Iran, the rational actor

| March 5, 2014

The Stars & Stripes reports on the talks in Tokyo aimed at reducing Iran’s attempt to develop nuclear weapons. Of course, Iran is using the presence of the US Navy near Iran as a bargaining chip;

A secondary hurdle in the U.S.-Iranian relationship remains Tehran’s stance on freedom of navigation in the Persian Gulf and surrounding waters.

The U.S. maintains its Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain, which lies about 140 miles from Iran across the Persian Gulf. Zarif said that in light of the results of U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, Washington should rethink its deployment of force throughout the world.

“We do not believe presence of foreign forces is conducive to security,” Zarif said. “Presence of foreign forces always leads to a greater propensity for miscalculations.”

Gee, I wonder why Iran wants the 5th Fleet out of the Persian Gulf. Maybe the answer is in a Washington Times story;

Israel’s military said it has intercepted and seized a shipment of advanced weapons from Iran that were being sent to terror groups in the Gaza.

Among the discovered weapons: Long-range missiles that could reach nearly every site in Israel, The Blaze reported.

A spokesman for Israel Defense Forces announced the interception in a tweet: “BREAKING: The #IDF intercepted an Iranian shipment of rockets sent to terrorist organizations in #Gaza.”

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner also said, in a separate message reported by The Blaze, that “Iran attempted to smuggle tens of M302 surface to surface rockets to the terrorist organizations in Gaza.”

Of course, Israel was tracking the shipment of weapons to Hamas in Gaza with the help of the US Navy. Stationed in the Persian Gulf. So yeah, I’m pretty sure they’ll abide by any agreement which gets hammered out in Tokyo.

Category: Terror War

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Of course the Iranians will abide by any and all agreements that cover their nuke programs. If by abide, we mean they’ll do what they want to do, and laugh at Barrycade and Jawn Fraud sKerry. Much like anyone else does.


Well of course Iran wants our fleet out of their neighborhood. All the better to do exactly what the Israelis caught them doing. The dips in Washington, for some reason beyond my comprehension, believe Iran can be reasoned with. It’s not going to happen…EVER. They are a terrorist nation bent on exporting terror around the globe, aiding terrorists around the globe and building nuclear weapons with an eye on Israel and any of their friends. How much clearer does Iran have to make than when they say, “we want Israel dead, gone and off the map and we want the infidel America to be just as dead”. They have out and out said it and Washington is like a kid with their fingers in their ears going, “blablablablabla”, so they don’t hear what they don’t WANT to hear. And what they don’t want to hear is the TRUTH as Iran has spoken it on more than one occasion. Dumb asses. This won’t end until we are at war with Iran, I am telling you. I hope and pray not but the old, give them an inch and they will take a mile, is now being measured in the HUNDREDS of miles they’ve taken!

AW1 Tim

From the article:

““We do not believe presence of foreign forces is conducive to security,” Zarif said. “Presence of foreign forces always leads to a greater propensity for miscalculations.””

So, I’m wondering how that applies to Iranian Al-Quds forces in, say, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, the fake country of Palestine, etc?

Funny how with the damned Persians it’s always “give us what we want and we’ll call it even”. They bargain like Democrats, you know?


Breaking News and Message to Iran:

US Navy has had a continuous presence in Persian Gulf since 1947 … Long before your radical take over of the good Persian people of Iran in 1979 … So in short, GFY and KMRIA … You are 35 years too late with your complaint.


Roget that Master Chief. Who the hell forgot that little tidbit of history?

Bring back the Shah! Bring back the Shah! ( that’s for all our little Muslim friends listening in Iran 😀 )


Meant “Roger” that Master Chief. Duh!


Should be international law that any ship caught on the high seas with illegal arms shipments should be sunk on the spot.(Unless, of course, it’s illegal arms WE are shipping.)