John Villneff; A Marine to the end

| August 9, 2012

Lerxst sends us a link from MyFox Detroit about Vietnam veteran Marine, 62-year-old John Villneff who took two bullets from fleeing thugs to protect his grand daughter;

John Villneff’s four grandchildren were playing video games inside his daughter’s home on the 6000 block of Rutland Street around 11 p.m. Wednesday when the men barged in and began to pistol-whip a 16-year-old boy.

Three other children inside the home ran out next door to where Villneff lived. When he came out of his home, the assailants were fleeing the scene. But not before Villneff’s 12-year-old granddaughter, who said she recognized some of the attackers, snapped several photos of them with her iPad.

Upon seeing this, one of the suspects fired several shots at the girl. But Villneff stepped in front of her, taking two bullets in the back. He died at the scene but not before calling his son to alert him of the attack.

Bless you, John.

Category: Blue Skies

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What a wonderfull Marine, Grandfather, and human being.

Old Tanker

Dayum, what Twist said….


“No greater love . . . .” Rest now in peace, Marine.


Hopefully when these pieces of shit are cornered they give the police a reason to ventilate them.


Damn. Goosebumps. Semper fi, Marine.


The country is less without him.


Well done, Marine, father, grandfather. Rest in Peace.


#6…my sentiments exactly


I cried when I read this. And then I remembered this — “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” — George S. Patton

Thank God for you, John Villneff. You saved your granddaughter. Rest in peace. Semper Fi, Marine.


Dammit…my phone erased my saved information. Anonymous above is me

Old Trooper

At the end of the news report the reporter said that they (the family) are trying to get money together to cover funeral costs. Hopefully they can get donations to help with that. Maybe the local Legion and VFW Posts can help out?


As they say : Once a Marine always a Marine” Rest in Peace..

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@4 Agreed

When they do find these 2 I am certain this will not be a first offense, 2 pieces of garbage destroying a life they could never hope to equal…talk about disparities.

We need to stop, as a nation, worrying about people who are a cancer on our society those whose very presence destroys good all around, and instead start dealing with this the same as the medical field, you don’t rehabilitate cancer you destroy it, snuff out every chance it has at survival and make sure it can’t grow.

Rest in Peace Good sir, know that those who understand your service and sacrifice are aware the world will miss your presence in it.


Rest in peace. You will not be forgotten.


RIP Marine


“……….Damn few left.”

Godspeed, Mr. Villneff.

Joan Villneff Rosson

I love you my brother, I know your words to God about this young men would be “Father Forgive them” May you rest and peace and tell brother Jerry hello for us


A Brave Man. A Brave Marine.


Godspeed to a brave and loving man.

Taco Bell

I’m having flashbacks of Clint in “Gran Torino” this Gent is my newest hero for his actions!!
Godspeed brother,
Semper Fi,


RIP, Marine!


We are DEFINITELY poorer without him. See you in a while, Brother …


#14, Based on recent events though, it’s probably not likely. Thugs suddenly aren’t tough when they have a gun pointing back at them. They run like scared rabbits.


Smart, quick and brave grand-daughter too. Here’s hoping she follows in grossvater’s path.


At least one of the assholes is in custody.
Yeah, Detroit, the sewer that just sucks money out of the rest of the state.


Damn fingers, add, and keeps killing off the few good people left in the city.


Love you Scooter. You are a good brother. Have a good time with the rest of the family till we get there. Thanks to all for all of the wonderful comments. Wish you could have known him.


[…] Funeral Fund August 14th, 2012 You may recall Jonn’s post about Marine and Viet Nam veteran John Villneff last week. John took a couple of bullets sheilding his grand daughter and died as a result. I […]


He was my uncle and friend