MP Sentenced for Espionage
SPC William Colton Millay was an MP in Alaska. He was also apparently a highly disaffected soldier as well as a white supremacist.
Millay was so disaffected he decided to up the ante. He made contact with someone he thought was a Russian agent. He claimed he had access to sensitive information, and offered to sell it to the Russians. He then passed the “Russians” sensitive information via a dead-drop.
Unfortunately for Millay, the “Russian agent” he contacted turned out to be someone working for the FBI. Oops.
Millay was court-martialed. His lawyer negotiated a plea agreement, and he pleaded guilty.
He was sentenced to 19 years and a DD by the court-martial panel. Because of the terms of Millay’s plea agreement, his sentence will be capped at 16 years. He’ll get credit for 535 days served awaiting trial and sentencing.
Perhaps he and Manning can share a cell at Leavenworth.
Category: Shitbags
Didn’t we used to shoot traitors?
True dat.
They said he had the emotional stability of a five year old. WTF?
We usually shot traitors during wartime.
Short rope, tall tree.
Lesson #1: Don’t sell secrets or offer to buy bomb making supplies from FBI Agents.
Lesson #2: How can you tell they are FBI Agents? They are willing to buy your secret information or sell you bomb making supplies.
1. Rope.
2. Tree.
3. Traitor.
Some assembly required.
Due to a pretrial plea agreement, the sentence was reduced from nineteen (19) years to sixteen (16) years, and the defense attorney is appealing for additional clemency.
Even so, within my own mind, I wonder how he can even go on living with himself?
He was a soldier in the United States Army, a Military Policeman, a Specialist E-4.
Now, all of a sudden, he’s nothing, and never will be anything again for the rest of his life.
He’s completely and utterly disgraced as any man could ever be, convicted of being a traitor to his own country, doomed to incarceration in a maximum security federal penitentiary, and with a Dishonorable Discharge.
Oh, how can ANY man live with that?
What Proud Infidel said. He’s a waste of air.
Ref #10: Millay is a waste of air, not Proud Infidel. Figured you guys would know what I meant, but thought I better clarify my post.
If he wants to be Russian so much, let’s fly him there. Drop him off at one of those little islets in the Bering.
From a B-52. At 40k. Give him some time to think about what he’s done as Newton does the work for us.
@Nag –
Yeah, we got that. You didn’t have to “clarify”….
Killing him would be a mercy.
On the other hand, tattooing his forehead with “Traitor” in big block letters before inserting him into Leavenworth sounds about right…
#9: this POS will be a hero-martyr to folks who will gladly find him a place to live, a job, and a wife or husband. Obama’s folks have already reached out to hire him, along with the SPLC.