More on “Leutenant” Stolen Valor

| July 11, 2011

Claymore did some digging on that clowns Facebook page and found some other pictures of him:

During the War of the Ring:

His name is a killing word…

Fighting the Persian menace:

He’ll get you Pan!

Getting his 4th MOH:

Shhhh, no one is supposed to know he killed OBL:

This guy’s heroism knows no bounds.


On deployment with Skynet security:

For a man who was blown up in a nuclear explosion while in a refrigerator, dude looks pretty good.

Got any Yoda in ya? Want some?

He was the jockwasher for the Quidditch team.

Flying the Mach 5 into combat with the 101st.

Fighting with Mel Gibson, probably against the Jooos….

More bio information came in. Eight years ago In 2002, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… The A-Team. Led by 2Lt (promotable) Douchey McDoucherson.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics

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…the dude abides.


What impresses me most…his expression never changes. That’s a hardcore mofo right there, yo.


That is awesome, I nearly lost my monster because I was in mid-sip when you post loaded.


You two are a couple of silly bastards. (heavy on the Tard) rofl


No problem, it does not matter who does at as long the real person is found. Those extras are a hoot. Plus after today I needed a good laugh.

Andy FMF

Thanks….now my wife wants to see what was so funny. ……I’ll never get the computer back.

The Sniper

Dude, you need to outsource your photoshop jobs.

The Sniper

Okay, I take that back: I just read the original post and the rest of it is sheer genius. I’m pissing myself here.


Wait…are you suggesting these are Photoshopped???


I’ve seen a few Photoshops in my day, and these look Photoshopped.

Old Tanker

Just Wow!!! I need a new keyboard and a change of underwear after seeing this!!!


I didn’t need that third cup of coffee anyway. Or the keyboard.


That last pic opens up possibilities… how about the whole A-Team?

I nominate that Air Force guy with all the medals as BA.


No comment…you guys friggin’ crack me up. Thanks for this.

Honor and Courage

Cedo Alteram

I don’t know TSO, maybe he really is the Kwisatz Haderach.