US Special Forces parachuting into North Korea?

| May 29, 2012

Several of you sent us this link since yesterday, Old Trooper and ROS among others. It’s about Army Brigadier General Neil Tolley, commander of US special forces in South Korea, telling a press conference that US Special Forces are parachuting into North Korea reconning tunnels and emplacements inside the hermit kingdom;

“The entire tunnel infrastructure is hidden from our satellites,” Gen Tolley said. “So we send (South Korean) soldiers and US soldiers to the North to do special reconnaissance.”

“After 50 years, we still don’t know much about the capability and full extent” of the underground facilities,” he said, in comments reported by the National Defense Industrial Association’s magazine on its website.

I don’t know how true it is, but it seems odd to me that he’d tell the media about things that would send the perpetually paranoid Norks into a tizzy. I suspect there will be a spate of airliner shoot downs in the next couple of months as a result of this disclosure.

But, it sounds like a misinformation campaign to me. I mean, operations like this never get disclosed to media, especially if they’re ongoing operations. But, what do I know about how this administration fights it’s wars?

Category: Military issues

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wink windsor

I find it hard to believe they can actually get into North Korea, plot and inspect their tunnels and get out again. If it is the North Korean military is totally inept, so I hope it is true.
Now if he is talking about the DMZ between the two countries yes that seems possible.

“‘We don’t know how many we don’t know about’, he admitted.”No kidding? Hard to know something you don’t know.

Joseph Brown

Maybe they’re using the old magicians trick of watch this hand real close so you won’t see what my other hand is doing. I believe if he were telling the truth, his ass would be fluttering in the breeze…yesterday. We all know how paranoid the Norks are, they’ll have 47 million men hunting spec forces in that area and they might POSSIBLY be in another area. Gotcha!


HALO jumpers?

Quincy P

i think gen. tolley has just brought ‘trolling’ to new heights.


I think (hope, in the name of OPSEC) this is misinformation to get em worked up, but it’s a fact that DRPK’s SF regularly infiltrate the South, so why wouldn’t it make sense that we and the ROKs do the same?




“The Military Denies Reports That US Special Forces Have Parachuted Into North Korea”


“I love the smell of bullshit in the morning. Smells like . . . sensationalist media!”

As the original Telegraph article points out near its end:

“Some reporting has taken great liberal licence with (BG Tolley’s) comments and taken him completely out of context,” Colonel Jonathan Withington, of the public affairs office of US Forces Korea, said in a statement.

“No US or ROK (Republic of Korea) forces have parachuted into North Korea,” he said. “Though special reconnaissance is a core special operations force mission, at no time have SOF forces been sent to the north to conduct special reconnaissance.”

Sgt K

“…operations like this never get disclosed to media, especially if they’re ongoing operations.”

Unless of course it’s the obama administration and it’s politically expediant to do so.

77 11C20

misinformation to cause the NORKs to swarm nears tunnels we haven’t located, yet?


Exactly Marvin.


SGTKane: Perhaps, and that would be a “good thing”. But my money’s on (1) idiot reporter (2) looking for a sensational story who (3) screwed the pooch.

Just Plain Jason

Come on WE used our psychics to down their missile launch… come guys you know it happened. Also Kim Jong Un should look out for engraved bullets and make sure his Dom isn’t poisoned. You also know about the Chem trails…

Quincy P



There is so much wrong with this story that it very nearly defies description. Let us hope that it is a masterful disinformation deal.


Either the reporter thought he could get away with making some crap up to stir up some shit, or the officer interviewed can’t hold his soju.


[…] don’t really know what to make of this but the Associated Press is reporting that the general we discussed the other day, Army Brigadier General Neil Tolley, commander of US special forces in South Korea, who had […]