached to the nose of the Huey.Most soldiers will say they stand for Combat Assault, but posers will tell you they really stand for “Candy Ass”.


18 U.S. Code § 498 – Military or naval discharge certificates
Whoever forges, counterfeits, or falsely alters any certificate of discharge from the military or naval service of the United States, or uses, unlawfully possesses or exhibits any such certificate, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited, or falsely altered, shall be fined under this title [1] or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.


This is the FBI’s jurisdiction. Good luck…


So far everyone has said that 10 USC 771 doesn’t mean anything. Is this ANOTHER one of those?

Club Manager

My Good Conduct Medals are “with valor”. Don’t all awards come that way?


My Sea Service ribbons are “with valor” too


Can I get my Meritorious Masts and Cert Comms re-awarded with valor?? Mine don’t say anything sexy like that… dammit!!!

Bubblehead Ray

I got a Club sandwich “with Mayo” once


Bubblehead Ray. Thanks for the spew of coffee on my shirt…again. That’s three times this morning!

Bubblehead Ray



You needed to add a spew alert… Sparks, my monitor just got an unscheduled cleaning, as well.


First thing that JUMPED out at me, “Silver Star Medal 2nd Award w/Valor” Uhm no I don’t think so. Silver Stars are by definition for valor and do not come with a “V” device. What an ass hole plug!


Well, Sparks, the same S-1 clerk who typed up LT John Kerry’s DD214 must have still been on active duty when this one was processed.

Green Thumb

CIB/3rd Award is listed twice.


Proves he wasn’t a unit clerk. Any Personnel Records Specialist could make me a Field Marshal with some White-Out and a Zerox machine.


He gets a general discharge in his first period of service, and then runs up a string of criminal charges – how the heck was he able to get back in?


One word…. Kneepads.


ChipNASA and well WORN knee pads at that! I mean worn properly and worn out.

OIF '06-'07-'08

This was the time when the Army gave out Moral Waivers like candy corn.


Sure, I’m aware that waivers were liberally granted when the Army was trying to bring its numbers up – but with the sheer number of this guy’s offenses, and with some of them appearing to be felonies, I’m still very surprised. I’m thinking that, more than likely, he either didn’t disclose his record to a recruiter, and/or the Army did not do a thorough background check.

Green Thumb

General Discharge = shitbag.


That’s what I love about you Green Thumb. Clear, concise, succinct and to the point…always. Spot on too.


I’m sure he’s a bedwetter, too, dontcha think?


Even if he were reserve and just came off of orders, he’d have an honorable rating to his discharge.

I vote Shitbag, as well.


There is a great deal of difference between a wannabe and a pretend to be. I was unable to accomplish everything I wanted to be in my Army career, I guess I was all I could be, but have never claimed to be more than I really was. This guy is disgraceful.


I knew I should have taken that course I read about on the back of the matchbook!


You saw that one too Master Chief?

Match Books…oh for the days when I still smoked. Glad I quit but there are times when I watch and old black and white movie and some guy pulls out a smoke slowly and gently lights it up and then takes a long, slow drag. I think, those were the days. Kinda backwards logic I know but still, once you were hooked on smoking, it still looks good and smells good sometimes. Sorry for the off topic ramblings.


Great job Clay.


Soooo…..his last duty assignment was with the 5th Special Forces and he sep’d out of Ft Bliss? Hmm, sounds legit, I need to update my records to show the SF groups have changed their locations around…….he’s as fucked up as a football-bat.

Widowmaker 502

Last time I checked, 5th Group was stationed at Fort Campbell KY….

Green Thumb

Another Jerry Vroombout.


His DOR is month ‘0’ of 2006. That’s between December and January.

Sounds legit.


It’s a leap month. You wouldn’t know anything about it. You don’t have a need to know. You’re not a time traveler.


Insert Dr. Who reference here.

Whiskey Tango ~

You don’t have the super secret BR549 clearance ..
He does… Therefore, you cannot know about “0” month!
Only a superningapogfobbitcarlfucker can achieve this.


TheCloser thanks! Just spewed coffee on my shirt…again! 😀

Roger in Republic

Sparks you need to buy some brown shirts if are going to visit here during the coffee hour.

Combat Historian

Hey, aren’t all 88 Mikes required to have an 18 series as their secondary MOS? … (sarc off)…


Yes, but only if the Driver’s and Mechanic Badge is issued with a Special Forces clasp. But there isn’t one of those reflected on his DD214, so he must have a “No Go” at the school.


That’s one hella high speedd 88M.


curry…those are the new, ultra secret, high speed, 56 gearbox trucks. Gotta be SF to even crank one up! 😀 It even has a visual sensor in the dash to verify your SF patch before you can get it to start. Sorta like a SF “blow and go” for DUI offends except if you don’t have the SF patch on and insert the key…the ejection seat tosses your ass a hundred yards out.

Bubblehead Ray

The good news is, after riding the ejector seat you are qualified to wear the Chairborne rocker.


Bubblehead Ray How true. Maybe we should let him know he is now shorting himself a Rocker.

David G

I also like the fact that he’s the ONLY one that received a 4th award on his SWASM….really??


He also must be the the very first individual to have four awards of the CIB also. Hmmmm, I wonder what the National Stock Number is for the ” Combat Infantryman Badge w/3 Stars” as all the company supply sergeants need to get them ASAP before the on hand supply is exhausted.


