Zimmerman’s doctor reports injuries after Martin shooting

| May 16, 2012

CNN is reporting that George Zimmerman, the man who shot dead Trayvon Martin, sustained several injuries, which the media has denied happened previously;

The medical exam, which was taken a day after Zimmerman’s February 26 altercation with the unarmed 17-year-old, says Zimmerman suffered a “closed fracture” of his nose, according to two sources who have detailed knowledge of the investigation.

The Associated Press reports that court records released yesterday describe more extensive injuries;

Court records show George Zimmerman had a pair of black eyes, a nose fracture and two cuts to the back of his head after the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Martin’s family, of course, say that Martin inflicted those injuries because he was “fighting for his life”. Yeah, I’m sure. So, all of that overblown speculation from the media is beginning to look sillier every moment.

Category: Guns, Society

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Southern Class

Sooo, if Obama had a son, he would be wearing a hoodie, and thumping on someone who had questioned his presence in the neighborhood….
I can believe that, given Obama’s penchant for thuggery with his “Community Organizer” background.


The thug is very dead as he should be – no problem. His mama trademarked his name for profit. A new twist.

So what?

Southern Class

@#2 Frank:
I wonder if she will try to trademark “Punk” “Thug” “Hoodie Wearing Asshole” too?

Yat Yas 1833

One less crook on the street. That’s a bad thing?


I won’t trouble everyone with the links, but yes, I have read on some of the leftard forums that Zimmerman faked his injuries and went to his private doctor to avoid the hospital ratting him out.

On second thought…eff it…here one link…enjoy the stupid:



Hope everyone’s bracing for all the riots, physical assaults and property damage about to happen when Zimmerman’s charges get tossed out.


I’m surprised the brainless mutants on that blog even know how to turn a computer on claymore…


DU is actually tame compared to some of the other ones, but this is fairly typical of what I’m reading; Zimmerman faked everything to cover up his obvious racist desire to murder an innocent black kid. If you don’t agree, you’re just like Hitler.


Redacted….you assume he won’t simply be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, evidence be damned.


I make no assumptions at all, let the evidence show the truth, so far it’s not looking good for the prosecution. However, you do have a point since he’s already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, proof being the “he kicked his own ass” theory.


Claymore–these are the people who “proved” 9/11 was an inside job based on a chicken-wire model of the WTC towers and who also believe in “chemtrails.”

Sounds awfully close to the followers of a certain recently dropped out GOP presidental candidate…


Z probably also planted the burglar tools and stolen merchandise on the poor little child.


Here’s the punchline, gang…even if Florida can’t convict Zimmerman, there’s a potential Federal hate crimes case waiting in the wings as a safety net/sop to the race pimps. Failing that, if he gets out of this unscathed, he’d better go find Casey Anthony’s hidey-hole and shack up with her, because someone, somewhere will be gunning for him. Sad truth.


Well, the rumor on the street is that the DoJ is going to nail Mr. Zimmerman for hate crimes, and to try and get FL to bump the charge to murder in the 1st degree. Purely rampant ramp rumor at this stage and I hope that’s all it is.

Bubblehead Ray

If it was a hate crime it must have been self hate, as Z has Black ancestors. Maybe he just hated being punched in the face and having his head pounded into the sidewalk.

This whole circus is a farcking goat rodeo.


If anyone in the system in Florida had any sense, they’d bump Zimmerman’s charges down to involuntary manslaughter, and pray they might be able to get a conviction for that. Unless they let (With)Holder pick the jurors, I just can’t see them getting a conviction for murder.
But, Eric (With)Holder is waiting in the wings, ready to slap a “Hate Crime” charge on Zimmerman unless he’s sent to prison for 20 to life, I’m sure.


