Code Pink on defense

| September 7, 2008

Apparently, Code Pink is suffering some popular backlash because of their antics recently. One of them wrote an especially loooonnnngggg post in their blog this morning (at 4:35 AM….jeez maybe their problem is a lack of beauty rest) entitled “To The Haters…” in which they disparage us for pointing out they’re ugly, shrieking harpies;

You like to say that we’re “ugly” and we’re “scum.” You like to disparage our intelligence and patriotism. Sometimes you make threats: “If I see you agian I’ll stop you,” and “If I see you bitches I will do something horrible to you.” More than one of you suggested we should be “hanged.”


(Just who are supposed to be the “ugly” ones here?)

Take a good sober look over some of your recent posts… Most of them are about wounding, involving crude sexual references, misogyny, bigotry, and hate… there’s hardly an American sentiment in the bunch.

Do you really want to sound like some hick counterpart to the Taliban, with your hatred of women, intolerance of views with which you disagree, and your threats of violence?

Do ANY of you consider yourselves Christians, I wonder? How so… by what definition? (Ku Klux Kristians? That variety?)

Sweet. Tell people to stop calling them names while calling their detractors names. Here’s a few reasons I call them ugly;

I have more pictures, but I think you get the idea. I call them ugly because…well…they’re ugly.

They go on and explain why they’re “flamboyant”;

Because we’re flamboyant and because we refuse to be silenced, we sometimes get results.

And those results are? Fundraising? Inflated egos? The war is still going on…you’ve accomplished nothing except proven yourselves buffoons and tools of your communist masters.

Oh, and their analysis of the “surge” shows how keenly they grasp the whole concept;

You poor schmucks actually believe that the troop Surge is behind the drop in violence in 2008 Iraq!

But here’s the straight dope, regarding the Surge: There’s no question that the ethno-sectarian cleansing and walling up of Baghdad helped somewhat (the very bloody first phase of the Surge), but the real key to the drop in violence, per most American military officers on the ground, was putting 100,000 members of al Qaeda in Mesopotamia (AQM) on the U.S. payroll — giving them each $300/month, arms, and U.S. training to chill out for a while…

Notice she didn’t say that we pay the Iraqi Army or the Iraqi police, she says we pay the INSURGENTS, that we pay AL QAEDA. But they add the proviso;

It’s no reflection on our brave troops, but rather a poor reflection on our dismal politicians….

Yuh-huh. Those brave troops they refer to are the folks who are coming back and telling us how the surge has worked. Those brave troops are the folks who bear the brunt of your ill-reasoned criticism. I guess we should get some pleasure that they’ve admitted that there is indeed a drop in violence in Iraq…small pleasure.

Well, if Code Pink is really nonpartisan, and they only want to stop the war with their “flamboyance” (a term I usually reserve for the gender-confused), why didn’t they interupt Barack Obama’s speech to the DNC? He’s admitted that he’ll continue the current administration’s policy in the war against terror. Why didn’t they interupt Joe Biden’s speech? He voted for the use of force in Iraq and had been advocating for dethroning Hussein for more than half-a-decade before the latest war in Iraq.

Since we know that Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink. is a top bundler of contributions for Obama (on the same level as Hollywood moguls), we all know how non-partisan Code Pink really is, don’t we?

The same goes for Code Pink’s beard, Adam Kokesh – our future Democrat Presidential candidate in the mold of John Kerry. I know the excuse of IVAW for not interrupting Obama’s speech will be that he accepted their list of demands…in reality, SOME GUY who said he was from the Obama campaign took thier letter, while no one in the McCain campaign was willing to pretend to take their list of demands. Yeah, big difference you wantwit dorks.

Thanks for playing our game.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Did you see in the arrest articles that Liz Horican is 38? Man those must have been a lot of hard miles in those 38.

So what do you think, meth or crack responsible for the mug?


I have found Code Pink to be extremely ugly ever since I first saw the picture of the hags proudly carrying the banner stating “We support the murder of American Troops”. Now they have the audacity to claim “It’s no reflection on our brave troops, but rather a poor reflection on our dismal politicians….”
They are offended at being called ugly? They have no idea just how ugly I think they are, inside and out.


Um, Ugly is as ugly does. When I stand up for the troops and the mission, I wear real clothes and don’t look like a circus clown. When I stand to suppport and defend this Country,I do it with facts, not feelings and how I wish things WERE. When I stand up for this Country, it is through good times and bad and always with the attitude that we will come out on top. Never, ever will I willingly give up the fight for that or freedom.


Oh yeah? They may be ugly, but its not just skin deep. That is professional ugly at a post-doctoral level of ugly. Is their external ugly meant to hide their internal hideousness? or is their internal ugly a bitter reaction to having been thoroughly walloped with the ugly stick? I don’t know or really very much care. But I think that even if they completely cahnged their politics and became right wingers, they’d still be ugly, just with better politics. It’s sort of like the villains in the old Dick Tracey comics. Ugly and evil just naturally go together.

LT Nixon

Hey Jonn, why didn’t you include the massive FUPA shot. That’ll get your libido going, rawrrr!

Jonn wrote: You should see my inbox every time I run that picture. Apparently, she takes ugly to an offensive level.