Oh, before any of you tell me to look it up in the latest PS Magazine, I’ve already done that. Nor is the NSN in the GSA Catalog either.So it must be a “Local Manufacture Only” item.


CLAW131 yea you can get a fourth award CIB. In the index in the back it’s under, “Bullshit Items, All, General and Specific”.

Part number “BS4CIB4ASSHOLE,1EA”


Sparks, Thank you. I see it now. That damned microfiche viewer must have burned out my eyes early on Monday morning. I’ll submit the DD Form 1348-1 right now. However, there is a foot note to the item that states “Local Purchase Manufacturing process will not commence until withdrawal of all forces from current Theater of Operations is complete”.


CLAW131 Plus it is a foreign made award. Some little Thai dude squatting down outside his hooch, pounds them out by hand from brass stolen off Navy ships.


Well,Sparks, if they are being made in Thailand, I guess I’d better get ahold of Chuck Lyman and have some of his shipping containers diverted from A-Stan to Siam to bring all of them to CONUS.


CLAW131 You got that right. 😀


Believe it or not, the Institute of Heraldry actually shows a design for a CIB 4th Award. They must have had a slow day or something . . . Services&ps=24&p=0


18B10. LOL.
Air Assault – 1 Week????
Seperation (retired) date on the 7th?
10 Days of Accrued Leave??? I never knew of a senior NCO with ONLY 10 days of leave, come retirement time.


Wadda ya know, he was in my trans unit and our sister units, lol.

I don’t recall crossing paths with him, but I’ll have to give a heads up to some of the guys still serving.

Hey Jonn, Fawbush and Bird with ‘Vets On Radio’ might have known this loser.


Jamie Fawbush has seen his BoS Jacobite & plans on making him famous.


Cool. 🙂


Looks at her gedunk medal. Nothing else awarded. Hangs head. Sad. But true.

Roger in Republic

Ex-PH2, You have something the Commander in Chief doesn’t have, The National Defense Service medal. He will never wear that honor, and you can be proud that you stepped forward. I think that medal should be a prerequisite to vote.


Actually, I moved so many times, I lost mine.

Green Thumb

It appears that we have a candidate to drive Commander Monkress at All-Points Logistics around in his taxpayer-funded vehicle.


CIB w/3 stars Jumpmaster Badge w/Combat Pathfinder School before Basic Airborne, man you gotta love this guy. Thank God he was SF and not sporting a Cav patch.


I love that after 21+ years he ETSed (LDK) instead of retiring. That’s hardcore when you give up retirement pay because you love the American taxpayers so much.


Interesting that this guy’s HOR is my hometown! Wonder if he still lives at the address given. May have check it out!


he is still in flagstaff as of 2012


Plus Sgt. Rock somehow found time to be a D.I AND a recruiter. Wow.

Doc Savage

The only thing I have I common with this ass wipe is block #22…William Brown signed my DD214 when I retired out of 1st Cav at Ft Bliss in 08…small world.

Makes me wonder if I ran across this douche canoe while I was in Iraq 06 thru 08.


It appears a few of the folks I served with recognize this guy, and no one has a good word for him.

I’m fuzzy on the facts, but apparently he pulled an AWOL at somepoint during or right before the unit’s 2006-07 deployment, he then seems to have quietly disappeared off most peoples radar.


A retired SF CSM? I call BS – all the retired SF CSMs are now cab drivers at Fort Benning and Fort Bragg.


Gotta love the CIB with 3 stars too! A hard charger!!


Anyone else notice that as a “Sergeant Major” he was trained at only a -10 level? Last time I checked, lower NCO courses were -20, upper level NCO courses were -30, and (unless I am mistaken), SGM courses were -40 designations after your MOS.


Good! Hope he gets slammed hard.


TAH…doing justice! Hooah!


From what little I gathered on Facebook last night and this afternoon, Fawbush and others from both my last unit, and the 222th Trans, kicked this one into their command’s lap, and the COs took it upon themselves to start making calls to make this asshats life even more miserable.

Central and Northern Arizona aren’t that big population wise, and the networking between law enforcement types and the Guard is pretty extensive, seems everyone knows somebody. Ya, this guy is gonna wish he’d never crawled out from under the rock he did.


Sirs and Ma’ams,
His 214 is what he meant to do……..

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Is this the Medal you guys are talking about?


Lets see people check on AKO, 16 Gregory Parker’s listed, none of them a CSM, none of them 18 series. Only 5 retired. Only one with the middle name Alan and he is a civilian. So he isnt retired either. Just discharged. Dont know how long it takes AKO to purge discharged soldiers, but at least they purged this TURD !


This is just a case of some guy who wished he did join in 88 versus waiting nearly 20 years to join. Should’ve, Could’ve, would’ve….we know the story. I guess had he joined then, he would not have been a fucked up criminal.

Leann Harre

I knew this guy and knew his ex wife when they were in Georgia. He left his wife and his 4 children alone in Georgia, with no money, hadn’t paid the rent in 2 months and let their vehicles get repossessed, all so he could go to Flagstaff and be with his homewrecking whore of a girlfriend. This guy is the biggest DBAG I have ever met in my life!


[…] burglary, theft, numerous counts of credit card fraud and bad checks, and failure to appear. TAH has the basics, and Scotty has the mind-numbing depth on this pathetic […]