[…] coupled with the injuries we talked about earlier this morning, I just can’t add one plus one. I wonder what it means when one participant has injuries to […]


“EO” class last week: the EO Rep brings up Trayvon Martin as an example of a victim of racism. Yup, Zimmerman has already been convicted by too many sheep…


Well, since you asked. Yes, i still think many of you are racist. The basis of this belief rested on words like thug and statements like this: “I can believe that, given Obama’s penchant for thuggery with his “Community Organizer” background.” “I wonder if she will try to trademark “Punk” “Thug” “Hoodie Wearing Asshole” too?” I’m sure many of the folks that wrote that probably purchased the Trayvon Target: http://unicornbooty.com/blog/2012/05/14/trayvon-martin-gun-range-targets-now-for-sale-why-is-this-a-thing-that-exists/ While i’m not contending that Martin was an angel, there’s certainl far more evidence of Zimmerman being a “thug”, or “crook” then Trayvon. Martin was suspended three times- was never arrested and was never suspended for violence. Zimmerman was arrested twice- both times involving violence. In fact, i’d say your standard barer for the White House, Mitt Romney earned the “thug” label at 18 when he assaulted a boy moreso then Trayvon. But even if we are to assume the worst- that the jewelry found in Martin’s bookbag was stolen and that the screwdriver was a burglary tool and that the baggie contained marijuana, so what? Is there anyone here making the argument that Trayvon Martin was planning on robbing a house- at 7:30 at night- on the way too and from the store? Or that he was planning on selling a baggie of marijuana to some random stranger in an area he didn’t live? No, he was simply walking to the store and back, committing no crimes and for that many of you seem to feel he had ever reason to be stalked and questioned and killed and called a thug, punk, criminal etc. Apparently black teens have no right to “stand your ground”. Does it look to me like Zimmerman got his ass kicked? Yes. It also looks to me like thug-Zimmerman was looking for an ass-kicking. My argument was always two fold none of which has anything to do with whether or not Zimmerman got his ass kicked. 1. Zimmerman had no business following, stalking or going after Martin in anyway. 2. Stand your ground is a shitty ass god-forsaken law that put the burden on the… Read more »


What about the word “thug” has anything to do with race? Since it seems to have some sort of racial component to you, ‘sip, it must be YOU who is the racist. The rest of us define a thug by how he or she behaves without regard to the race, gender, etc of the thug.


And I will continue to call you a racist.

(For what it’s worth, you also have no idea as to the ehtnicity of any of the posters here, do you? Here’s a clue – I wear hoodies quite often.)

Just Plain Jason

How can you tell the race of anyone on here? I don’t think anyone has stated their race. So for someone to be a racist against black people they would have to not be black. 1) you have to prove that the person using the supposed racis… You know what never mind.

Here is part of the problem insipid. You go throwing around “you’re racist!” Then when someone who truly is racist shows up they know exactly what to say and do around you an others to fit in and do some really fucked up shit. The people here aren’t racist and many of us have seen and dealt with real racism and it isn’t some one using a “code word” it is a lot more insidious than that. Trust me Al and Jessie have done a lot worse shit to the black community than the KKK ever could.

Just Plain Jason

OWN quit reading my mind…I wear hoodies all the time!


“Trust me Al and Jessie have done a lot worse shit to the black community than the KKK ever could.”

That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read on here, and I’ve read hundreds of stupid comments on here daily.


“Is there anyone here making the argument that Trayvon Martin was planning on robbing a house- at 7:30 at night”. Hey, naive one, people even break in to houses in the daylight, early morning, late morning, early afternoon, late…..well, the educated here get the idea, you, not so much.
And, it’s a free country, Zimmerman was as free to be on the sidewalk as Martin. Before you tell us that the police “ordered” Z not to follow Martin, it was a dispatcher, and Zimmerman was told “we don’t need you to do that”. Doesn’t sound much like an order to the knowledgeable. So, your point #1, in #19, falls flat on it’s face. As to #2, so sorry, but it’s the law in Florida. I know you’d like to retroactively change the law, but that’s not possible. So, your “two-fold” argument falls apart, and you’ve got what to argue with? Nada, zip, nothing.

Just Plain Jason

Lets see two guys who make money off stirring up racial contrversery? Huh? They find where racial element could be and add one. Doesn’t matter if it exists or not. They look for racism and find it wether it exists or not.


Yes, two guys who’ve made some press and some money by exposing what they consider to be racial injustice is much, much worse than a group that, oh, I don’t know, actually killed blacks just because they were black. Please. Jackson and Sharpton have been wrong in their lives. They aren’t perfect. But to say that they do more harm to the black community than the Klan is just plain idiotic. Just go ahead and invoke Godwin’s Law while you’re at it.


