TAH bats 1000

| February 1, 2012

About our Leo Webb super sniper who saw half of his squadron wiped out. Kevin emailed the senior editor of the Perspectives project and warned him about Webb, to which Mark Trautwein responded;

Mr. Webb has been subsequently placed in a VA live-in care facility specializing in PTSD so I’m unable to seek his response to your comment at this time.

Oh, yeah? Really Mr. Trautwein? Then why does the link to Leo’s missive now sport this retraction;

Editor’s Note: A commentary by Leo Webb, ”Returning veteran has few marketable skills,” prompted questions from listeners about Webb’s account of his service as an Army sniper in Iraq. A subsequent investigation found that the Army has no record of Webb. Webb also said he pitched for a Chicago Cubs minor-league team. Inquiries to the Cubs and to Minor League Baseball found no record of Webb. Marketplace has an obligation to provide accurate information. That was not met in this commentary. It has been retracted and the text and audio have been removed from the web site

Yeah, so it’s nice that they came clean, but it’s work they should have done in advance. And telling Kevin that the douche was in a VA hospital for treating his PTSD was just bullshit deception. And then they wonder why we want to defund NPR with taxpayer dollars.

Category: Media, Phony soldiers

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Yet neither My Life is True or KQED have posted corrections, retractions or apologies. They simply deleted the entry and the posts calling out their errors and are pretending it never happened.


Maybe an email to Trautwein is lying in order to cover up his screw up is in order.



*An email Trautwein’s boss, rather.

Frankly Opinionated

But, but, but,,,, if “they” want it to be true, then it is therefore true. And, it is okay to say he is in a VA hospital if it buys them time to think up a coverup, or removal of story.


Perhaps copies of this crap (including the snarky response from NPR) sent to our Congress critters would be more effective? You know, with the explanation that this is why we think any funding from us should be entirely voluntary, not coming from the federal budget.

CI Roller Dude

Wow, I bet this guy was a door gunner on the space shuttle….

high speed isnt a complement

they removed the facebook link from my life is true as well. too many nastygrams maybe? it alarms me how many of these douchers are out there. i was unaware of the blog for quite some time, and i spent the better part of an afternoon checking all of the shitbags out. too bad there are so many of them.

Be Know Do

CI Roller Dude- That’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all day. Maybe even all week. Thanks.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

In the Age of Google, the memory hole doesn’t work any more.


Accuracy is always important. So you should also be accurate. Marketplace has nothing to do with NPR. Marketplace is part of APM, a COMPETITOR of NPR. Local public radio stations acquire programming from one or the other, or both. But they’re separate. So leave NPR out of this, please.

Also, not that it’s particularly germane, but since you raised “defunding”: neither receives more than a trivial percentage of theri their budgets from the CPB (what you’re referring to when you talk about taxpayer money).

Doc Bailey

There’s a lesson in this. I have yet to see TAH “print” a retraction. To my knowlege John, or Zero or NSOM, or any of the other cats that have posting privleges have never come on here and said “oops my bad, I was totally wrong about X” Why do you suppose that is?

BECAUSE THEY DO THEIR HOMEWORK BEFORE THEY SHOOT THEIR MOUTH OFF. I have yet to see POW net do a retraction either (but in my defense I don’t really surf them too often). When it comes to Stolen Valor if these guys even get a little twitchy, it’s a good bet dollars to dinars, that they’re not only right, but any moderate (to say nothing of close) examination of these cats won’t cut the mustard.

Hey John maybe you should offer your services to say NYT and NPR. Vet their Vets as it were.


@12 Doc: to their credit (and as you would expect) the Schantags have done a few retractions…you can find them at http://www.pownetwork.org/phonies/links_verification.htm . Go down about 2/3 of the way down the page, each link starts with “POW Network Apology to…”

Considering the number of phonies, wannabees, imposters, and poseurs they’ve busted, it’s inevitable that shit happens, and they’re to be commended for being forthright and for setting the record straight.

Semper Fi

Doc Bailey

I stand Corrected. Still You have to admit you’re averages are pretty high


[…] morning who writes about the media in the Washington Post. He wanted to hear about how we took down the Leo Webb lie. So I gave you guys props; Lilyea says he’s “85 to 90 percent sure” that it was his readers […]


[…] The editor in charge of the piece responded to questions with this: Mr. Webb has been subsequently placed in a VA live-in care facility […]


[…] The Leo Webb saga wrap-up March 16th, 2012 NSOM sent us a link that’s about a month-and-a-half old from Poynter.org in which they reported on how Leo Webb, the sniper/baseball pro, got his fabricated story on the air. We first wrote about Leo when two observant readers heard his bullshit story on their local public radio station. Then again when the media outlet took the story down. […]