Thug is a racial term? Eh, sorry bud, you’re way off the mark as usual. But we’re pretty used to it by now.


I know it’s the law in Florida. My point was that it’s a shitty law and it should be changed. I’m not arguing we should retroactively change it.


So, just who are we “racist” against, insipid? The black guy who was killed? Or the guy of mixed ethnic background (black and Hispanic) who did the shooting?

And the term “thug”, contrary to your statements above, is race-neutral – as is the term “gang-banger”.

The term “thug” derives from the Indian Thugee cult of the 1800s, who kidnapped and often brutally murdered their victims. It’s properly applied to anyone who acts brutally. The term “gang-banger” is properly applied to any member of an organized gang – to include biker gangs, many of which are in general overwhelmingly (if not exclusively) white.

Quit attributing racist intent to those who merely use commonly accepted terms accurately.


The city of Sanford revamped their website and removed the 911 call enter audio’s from that night. I happen to have saved the original 911 call, in its entirety of Zimmerman and the 911 operator if anybody would like a copy.

Insipistupid- Grow a pair. Like UpNorth told ya, crime doesn’t have preset time slots to visit a victim(s) you *jackass*….And since you believe we’re racist here, I am willing to bet that the day some thug, punk or banger decides you have something they want, you are gonna piss your pants and cry like hell after, because the po-po or an armed citizen were nowhere around to protect your sorry ass!


Always interesting when true racism is displayed by a lib virtual thug. Our residient idiots may or may not ever understand that their baseless assumptions about people by definition make them racists.

Fact: The US military is perhaps the best example of persons being able to advance based only upon their merit in the history of man. We who have served understand that. It is of some concern that the libs/progs/whatever they call themseves this week have systematically done everything they can to destroy it.

Oh, well. Those who refuse to see never will.

Just Plain Jason

Which group currently goes out of its way creating racial divides in areas of the country where none actually exists? This case is a good one for instance. Did the Klan show up and declare that Zimmerman was right in shooting Martin? Or did Al Sharpton show up and declaire that a “white man” was wrong for shooting a black child? Or in the case of the Jenna kids where a case that had little to do with race they show up after the kids have been convicted several times I crimes and rip a town a part. The clan wasn’t active there. Or a case in Detroit where a grandmother (not a ery good one) decided to fight with police in active pursuit of a positively IDed gunman then her 6 year old got shot and killed. Al showed up just long enough to stir shit up but he wast there to help with the aftermath he sure as hell wasn’t there to help prevent the family from getting involved in the situation in the first place. So yeah they are worse they are leaches of other peoples misery at least the KKK has the “courage” to be reviled for who they are these ass hats cause strife and leave a wake of pain and suffering behind that won’t allow healing to begin, just so they can make a buck.


I will not defend the idiots in the KKK and similar racist organizations. They are idiots, and their actions are indefensible.

That said, one can make a good argument that the current welfare-state policies – of which Jackson and Sharpton are stalwart supporters – have done at least as much damage to Black America as racist organizations such as the Klan. Specifically, they have virtually destroyed the black family by making absentee fatherhood and out-of-wedlock births the norm. And that’s not me talking; that’s the late liberal former Senator Daniel P. Moynihan, Bill Moyers, and many others.


Personally, I’m not sure I’d buy that argument; the KKK and it’s ilk were bad, and contributed to “Jim Crow” and legal segregation. But it’s undeniable that a good argument to that effect can be made.

Just Plain Jason

Let’s not delve into their support of planned parenthood and the allegations of black genocide. How many black babies have been aborted since Roe v Wade? All rhetorical questions…


Any comment on this one, Insipid? Joe? Political Season?



Well, Hondo, it’ll probably be, the photos are doctored. The cops are lying for Zimmerman. It doesn’t matter, Zimmerman didn’t do what the cops “ordered” him to do. Or, “Zimmerman had no business following, stalking or going after Martin in anyway”. Maybe, “Stand your ground is a shitty-assed law”?
I highly doubt it’ll be anything original or thought-provoking.

Just Plain Jason

Crickets? Is that what I hear? Crickets?